Here's the full video (in case you missed the link from the teaser)


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That is the most exact backwards account of history I have ever heard.

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Happy to hear a solid refutation of his specific points.

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Mercifully, Israel appears to be slowing down and thinking harder about its ground invasion into Gaza. Late Friday evening, the New York Times reported that signs suggest “internal debates” about the wisdom of invading Gaza (1). Citing “bad weather,” yesterday the IDF announced another delay of the ground assault — until sometime “next week” (2), presumably whenever Goldilocks says the weather is just right.


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hope not because they won't be able to move tanks around the rubble probably. they should do surgical strikes.

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You are one SICK puppy.

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His argument seems more that the Israelis were there since 3500 years ago. The land was conquered by Alexander the Great, Roman Empire and others, all who let the Jews remain and coexist as policy. The Ottoman Empire/Arabs in the 700s overran and then expelled all non arabs. They are the occupiers, who then did virtually nothing with the land until Jewish resettlement began in late 1800s. There was no refugee problem when the British formed the state of Israel in 1948. The refugees began after the surrounding countries attacked and then refused to take Arabs.

Few understand that srael today has a well integrated Arab population as citizens which comprises over 20% of the population.

That's what I'm hearing. You?

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It was the Romans who expelled the Judeans from the land which they then named Palestine. The Ottoman Empire came along a lot later and expelled nobody. The British took control after the Ottoman Empire was defeated during WW1. In 1917 The Balfour Declaration specifically addressed the Zionist, Rothschilds and the Zionist Federation of Europe but included a paragraph demanding that the indigenous Palestinians were not to be molested. That agreement was ignored in 1948 when Israel committed the first atrocity - the Nakba, a horrific catastrophe. Ever since Israel has been genociding, displacing, torturing and claiming a fake history which deceives its young people to believe that Palestine was empty..... it was not.


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I think that Twain's report does not at all prove that the land was empty for the taking. Where people live a pastoral and nomadic lifestyle as in Palestine, they are just not visible settled everywhere. Yet they use their land in their own way, and are fully entitled to do so.

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Palestine was occupied. There were many villages. Twain either lied or was guided away from the indigenous by someone who was manipulating his perceptions.

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You’re so full of shit, Frances. Where do you get it all from?

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yes. i like him. he speaks well to counter the propaganda i've heard from kpfa.

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You mean he repeats the fakery and propaganda which Israel teaches in its schools. No matter how often you repeat lies they will NEVER become truth.

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Put these Twain observations into your mix. Real life ain't so simple as Free Palestine or destroy Israel..

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One Saudi perspective

(You should watch this)


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Here's one rebuttal to Bibi's version, presented in the spirit of the old fangled concept of free speech:


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Ponder this. DAVID never had a star. The "jews" have been tyrannized and subverted too!

Where Does 'The Star Of David’ On The Israeli Flag Come From? Texe Marrs Knew - Watch -

The Synagogue Of Satan - Zionistm Is Not Judaism.

(Rebuttals welcome. Don't unsub. Discuss!! 😀


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Need a good rabbit hole?

Benjamin Freedman - 1961 Willard Hotel Speech Exposing his lived experience About Organized Zionism gone rogue.

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ALL Eligble Ukrainians Told To Report To Conscription

Offices - Ziolensky’s Massive Genocide Of Christian

Ukrainians Continues - Close To 1 Million Dead Now


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I’m sad to report this story—but it needs to be magnified and I find the timing interesting (on a personal level.)


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If you don't follow Eva, you should..

"It’s clear that there are people at the highest level who knew the attack on Israel would happen. An Egyptian intelligence official said Israel ignored repeated warnings of ‘something big’. Israel also has one of the most advanced militaries in the world and works in close cooperation with the CIA. There must have been people who knew and either wanted it to happen or they let it happen. It’s also clear that many are now angrily beating the drums of war, just like we’ve seen throughout the Russia-Ukraine conflict. People on both “sides” are eager to see further escalation of this conflict, regardless of whether or not it launches us into World War 3. I think that’s an extremely dangerous path to go down on and I’d exercise great caution in following any narratives like that. Before we start World War 3, it’s worth asking ourselves: Who benefits from further escalation of this conflict? Who benefits from this war? If there is one thing that’s for sure, it’s that it us ordinary people will not benefit from this war being escalated further, nor will the innocent civilians currently caught in the crossfire. Please pray for them. So, for those who keep asking “what side are you on?” First and foremost, my loyalties lie with God, Family, and Country. That’s Jesus Christ, my family (in Him) and *my own* country. As this conflict escalates, it will agitate radical jihadist sentiments around the world. Especially in Europe. I’m extremely concerned with the mobilization and emboldenment of the millions of military-aged Muslim men imported into our homelands. Hamas just announced this Friday the 13th will be “day of general mobilization in the Arab and Islamic world”. With the insane (and most definitely intentional) demographic shifts we’ve seen in Europe, having millions of fighting age Muslim men imported over the past decade, I’m expecting riots and most likely violence all over Western Europe as this conflict escalates. Major cities in particular will be dangerous. This was to be expected at some point. We’ve warned about this happening for years, but the destabilization of Europe was also clearly wanted by our overlords. Divide and conquer in full force. Secondly, as it pertains to geopolitical strategy: I’m on the side of those trying to keep their heads cool, who don’t want to see World War III started, and who want to see as many innocent lives spared on both sides as possible. I don’t know if that side even exists at this point. I don’t know how this will all unfold, but I do know, that for now - acknowledging that I don’t know what I don’t know - that’s the “side” I’m on."


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In Response to Netanyahu | Maajid Nawaz | EP 337

Jordan B Peterson


Mar 6 2023

Maajid Nawaz launches this in-depth discussion with a rebuttal to Jordan Peterson's prior interview with PM Benjamin Netanyahu. From here they discuss the affinities and gaps between Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, and explore the origin of ideology, as well as the technocratic tower of babel we as a species seem to be constructing. Maajid Nawaz is a British anti-extremist, political commentator, activist, and podcast host. He was recently “released” from his LBC radio show for his views on the covid 19 pandemic, and has roots as one of the original named members of the supposed Intellectual Dark Web, along with characters such as Douglas Murray, Ben Shapiro, and Jordan Peterson.


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Max Igan's latest video is the best account i have seen about what is REALLY going on with all this.


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I'm confused by this, Jimy. If the land was barren when Mark Twain visited, then shouldn't those who populated and cultivated it since be the owners? Those who still wear the keys to the homes from which they've been evicted around their necks? It seems like that would negate the Zionist view that the Jews have been there since time immemorial.

I'll keep the Netanyahu clip handy in case I need some propaganda to refute but anyone who lied about babies being beheaded in order to justify the genocide happening right now can't be taken as telling the truth about anything. I'm going to do an episode today on these, for contrast: • Max Igan Balfour’s Time Bomb - The Other Side of the News - 10/13/23 – the crowhouse https://odysee.com/@thecrowhouse:2/Max-Igan-Balfours-Time-Bomb---The-Other-Side-of-the-News:a • ISRAELI FALSE FLAG = GENOCIDE GAZA – Max Igan Crowhouse https://www.bitchute.com/video/SucecjE47s93/

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I'm wondering how Mark Twain missed all the architecture and history that has been there since biblical times.....Bibi seems to be suggesting none of that ever happened.

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you mean the architecture that wasn't destroyed by the muslim invaders?

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Are you educated in some sort of Zionist school of propaganda, Margie?

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If there was nobody in Palestine why did Balfour write about respecting the rights of those who lived there in his letter to Lord Rothschild, which is known as the Balfour Declaration?

The brainwashing of the Israeli state is an appalling whitewashing of their dirty deeds since the Nakba in 1948.

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the only brainwashing going on has been from your left wing propaganda machine.

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You don't know what the Balfour Declaration (1917) says, do you? Maybe that is because you make stupid assumptions like 'left wing' and never research a damn thing.

Look it up cupcake.


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The earthly realm and all its stars and planets belong to God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. It would be a mistake to suppose we are going to have more than temporary stewardship of some parts of it. No king but Jesus.

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I'll let my title company know.

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It may come as a surprise. Title insurance fraud is an old scam.

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Just told my neighbor his house is now mine. Eminent domain... or what Jim said. I prefer "Divine right of Kings". He laughed, and I've allowed him to keep his house.

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All the people claiming to be kings are usurpers in fact. God made this clear in His discussion with the prophet Samuel. You can look it up. There is no king but Jesus Christ. Amen.

As for your neighbours it is well to love them. Taking their usufruct of the home they occupy would be theft. And, around here, trying it would be messy. We got the Oregunians. just sayin'

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Update. I asked neighbor if I could take his usufruct and he said "sure, whatever you need buddy". That's how we roll.

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What happens in the 'hood stays in the 'hood. amirite?

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