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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Talk about a one-two punch!

Now I'm seeing Yellowstone as historical fiction, instead of just fiction.

And coupled with the Catherine Austin Fitts interview - now I truly understand the meaning of the term "opportunity zone."

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Actually, I had stopped watching Yellowstone because the violence seemed just too much, but after the massacre at Lahaina, I see/understand these land grabbers will stop at nothing. Most people just cannot see far enough down the road to know what's coming.

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So far I've been able to treat Yellowstone like Game of Thrones. WHEN it offends me or seems too much, I take a break. But if you get into S2, perhaps you will find a rooting interest character or two that you want to check up on.

Ine thing I told my ambitious kids that want to succeed in entertainment is that they are not screwed up enough to be an ass or tyrant... so until our culture changes, they will be the minnow not the shark.

That was a good line, BTW. The world has two kinds of people, minnows and sharks. If you are not sure which one you are, you are the minnow.

I believe there's a corollary to that. Something like I'm a minnow that my environment could turn me into to a piranha if pushed too far.

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I wonder sometimes if these people (your sharks) think that Jesus/Yeshua is a minnow. I think they have no idea what he accomplished on the cross & resurrection. They just cannot see far enough down the road to see what's coming.

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I call it faction.

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Bet you missed this too:

WATCH - It's Over: They Finally Caught Them... (yet this is OUT of the news now...)

Maui is an island in the Central Pacific, part of the Hawaiian archipelago. Sprawling Haleakala National Park encompasses the island’s highest peak, volcanic Haleakala, as well as the pools and waterfalls of Ohe’o Gulch, accessed via scenic, winding Hana Highway. The island's 30 miles of beaches include golden-crescent Kapalua, sheltered from strong currents by lava-rock promontories.


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NEW~! What was going on in the skies over Maui during the fires?? Unbelievable New SATELLITE imagery. Holy cow..


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I'm in the middle of S2 of Yellowstone. So far, the storylines include quadrupling taxes to bankrupt ranches and dropping bales of feed from a helicopter that cattle will die from if they eat.

I'm wondering if Taylor Sheridan follows Catherine Austin Fits or just knows the rich asses...

Of course, Taylor did buy a huge West Texas ranch with his mulah to try and preserve it. Kudos to him for that.

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