
"How much do you trust a globalist community that just gathered a dozen already speed-driven kids to build a global banking network between drug-fueled orgies in the Bahamas to tinker with the germline?

Obligatory reminder: If depopulation is about to take place, this is the exact moment in time when it makes sense to run a global "swab everyone" campaign to collect the largest possible database of genetic information.


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Geez, they nailed it. Behold the stupifying collapse of Silicone Valley Bank and FTX, cogs in the Biden/Ukraine money laundering machine. We are way beyond "10% for the Big Guy"..

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"20 months since John's "suicide", 12 months since filing the appeal with the Barcelona courts to release the complete autopsy report, & 4 months passed the courts deadline for the ruling on the appeal I continue to wait for a resolution"


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That body has been long burned

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I saw an interview on pbs with a reporter questioning the elder leader of a huge Amish Community in Ohio. The reporter asked " It's been 2 years and your community has not a had a single case of covid, Why is this? The elder gave 3 reasons. None of us are vaccinated, we don't have tv or internet and we only eat our locally grown organic food.

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Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who has researched and written about many aspects of Covid 19 and the so-called vaccines. Kinston has long said both covid and the vax were nothing more than bioweapons. Kingston says the so-called “vaccines” treating CV19 are also “bioweapons,” and Big Pharma has been given a free hand with zero liability to have human experiments. Kingston says the death totals and injury totals will be “significantly higher in the next five years,” because of the CV19 bioweapons being passed off as vaccines. Kingston would not give a hard number. Kingston also predicted, “I think the infertility number is going to be jaw-dropping because these injections were designed to target women’s ovaries. They were also designed to target the male reproductive system, as well. I think that is going to be very, very alarming.” https://usawatchdog.com/cv19-vax-nothing-short-of-horrific-experiment-karen-kingston/

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A weapon is not an experiment. That's like saying let's drop a bomb and see what happens. They spent 20 years developing and even patenting their weapon. Just because WE don't know what it's going to do doesn't mean it's an experiment. THEY knew exactly how their poison would work.

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There is so much talk about ineptitude when this is clearly planned.

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Jimmychanga, the above is starting to prove true. I just hope it becomes a Black Swan that willl take them all down.

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That Black Swan is called the "Fourth Turning".

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Without divine intervention, humanity is actually f****d. Think about how it was possible and then why. I can see a family of four sitting at the dinner table - each holding their 's.m.a.r.t.' phone and staring at it.

There was a documentary called "Surviving Progress" and I strongly recommend watching it. Now I figured out that it is no wonder people have suicidal thoughts, are suicided, or commit suicide. Humanity has a profound death wish. Stemming from having converted life worth living into a meaningless, limited duration fight for survival.

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While I agree with you, the irony of complaining about tech on the actual tech is not lost on me

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Need some inspiration?

This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she directly criticizes the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Schwab; she has “no interest in being involved with them.” During her first day in office, Smith immediately apologized for the vaccine mandates. She is offering to rehire any government worker who lost their job due to their vaccine status. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-fighting-back-against-wef/

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Nov 30, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Excellent news! Go Canada! Go Alberta!

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What if the VAXOCIDE doesn't "work" well enough? In case you don't know this, here's Carol Rosin's (Werner Von Braun's of the US Space program's last assistant) describing contingency plans.

She and Serge Monast both told the same story and I honestly believe this "last card" (project Blue Beam) is still a contingency. What if the Covid jab was designed to interact with WiFi (think Elon Musk Starlink) and you wouldn't even need holograms or anything real: You'd see whatever they wanted you to see. God, Satan, Alien invaders https://www.bitchute.com/video/m7Bu4ojwTljC/

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Again the hamster wheel... or maybe it's all a distraction from the rollout of 5G and it's deadly consequences. Maybe 'they' are building the technology for an elaborate plan of control. Or maybe the elaborate plan of control is simply death. Not just for humans. All the graphene oxide (or whatever it's called) meant to interact with radiation killed people instead. This is an experiment, as it hasn't been done before. All the pieces, the endless nauseating pieces.

An elaborate distraction from the question of contagion that fuels pharma. But who's going to fuel pharma if everyone's dead? Maybe the master planners are simply fools?

But what concerns me most is I don't feel like I care anymore.

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i feel ya

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The emotional price of totalitarianism is high. We all begin to break down. Feeling like we don’t care is a kind of protection to being abused - which we all are being subject to. Finding connection helps us find ways to care. It is all by design and it will end badly for the perpetrators. Hang in there.

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Although I am not easily convinced about Aliens doing a "War of the Worlds" remake, the idea that Aliens are already here, but cannot be seen - unless You wear the correct sun glasses - makes ever more sense with each passing day. Sadly for humanity and all other life on earth, the Aliens require a different environment - an environment deadly for all other life forms on earth. Geo-engineering serves to create a more suitable planet for these Aliens out there.

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You think we have ever been told the truth about anything? Name one thing right? Referencing the "they live" movie.They tell us a lot in the movies,most science fiction is not fiction.Geoengineering has at least 7 different agendas,see the true expert Elana Freeland and her latest book especially.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sO0VgUBikjM

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Time to question everything. It is high time we questioned it all. The intentions of government are to rule over us with absolute power. We as humans require a different and more effective ( and survivable) connection.

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We as humans are under attack from hyperdimensional non humans as Len Kastens new book alien world order explains.Have spent many thousands of hours reading and watching the Web the last 12 yrs,I should know truth when I see it.About 5 yrs ago I came to the conclusion we humans were being exterminated after seeing so much of this this ridiculously advanced technology.I don't believe nothing government says.https://rumble.com/v2wi7ls-dr-jos-luis-sevillano-we-are-facing-a-parasitism-of-another-species-on-the-.html

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Killing everyone means giving up their "clientele" -- maybe that's why they're paying them billions now.

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My only consolation is that their arrogant hubris (redundant?) Will be their downfall. No one gets out alive.

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it's NOT working...and they are panicking

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Very interesting and suddenly lots or earnest exposes about UFO’s and aliens.

Most of us likely understand we don’t need to worry about aliens unless they land in the backyard.

In the meantime we have many closer to home planetary aliens who are actually a threat.

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Yep, one of them keeps tripping and mumbling when boarding his "craft".

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And tripping over teleprompter and sand bags? Biden our time while being sand bagged?

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David Icke has been sayin for decades,https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2ibRv5P8o8

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We are fortunate to have had all these truth tellers

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Aug 15, 2022·edited Aug 15, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

That's an interesting idea. They could cause a mass hallucination. After reading Unrestricted Warfare, I think the bioweapons are only the first in a series of attacks. The attacks could culminate in an EMP or nuclear attack followed by an invasion. Their plan is to kill everyone living here. Even the Chinese that are already here.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

It’s done ... we’ve all been hacked & our asses are connected to the cloud... period ..

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If that were true, I wouldn't be buying Downy anymore :(

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Sad but true.

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I just posted an hour long video by Iranian Dr.. please check it out

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We will be alright - relatively speaking.. Not apparent now and an intentional PsyOp to steal our personal power. The planet has been headed here for millennia. They will lose. We have lost a great deal but the globalists will lose everything.

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The movie "Cell" is a very disturbing and equally gory, violent example. Partly predictive programming, partly subliminal and acustic coding.

The most important part imo is the nightmarish dream aspect. Nightmares can already be induced.

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Thanks. I'll have to check it out

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We are enormously susceptible as humans to the predictive programming of our stories.

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We knew from the success of the early alien invasion psyops the UFO theme would make a great deception. Humans are all too ready to believe beings from the sky are either attacking or coming to save us. Right now the all too human military age aliens from Earth being deliberately rough in might be our concern.

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Are our military leaders THIS COMPROMISED? What are her superiors telling her? Dr. Long says, “It’s always disheartening when people come to me and say privately, I completely agree with you. I completely agree with you that we should stop these vaccinations, but publicly I will disown you. That’s not being a leader. It’s just straight up cowardice when you know you are doing the wrong thing and you refuse to change.”

Dr. Long estimates there are “200,000 to 400,000 military members who are not vaccinated,” and the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin have threatened to kick them all out of the service. Are the military leaders this stupid, this compromised or simply committing treason? https://usawatchdog.com/hell-no-to-any-cv19-vax-lt-col-theresa-long-md/

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Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I agree with you. Answer is all three. Don't forget to add also a little scared. What if you pissed off that many people?

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Read a lot of the comments last night,some were excellent.Loren08/13/2022 •

The DOD/Pentagon/DeepState need our service members to be fully vaccinated in order to turn them into killing machines with no hesitation and no remorse, not against a foreign enemy, but against the American people. Within the C19 vaxxes are nano technologies, that link up with 5G. Each person vaxxed – provided that they survive and remain functional – is ID’d to AI/super computers. When the “go” signal is broadcast via 5G, normal empathy and moral considerations will be overriden with “extreme prejudice” against the “target”. You can bet that the newly hired IRS agents, being trained to shoot-to-kill, will also be required to be fully vaxxed. There can be no hesitation and no remorse in removing the American threat to the Deep State and the New World Order. Individual freedom and liberty must be wiped out on a global scale, to usher in the Luciferian reign of the Antichrist and his global enslavement.WELL the antichrist are the Draco reptilians,always has been.There's no way in hell this technology is of human origin.

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They can just recruit hateful foreigners to do that.

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They don't want to give up their Grey Alien technology that they sold our souls for,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/NAA

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The #UK government is more transparent with their data and they’ve been hoping nobody is smart enough to do the calculations required to show how deadly the shots are. So their luck just ran out because I’m going to show you what their data shows.


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More "Truthiness" from Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, who ‘coincidentally’ died right before the start of the pandemic. He knew Fauci well and called him out repeatedly. https://www.bitchute.com/video/lFcrbXKhdq37/

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another murdered good guy

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Aug 28, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Dr. Buttar wanted to give a speech right before he was murdered. I wonder what he was going to say.

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WEF Maniac Big Shot Yuval Harari Says

The Elite Survive And All The Rest Drown

Listen To Him Say It For Yourself - Video


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This summer, a metric shit ton of cows in Kansas allegedly dropped dead due to “heat”.

Never mind that it was hotter in Texas and equally hot in Oklahoma and yet cows in those places did not drop dead en masse…ALL IN THE SAME SHORT TIME WINDOW.

Heat killing cattle at this scale in a day or two makes no sense.

Or rather…

It all makes sense if you just don’t think about it.

Gosh, do you think it might have had something to do with the new US Military Bioweapons Lab in Kansas? 🤨 https://sagehana.substack.com/p/quick-dead-cow-theory-update

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Why was Heche's face covered with a cloth? New angle. (BTW, she was working on a sex-trafficking expose' film, that reportedly will still be aired)


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Listen to Researcher Karen Kingston. This will scare the hell out of you (listen to the whole episode. Worth it) Did you know the entire sequence for deadly viruses and experimental potential bio-weapons virusus are uploaded to open source cloud accessible to mad scientists around the world to duplicate and play with? They had the original Covid-19 sequence 20 mins after China sequenced it.


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Background/Cliffnotes: Agenda 21 for Dummies


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History will show that China was only a secondary player. The genocidal and lucrative design and game plan came right from the DOD and the University of Chapel Hill. Now THAT is the part that most independent media won't touch with a 10 foot pole:

The Department of Energy and even the Republicans in Congress working so that you don't see what there is to see.


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Finally, One Honest Doctor Comes Forward to Report the Death and Devastating Injuries Linked to the COVID-19 Vaccine

"ELEVEN SENIORS WHO DIED WITHON 3DAYS OF THE SHOT. Friend who only took the first pfizer shot, made her so sick she did not get another. She got covid was treated with monoclonal antibodies, lost taste and smell and when it came back she could not eat anything from an animal, not even eggs, tasted putrid. She is in the process of a failing knee replacement surgery. Two women friends have blood clots in their brains and lungs, being treated with blood thinners and order to rest so the clots don't travel. Other who did NOT get the boosters are tired all the time. People in their forties who were active, worked out, never tired. Now tired ALL THE TIME. I am not vaxxed but if I spend time indoors with someone recently vaxxed I get really tire for 3-4 days. I think I OMICRON because I had severe body pain but by the time I got appts with orthepedics I was better. Just took advil. Another 4 friends in their thirties got cancers; one is terminal. I am STUNNED by how many intelligent people could not wait to line up for their shots. My personal doctor told me NEVER to take a drug that had not been on the open market for 3 years which is why I took a wait and see attitude and the more I wait, the worse it sounds. I only know ONE person who is not vaxxed who got covid"


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Are you taking Quercetin or anything to counter the tiredness after being with a jabbed person?

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