
In short, to survive one must be more like George and less like Elaine, unless one wants to have a revolution and take over the soup joint:


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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022Author

This will be very interesting to some who have followed this case for a decade Re todays Britney Griner swap with Russia and the colusion of Russia and the US to cover up the mini nukes of 911 Pentagon ( unexploded) and Bali:

The US and Russia secretly collaborated on framing him and his extradition to the US because it served as a patsy/cover for both countries.

Victor was "wanted" not for selling the small portable anti- aircraft missiles, but for selling the cruise missile with an unexploded 500 kiloton thermo-nuclear warhead that hit the Pentagon on 9/11 and narrowly missed incinerating the entire Washington D.C. thanks to its broken detonator. The Granit” missile which is very expensive and very advanced, its speed is about 2.5 Mach while traveling in the cruise altitude and it is decreased to only 1.5 Mach when the missile descends and sets itself to the final path of attack – that is parallel to the ground (exactly as it was demonstrated in the actual 9/11 Pentagon strike


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Warning: Video is a tough watch. Don't go to the hospital with Covid, fam. Hospitals may be the most sinister places on Earth right now.

Anger over Hospital Death Protocols Spills Over into Ugly Scene at San Diego Board of Supervisors Meeting


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The Guardian just reported the results of a study of 2 million-year-old DNA found in northern Greenland.Translation for American readers: Two million years ago, northern Greenland was (at the top of the range) 66 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than it is today. What caused this stupendous change in Arctic temperatures during a period when Homo sapiens either didn’t exist or numbered only a few hundred thousand?

What caused the four massive fluctuations of the earth’s temperature since then, as displayed in this chart.


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Oh, that's easy... It was the IDEA of humans coming in and driving cars that caused that warming.

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Interview: The Great Reset Will FAIL & EVERY Government will Collapse by 2032.

(Martin Armstrong on why this is a marathon and good people need to stay strong to have a hand in rebuilding society and governments post 2032)

https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-in-the-media/interview-the-great-reset-will-fail-every-government-will-collapse-by-2032/Interview: The Great Reset Will FAIL & EVERY Government will Collapse by 2032.

(Martin Armstrong on why this is a marathon and good people need to stay strong to have a hand in rebuilding society and governments post 2032)


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I will dance the Victory Dance as each govt. falls.

We don't need no stinkin' GOVT. Maybe that's the main take-away with all this.

And the second one? "Never trust a psychopath."

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I share the sentiment, but also know folks who wouldn't be safe self- governing a fly, much less themselves.

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We all do. That's why community is a good thing. Not to mention adaptation... We CAN learn to be more self-sufficient.

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Best explanation of Trump and the Deep State "blob" I've ever seen.


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Yeah... That guy is right on, on many things.

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Dec 10, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Ancient, ancient battle.

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Planned. Decades ago.

Wider brushes, far longer.

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NEW BIDEN STEALTH TAX: This is once again the Biden Administration hunting every possible dime it can find while handing endless billion to Zelensky who may be on track to become the richest corrupt politician in the entire world. This is the notice going out to all foreigners investing in the once land of the free and home of the brave which has been downgraded to the land of the absolute fools without the hill. One bank has sent this to their clients trading in US ETFs.


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Germany's military readiness has collapsed. The Germany Defense Ministry has publicly stated it could only sustain a war for one week due to shortages in supplies and soldiers, reports AsiaTimes.com. What's even more astonishing is that a German lawmaker says that's too optimistic. The real duration of what Germany is capable of sustaining in a war is just two days.

If war is announced on Monday, in other words, Germany is finished by Wednesday and forced to surrender.

The US, meanwhile, is also running out of munitions and military weapons for the simple reason that they've sent most existing weapons to Ukraine.

As all this is happening, the western media is going into a frenzy over Putin's public deployment of YARS missile systems which carry nuclear warheads that can strike the United States.

The USA can't defend itself against Russia's nuclear missiles because they are decades more advanced than our own.


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Schwab’s Dream coming true – eliminating families and growing genetic clones just as in Star Wars – the Clone Wars. Just think of the possibilities. No families. Cloned to carry out orders. The perfect total control of society – a dream come true


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Schwab’s Dream coming true – eliminating families and growing genetic clones just as in Star Wars – the Clone Wars. Just think of the possibilities. No families. Cloned to carry out orders. The perfect total control of society – a dream come true


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Why ship anything now to New York, Philadelphia, or Virginia? There go the unions!

The Biden Administration is now targeting fishing. They have argued all along that boats expel more CO2 than cars, Cows, or Airplanes. So it is no surprise to now target boating imposing a 10-knot speed limit. This will end the deep sea fishing period – both for sport and food supply. This is up and down the entire East Coast


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The LEFT has been the source of countless wars to dominate society.In fact, the LEFT rose up again in Paris for another Revolution. They created the Commune Movement in Paris where there was to be no property and everyone would be happy – i.e. Klaus Schwab & the WEF. Indeed, the very term “Communist” was coined there in Paris. Karl Marx was initially a socialist. It was the French who convinced him that all private property should be owned by the state creating a Commune. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/economics/twitter-exposing-the-real-threat-leftist-revolution/

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Never doubt that people can remain bamboozled for decades. Listen to architech Richard Gauge (head of 4000 member Architechs and Engineers for 911 Truth) update on how the towers and Solomon Building were destroyed by planned control demolition.


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Pfizer CEO Albert Burla Is Stepping Down

And Now Says The MRNA Technology Was

Not Sufficiently Proven When It Was Launched


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