
Since 2006, the snow on Mt Shasta has 5x more aluminum. 61,000 mcg per L, than the soil underneath it" So how can the white snow have more aluminum than mud below it? Simple. They're spraying it above you constantly in geoengineering and solar radiation management programs to block sunlight and "stop climate change". The aluminum content of rain should also be zero with a ph of 5.5, but yet we are also finding significant amounts of it with a test back in 2013 showing 13,000 mcg per L. This is making the rain way more alkaline, which has hugely impactful downstream effects on soil quality and the capacity to grow healthy food with proper mineral content and balance. This is one of the contributing factors to why everyone is so deficient in magnesium and why you can't get enough from food anymore, which means we are all required to supplement it.


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I used to write a chemtrail blog. The writing is mediocre at best, but I kept at it from 2008 (I think) until 2012.

I noticed the weird lines in the sky in the early to mid 90s and starting looking online. I remembered being a kid, laying on my back and playing that game of making things out of cloud shapes. The trails that came out of the planes back then (70s) were short, and disappeared immediately.

Jeff Rense and a small handful of others were all that were out there at the time.

I learned a lot and it's what sent me down the rabbit hole. Some days I really do wish I was clueless. But most I do not.


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With your depth of memory, perhaps you can answer this. Is it just me or is this winter the greyest winter we've ever had? I can count on one hand the number of sunny days the past two months and it seems very abnormal.

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We noticed the other day how oddly dark it was.

Something was off.

Right at Eugene Oregon is a frequency transmitter.

I’ve watch the storms being split on radar, and in Calif and Oregon.

My dad flew for a major Airline for 35 yrs.

He told me those streaks were NOT contrails.

Jet engines have been designed to rarely release Contrails.

The chemical trails are poisonous, flammable and are destroying our planet.

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It's grey in FEEL, and that's probably what's "coloring" your thoughts...

This year is going to be the hardest, I'd imagine. It's also going to be the beginning of The Great Awakening, and then... we'll have a big party, and THEN we'll start figuring out what we're going to DO... and start doing it. We've got a LOT of work ahead of us!

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So you’re in denial of the weather engineering also?

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Fuck off.

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Doth protest too much

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Well, stop doing it. Nobody asked you to protest too much.

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First, where are you, approximately?

Im in the Great lakes region of Ontario, Canada and it doesn't seem a lot greyer than normal for deep, dank winter. Maybe a bit more, now that you've pointed it out, but yeah, it's always grey and shitty in the winter here.

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Here, too, with a few little breaks of outrageous beauty (Puget Sound area in WA State, US).

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I certainly agree with you. The sky has changed just as you have described. I am a sky watcher from childhood and learned the habit from my father who was a farmer. I get up in the morning and check out the sky and do this all day long if possible till sunset. Then I start looking for stars, planets and UFO'S. Wonders never cease.

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Totally with you. And... good job!

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Weather Warfare?

Freak Hurricane in south of Russia kills several people, almost 2 million left without power


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Have you see THIS????

"I personally held the key and opened every door in the facility". We made earthquakes


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Last summer in Eagle, ID we didn't have many thunderstorms. But we had one in the wee hours where I was looking out the window and the lightning struck a few miles away toward the north side of Boise and it came straight down out of the cloud like a beam and made a loud electric vibrating sound...not the typical hiss-boom. It sounded like it was vibrating off of a mile long corrugated tin roof. The beam lasted for a second or two. Has anybody else ever experienced something like that?

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Sounds like a WEAPON to me... But I'm predisposed to that kind of thinking.

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Lol. You n me both.

Directed Energy Weapon 😱

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I'm going to climb to the top of Mt. Rainier (Tahoma) and SCREAM.

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