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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

“Vocal Fry” in my day, was called a “Valley Girl”...I got accused of it quite often. It took the sting out of my cuss words.

“OMG! Like...go fuck yourself...like totally!”😉

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Jun 25, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I never could stand it. I can't even stand to listen to your examples! I associate it with wealthy upper class back east academiac females and their imitators.

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The equivalent when playing a brass instrument is to run out of air at the end of phrases, so they are less audible and 'underpowered'. It does not make for a listenable phrase, it sounds like the musician is tired and not very 'good', struggling to finish. I can see why it does not improve 'the sell' of what you are trying to say or achieve. One person I have heard who has excellent command of his voice and a very musical voice is Dr. David Martin. Regardless of what you may think of him in the movement, he is highly listenable because of the quality of his voice. I am sure he also has an excellent singing voice just based on his speaking voice. No fry there, but I guess its a girl thing.

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I play a little tuba. That's a great example. Martin is a big NLP guy, so no doubt he's taken the seminar on how to make women melt 😀

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Jun 26, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

🤣 maybe, who knows?

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enjoy. :) https://youtube.com/shorts/uYe1uR7Lre0?si=UaF9bI6NGYdaZ_eQ

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What a stupid reason to go to jail.



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The Cure for Vocal Fry ( Peter from Office Space:) Watch!


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Need a laugh?

Obama gave his daughter Malia’s friends similar advice, he says, after she asked how to make her friends feel more hopeful about stopping climate change.

“What I said to her is, ‘Look, we may not be able to cap temperature rise to 2 degrees centigrade. But here’s the thing, if we work really hard, we may be able to cap it at 2.5 instead of 3,’” he explained. “That extra centigrade, that might mean the difference between whether Bangladesh is underwater.”


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Vocal fry is the basis for that screamo technique you hear in metal songs as well.

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No, that's Cookie Monster! 😂🤣

I call that Cookie Monster Rock. All low screaming style, "'C' is for Cookie that's good enough for mayah!"

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I had no idea there was a name for sounding like that! 🤣😂

I used to work with a chick that's sounded just like that! Super raspy "Valley Girl" sound.Her name was "Treasure."

She was on the phone with a customer, I could only hear from her side, she says, "Hi, this is Treasure from [xyz] company, I need to talk with Mr. Whatever... Treasure... No, that's really my name." 😂🤣

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