We are at the final operation of a 70 yr plan to subvert humanity by the global MIC. As Werner von Braun disclosed to Carol Rosin on his deathbed, after "terrorism" and "plaque" the last gambit would be (faked) Alien Invasion.

Your reaction to and understanding of this will determine whether the next millenia is one of human slavery or a new GOLDEN AGE.

It's all happening NOW.

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Don't shoot at drones. Here's what will happen.


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It's an open secret. The Chinese and Russians both know about NHI (non human intelligence/ETs) In fact,during glasnost, joint US and Russian teams collaborated on several craft retrieval.

Russ Coulthart is the best reporter covering NHI and UFO black Ops insiders coming out now on the legacy craft retrieval program. Impeccable credentials


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Perhaps the most impressive UFO story told during the recent Brazilian World UFO Forum was that of Haraldo Westendorf, who made news headlines a year ago when he allegedly flew his private plane within a few dozen meters of an enormous unidentified flying object.

Westendorf is 40 years old, a father of three children and a successful businessman. He is also an avid private pilot rated for acrobatic flying.

This case seems to qualify as the closest daylight aircraft encounter with a UFO ever reported. The multiple professional witnesses, including three ground-based air traffic controllers, numerous other eyewitnesses and at least three civilians who heard Westendorf's running radio commentary of the event, lend very large credence to the story. The reported size and behavior of the object positively rule out any known human aircraft, and the observation of a classic flying saucer emerging from the larger craft supports the often-mentioned but rarely corroborated existence of a true "mothership."


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Slava Neocon Warlust Party..

Now over 1 MILLION DEAD.

Martin Armstrong:

NATO appears to be preparing Poland to become the next Ukraine. They are pushing Poland to engage Russia and then claim it was Russia who attacked first. They pulled that stunt with Vietnam when, in fact, we were never attacked. Even Johnson admitted, for all he knew, they were shooting at whales that night. That is always irrelevant. They still sacrificed 58,000 Americans for another one of their endless wars.I suggest that our readers in Poland should plan to migrate while you can. The EU is pushing through the Digital ID, which will be followed by the Digital Wallet. They are planning to cancel the paper money and impose capital controls. It does not appear that the Euro in any form will survive beyond 2029.


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8 Proofs that the "drones" are just the insidious Biden Regime and the Deep State in desperation mode to plan something, anything to stop Trump from taking control of the government and military in just a few weeks from now.


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Jeffrey Prather: Mysterious DRONE INCURSIONS in Arizona and New Jersey a creation of the military-industrial complex


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You knew the Democrats were too damn quiet..

Nuclear War False Flag Alert! To Stop The Incoming Trump Administration’s Global Peace Initiative The Biden White House Is Now Hyping An Iranian Nuclear Sneak Attack


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Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is just Fucking Evil


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Biden is a vegetable so he isn't trying to pass anything. This is


trying to maintain unconstitutional control over the citizenry.

We might as well live in North Korea at this point.

This has #NWO written all over it.

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Senile like a FOX.

EXTREMELY IMPORTANT Biden Admin trying to use the “drone” situation to pass a bill giving government wireless surveillance access to our phones “The bill before us would grant law enforcement significant authority to intercept private electronic communications without consent — To grant sweeping surveillance powers” “The bill would allow the government to conduct dragnet surveillance of the phones, innocent Americans traveling through US airports as long as the government claims they're doing it to neutralize a drone. So in order to look at the information that might be coming to a drone, it may be that you capture all the information of everybody surrounding an airport or everybody who lives near an airport. Once you have all that data, what are the assurances that the government isn't looking at your data in addition to the data that may be related to flying a drone?”


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Good to see some citizens still have spines and balls.


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Japan's most senior oncologist prof. Fukushima describes the case where the victim's heart (28 year-old) was melted due to the vaccine and calls it a murder. "I also do autopsies and have examined the case where the victim's heart was melted due to the vaccine. It appears that the person died due to myocardial lysis. He was a 28 year old man in excellent health who five days after receiving the second dose of the Pfizer vaccine, his wife went to wake him up in the morning and found him lifeless. An autopsy was performed. When the doctor attempted to remove the heart, he was surprised, because it was extraordinary soft. The heart seemed melted and lacking in tone. The presence of cases like this highlights how dangerous this vaccine is. From what I can see, it is concerning that a healthy problem free person has declined after receiving the vaccine."


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If they are looking for RADIATION, why are they not going past 11pm?

.."Investigators have been unable to locate the drone operators, or where they are launching from or landing. Investigators have been unable to electronically detect the drones. They only fly at night, from dusk to 11 p.m., and often fly in swarms, authorities have reported.

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