Once passed, they'll have 6 months to disclose, or face prison.
Humanity hangs in the Balance.
The Corporate Transparency Act, which would mandate full acknowledgment of Unacknowledged Dark Projects (from Raytheon and a dozen other MIC Co's) is moving through congress and is the reason the deep state is pulling this drone/ufo thing.
Listen to Dr. Greer (my #1 most credible source since the early 90s)
That's what's happening
That's what they stand to lose
This could be Tyranny or Freedom like you haven't seen with the benefits of technologies you've never benefitted from.
It's a Pivotal Month in History.
Share this with your friends.
We are at the final operation of a 70 yr plan to subvert humanity by the global MIC. As Werner von Braun disclosed to Carol Rosin on his deathbed, after "terrorism" and "plaque" the last gambit would be (faked) Alien Invasion.
Your reaction to and understanding of this will determine whether the next millenia is one of human slavery or a new GOLDEN AGE.
It's all happening NOW.
Perhaps the most impressive UFO story told during the recent Brazilian World UFO Forum was that of Haraldo Westendorf, who made news headlines a year ago when he allegedly flew his private plane within a few dozen meters of an enormous unidentified flying object.
Westendorf is 40 years old, a father of three children and a successful businessman. He is also an avid private pilot rated for acrobatic flying.
This case seems to qualify as the closest daylight aircraft encounter with a UFO ever reported. The multiple professional witnesses, including three ground-based air traffic controllers, numerous other eyewitnesses and at least three civilians who heard Westendorf's running radio commentary of the event, lend very large credence to the story. The reported size and behavior of the object positively rule out any known human aircraft, and the observation of a classic flying saucer emerging from the larger craft supports the often-mentioned but rarely corroborated existence of a true "mothership."