
Swissmedic and Vaccinating Doctors Criminally Sued in Switzerland for Authorizing and Administering Covid-19 Jabs. Do not underestimate the Swiss diligence!!


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A civil trial in 1999 exonerated Ray (who’d died in prison the previous year just over 40 years after the murder), and it found that a government conspiracy was responsible for King’s murder, [and] that Ray was a ‘patsy’ with no knowing involvement in the hit; and most shockingly,

Further, it found King was not killed instantly as most people believe, but in fact was later murdered by his attending doctor who smothered him with a pillow, a contingency which had been allowed for by the plotters in the event of such an outcome; 


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But there's more than one dream... MLK's dream is TRUTH.

The real dream is this insane idea that money = worthiness, force = right, and greed = ambition.

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

And to think, those in control...are just getting warmed up.



Please people... Resist, Do not comply, Stand your ground, with your feet firmly planted.

Thanks, Jimychanga.

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I'm noticing a lot of us cursing and I like it. It's time.

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FUCKIN A. (To be honest, I've been a potty mouth for decades.)

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Me too

And speaking of potty, I love the word doody. Cracks me up.

I crack myself up when I say it to my dogs.


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LOL!!!! 🐾

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BTW: I know Abe from having booked him on a TV show. We lost touch, but I just sub'd to his stack at your recommendation. - Emily

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Cool! Glad to make the link. ^_^

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Nov 13, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Well, vaccines DO save lives. The difficulty seems to be in figuring out which ones save lives, and which ones do not.

I was hoping for a vaccine that could protect those who are at severe risk from the latest virus, but what was offered was a gene-expression intervention instead. Looks like it hoovered up all of the research grants, so I suppose a safe, effective and sterilizing vaccine will not be developed.

Wait...... no, I misspoke just now; the word "vaccine" was redefined, so now we can SAY that we have a vaccine, even though we don't. Still, it's better to say we have something that we don't, than to not have it and not be able to say that we do. Or something.

If some of the emerging data signals turn out to be what they appear, it looks like we also have the effective and sterilizing part. That's the problem with words, sometimes; we thought we were asking for a vaccine like the ones for polio or for tetanus, but there was a misunderstanding.

"Oh, you meant you wanted an inoculation that sterilized VIRUSES. Sorry about that, we thought you were asking for an effective form of birth control. You really should be more specific."

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Yeah.... Uh. Vaccines are an abomination to Nature, just as greed is. That's how far I've come in the past three years with no job and plenty of time to study... xo

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"Good Germans" Down Unda...

Dr William Bay Gatecrashes Oz Medical Assn Meeting - Warns Docs To Stop The ‘Vax’ Slaughter

Watch The Cowardly Doctors Leave The Room!!!


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Dr. Paul Thomas, an Oregon pediatrician, did a study of his own practice (this research, peer reviewed and published, got him his license revoked). He found that the healthiest kids were the unvaccinated. And not surprisingly, the frequency of health problems correlated directly with the number of vaccines the kids had. Also, among the unvaxxed kids, there were zero cases of autism.


The video is 6 1/2 minutes long.

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Electroshock therapy, Lobotomies and the Covid Vaxx micro-clotting ALL IMPAIR THE BRAINS HIGHER FUNCTIONS. The highest and first to go, ARE LOVE and EMPATHY.

We're in deep, deep trouble.

Dr. BREGGIN like you've never seen him before, makes Naomi Wolf cry. This is stunning. SHARE


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GOT TIME? Volunteer to help STEVE KIRSCH get the word out however you can.

Here's his sign up list (just do what you can manage!) HELP NEEDED IN LOTS OF AREAS, SKILLED OR NOT.


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"Long Covid." They probably have WiFi in the home.

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"Obviously, we have a signal here — a big-time problem,”

But it gets worse when we take a look at children.


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Here's how they make you forget about their vax genocide...

It’s a War Headquarters Staff. We are going to war against Russia unless the American People can figure out some way to stop it!

-Francis A. Boyle


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Then we will probably die, because people are STILL brainwashed and shitfuck hopelessly asleep.

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When human beings have to die to wake up the ones who stay alive after that.

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