Part of "how it works" is called "revelation of method." There are things that they can only do if they announce their intentions and methods in advance. They have been doing this for long time.

Many people have turned away from God. God has noticed. Behold there are consequences. Turn to God. Amen.

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Have you seen or heard about the "what's the frequency Kenneth" event? Dan Rather has. The cop code 10-4 is "acknowledged" or "understood." The code 10-11 means "identify this frequency" or "what's the frequency." The event is planned for the 4th but it will occur on the 11th. You might want to turn off your cell phone and computer for each of those two days.

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I heard Meryl Nass (sp?) talk about it. Says to put your phone in the unplugged microwave which is a Faraday cage

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Any grounded metal box is a Faraday cage. No charge from outside the box can reach the device inside unless there is a gap in the box larger than the amplitude of the wave of the relevant frequency or if the box is not grounded. The cable that plugs in your microwave has a ground that connects to your house ground (which may connect to a long copper or copper coated post in the ground and be true ground but not always). So it might be important to verify that your device in the microwave is not receiving signal. And if it is, try plugging in that cable. Might make a difference. Do NOT turn the microwave on with any metal object inside, of course.

(Insert fun stories about tossing wads of steel wool into the radar stream of big radar installationz another day.)

If you have your phone off when they send the national emergency alert and your phone turns itself on, you will know who your phone works for. If you take the battery out of your phone, it is really off.

God bless you and your family. Amen.

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So you'd want to keep the microwave plugged in then? Dr Nass inadvertently negated the Faraday cage when she suggested unplugging the microwave for safety!?

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It shouldn't be hard to test. If you can get the cell phone to ring while inside the microwave then it's not a Faraday cage. Try it each way.

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Good stuff. Thanks!!!!

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You're welcome. All the glory to God. Amen

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I appreciated your helpful comments above thus was curious to check out your stack. Your writing is intriguing...thus I just joined!

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Thank you for your kind words and for reading my stuff. For various reasons I started a second 'stack at L5News.substack.com earlier this year.

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I plan on shutting down power to the house for a couple of hours, and turning off my devices and placing them in the car in the garage.

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I heard you dryer is a good Faraday cage. What about a Farady case?

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Sep 30, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I highly recommend watching that show utopia (uk) 👍

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Meanwhile...Invasion of the unvetted military age men.

Elon: US Border Patrol just reported the highest number of recorded illegal immigrants in history at over 260,000 this month. The full number, including unrecorded, may be over half a million per month, which is the population of Wyoming.


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Jeffrey Epstein is just the tip of the iceberg, it gets worse!" - Whitney Webb | Redacted


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If God uses his people to do good works, then Satan will use his people to do wicked works. It has been going on for centuries. Choose your side as there will be no neutral territory in the coming years.

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Amen. "Choose ye this day who ye will serve." As for me and my family we serve the Lord our God. Amen.

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That cartoon is weird. What does it show? In the year of a royal funeral one out of two children is killed by vaccination? Everyone is turning their back on it, distracted by the crowned coffin that passes them by...

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That’s artist Bob Moran. He is on Twitter and Telegram. His work is amazing.

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It won't take three generations. If one generation fails to reproduce, humanity will die.

Three generations will even effect them.

Damn Malthusians

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The emergency alert notifications for the 4th ... Canadians have been getting these for years if you own a cell phone. They push weather alerts and amber alerts for the most part. They also run test alerts. You can disable them through your broadcast settings. No need for a faraday cage.

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