
Of course, the prosecution motive is NOT “too male and too pale,” this persecution is to stop President Trump from ever holding office again. This is what banana republics do. This is the slippery slope and the USA is taking the “fast slide down.” I personally expect better from my government.

I believe that we all know Trump is being persecuted.

This recent Epoch Times article is worth reading. For me, this article removed all doubt that this is about persecution, not prosecution


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Real Reason Behind Israeli Operation?

Some observers believe the Gaza Marine, a major natural gas field located 36 kilometers (22 mi) off the coast of the Gaza Strip at a depth of 610 meters, could be at the root of the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Is Tel Aviv's incessant desire to control Gaza prompted by the desire to lay hands on the Palestinian gas field?

Sputnik reached out to Dr. Mamdouh G. Salameh, an international oil economist, and Konstantin Simonov, general director of the National Energy Security Fund, to find out to what extent the apparent hydrocarbon dispute affects the unfolding crisis.


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If you told 99% of people in 2019 that there was going to be a thoroughly pre-planned and manufactured pandemic with a DARPA made mRNA bioweapon forced on you by nearly every government across the world with most major corporations moving in total unison and lockstep, you would have been called a schizo tin foil hat wearing lunatic and to find a therapist and take your meds. Everything has become progressively more egregious, insane, inverted, and absurd that we've become scarily numb to it and acquiesced to things that we should never accept under any circumstances, and the reason why it's continued endlessly is because we're all distracted with mindless entertainment and targeted outrage psyops from MSM into forgetting recent history, along with getting inundated with toxins from every vector imaginable to destroy our minds, memory, and ultimately our ability to properly perceive reality. We're going to look back on this moment in history and think "how did we let it get this bad?", and that's the tough question you will have to figure out how to explain to your kids. How will you explain it? Who will you put the ultimate blame on? What factors have created a populace that is this easily subjugated by criminal degenerates in the government and elsewhere?



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In Case You Missed This, It Is Very Important…

How Obama-Biden Stole 2020 From Trump

Unelected, Illegitimate Biden Is Not President

THE COUP DE'TAT OF AMERICA: Italian Intelligence along with U.S. sworn testimony confirms the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election was stolen from President Trump. Satellites being controlled from Italy added votes to Biden to defeat Trump. Joe Biden is not the lawful U.S. President. Leonardo Aerospace, Defense and Security along with a U.S. State Department employee, the CIA, Italian Citizens and a Dominion Employee were all involved in the fraudulent stealing of the U.S. 2020 Presidential Election. Joe Biden, once installed as the unlawful President of the United States, orders Mateo Renzi the Former Prime Minister of Italy to take down the current Prime Minister of Italy Guiseppe Conte. This is done by paying off Conte with millions of dollars in cash to keep him quiet. U.S. Federal Prosecutor John Durham has in his possession documents of evidence that shows Barack Obama illegally moved $400 Million dollars in cash on pallets through the Dubai Embassy with the help of the Italians. They stole $400 Million dollars from America and put the money into a Merrill Lynch account in Geneva Switzerland. Those involved in these atrocious crimes have murdered five Italian government officials in March alone to cover up their crimes. We cannot let them get away with stealing the Presidency of America and murdering innocent people. We must fight for justice and restore the rightful President of the United States.


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Q: Why aren’t 2nd Amendment supporters stopping the mass shootings? Why aren't you armed to stop these shootings in the grocery stores and schools?

Apparently you haven't been paying attention.

May 2022, a convicted felon showed at a graduation party and starting firing a rifle. A lawfully armed woman shot and killed the criminal, stopping a shooting attempt immediately.

June 2022, a mass shooting at an Indiana mall was halted immediately by a lawfully armed bystander. He drew his pistol and shot the shooter, ending the incident and saving dozens of lives.

July 2022, a youth sports camp near Dallas, with 250 kids attending…a guy showed up and opened fire. A lawfully armed staff member engaged the shooter, keeping him pinned while the rest of the staff secured the kids. The only one shot that day was the shooter himself.

February 2023, a shooter opened fire in a mall in El Paso, TX. A lawfully armed bystander engaged the shooter as he was chasing a crowd of people trying to get away. The armed bystander shot the shooter, ending the incident with no further loss of life. Ironically, in 2019, there was a mass shooting at the Walmart next door to that mall. No armed bystanders were present…23 people were killed and more than 20 others wounded. See the difference when armed citizens are able to take action??

Now that you have been educated on recent history, this should change your perspective

Answer to Why aren’t 2nd Amendment supporters stopping the mass shootings? Why aren't you armed to stop these shootings in the grocery stores and schools? by Jonny Comfort https://www.quora.com/Why-aren-t-2nd-Amendment-supporters-stopping-the-mass-shootings-Why-arent-you-armed-to-stop-these-shootings-in-the-grocery-stores-and-schools/answer/Jonny-Comfort-3?ch=15&oid=1477743658086203&share=2b4f9d91&srid=SSp2g&target_type=answer

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FYI, a DEEP DIVE on Safra, Bill Browder, and why Hillary really hates Russia (follow the money... as usual)


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Darn it! Now I have to dive into another rabbit hole. 😉😁

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

For someone brought up on Louisa may Alcott and Laura Ingalls Wilder the last three years have been bind-bending. Who needs LSD? Thank you for the post and the link to “The Forcaster!” The movie helps flesh out my understanding of how the world works. Mr. Armstrong was just interviewed by Mike Adams. Now I know his background, and that interview content is all the more interesting.

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Honestly, Little House on the Prairie, the BobbseyTwins, and Ann of Green Gables was a better "reality".

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Thank you ever so much for continuing my education with this information. .

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Love this information... thank you

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Eight short years ago, Canada boasted one of the strongest middle classes in the modern world, surpassing that of America. Taxes were actually declining in Canada, falling faster than at any other time in the nation’s history. Crime had decreased by -25%, and people felt safe in their hometowns. The immigration system was efficient, the borders were closed, and there was no migrant crisis. Housing was affordable, costing less than half of what it does today. The nation had a balanced budget.

Inflation is now rampant, and even after hitting a 40-year high in 2023, it remains 50% above the 2% central bank target. Canada’s economy is shrinking per capita and is expected to have the worst OECD growth of all 40 member countries for the next five years. There is a massive housing crisis in Canada, surpassing that of America, and homelessness is on the rise. The Canadian borders are open, migrants are encouraged to come to the nation despite the lack of housing, and millions of unvetted migrants are now within Canadian boundaries. Taxes are rapidly rising as Trudeau supports World Economic Forum initiatives like carbon taxes and reducing fossil fuels at the expense of the people. Canada has sent a fortune to Ukraine and continues recklessly spending on initiatives that in no way benefit Canadians.

Poilievre is on Trudeau’s tail. It is no wonder that nearly half of Canadians wish to elect a new leader in 2024 instead of 2025. Trudeau is losing his grip over the Canadian people who have become disgruntled with the unsustainable cost of living, rising crime, and increasingly tyrannical government.


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Never seen hostages smile like that to their kidnappers before and you could see the kidnappers genuinely seemed like they were saying goodbye to friends.

What's going on? Stockholm syndrome?


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Hillary Clinton is teaching a class at Columbia University and it keeps getting disrupted by Pro-Palestinian students protesting her Pro-Israel stance.


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The Great Horse Manure Crisis: A Pile of History and Lessons in Innovation


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Aristotle on Immigration, Diversity, and DemocracyFebruary 24, 2017/35


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" I designed Socrates as an AI system to be an international hedge fund manager. However, what I was stunned about was its ability to forecast wars and political revolutions. I never expected it would be able to do such a thing - I was just looking at trading. Understanding how the world truly works has been a fascinating journey, and it has brought in so many governments, institutions, and individuals I never expected. We have been called in by so many governments because they know this is NOT my personal opinion, and we REFUSE to accept money from any government. What we do is purely as a public service."

Watch his movie "The Forecaster" in the stack post above to learn more..

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