
When they say the effect of the vaxx weakens over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

This describes the fact that everyone that has subjected themselves to the DEATHVAX™ is a genetically modified human that has in some degree developed VAIDS.

Do NOT comply


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To repeatedly manufacture spike protein, possibly indefinitely, is exposing one to toxins continuously which overstresses an immune system and therefore weakens it.

I do not believe all shots are the same, even from the same company. VAERS has shown there is much variation by batch and likely because they want to experiment with different things to be able to understand what is happening. To compare and contrast, variation is needed.

I also believe each individual is unique as well, the outcome may be different based on the individual, what they are exposed or subjected to, and their lifestyle.

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Flashback: A little history.... they've been at this for a long time...

Following 9/11 the FBI and other agencies spent years agitating, enabling, funding and creating "terrorist incidents" that they could use to either point out the ongoing threat or demonstrate their crimes topping ability and justify their huge budgets.

Remember the Christmas Eve "Detroit Underwear Bomber" incident? Well, my friend attorney Kurt Haskell witnessed the set up right from the Amsterdam Airport, along with his wife, also an attorney and trained observer. What he witnessed and the subsequent stonewalling by FBI investigators of his attempts to bring the truth to light, caused Kurt and his family to leave the US permanently in disgust to begin a new life Costa Rica in touch with nature and small village life.

Here are the original interviews. It's appalling. I trust Kurt 100%


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NZ Funeral Director Says 95% Of Corpses Had

Received 'Covid' Jab Within 2 Weeks Of Death https://newspunch.com/funeral-director-says-95-of-corpses-had-received-covid-jab-within-2-weeks-of-death/

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WEF's Klaus Schwab's top advisor: "“We just don’t need the vast majority of you.”

Harari’s comments are deeply disturbing because when they are placed in context with comments by other WEF advisors and affiliates like Bill Gates, it becomes clear that they have disablement and depopulation on their mind.


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I can’t find a word to describe this video, disturbing just doesn’t come close. On every level it’s so far beyond deeply disturbing.

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Agree 100%. I think we reach a critical mass someday where the world just vomits these folks out of power.

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Malone pivots to support Wakefield thesis!!!

Dr. Malone: If There's Anybody That Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize, It's Bobby Kennedy Jr. "I think there's a good chance [Bobby is right]. As a vaccinologist, I'm embarrassed now to learn what the actual data are about the efficacy of vaccines and what has really caused the decline in infectious disease in children. The data are quite clear. That decline basically parallels the improvement in SANITATION prior to the implementation of the vaccines for almost all of these pediatric diseases. And if I live long enough, I suspect that we're going to see Bobby Kennedy totally vindicated." Dr. Malone said this in a past interview with Tucker.


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"I was not an anti-vaxxer until covid. But I’m an anti-vaxxer now.

Other vaccines are produced and tested the same way as the covid vaccines. The same health agencies vouch for them. The same doctors prescribe them.

The vaccine enterprise is propaganda and lies all the way down.

Daniel Kotzin




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WARNING - Graphic Images Of The Suddenly Dead

DOD BioWeapon Genocide Victims And Those Who

Have Been Grievously, Permanently Maimed & Injured

These Clips Show What Jeff & Erica Have Been


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Women will be furious when they eventually learn the truth about what the medical community and CDC have done to them.


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Women will be furious when they eventually learn the truth about what the medical community and CDC have done to them.


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Other countries are admitting their mistakes. Denmark is now not vaccinating anyone under 50 years old.Prominent people who once promoted the vaccine as safe and effective are now realizing that their original beliefs were based on trust and are calling for an immediate halt to the vaccines. When they look directly at the evidence, they find that their trust was misplaced. Dr. Aseem Malhotra is the latest high-profile doctor to come to this realization and nobody wants to debate him either.The Doug Brignole test. Brignole challenged the vaccine and said if he didn’t die, people like me should apologize. He died shortly after getting his latest vaccine.https://stevekirsch.substack.com/p/sanity-checks?r=3vm3f&utm_medium=android

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Next time you see "It's a Wonderful Life" add some historical nuance...

It’s A Wonderful Life is probably the most famous and beloved Christmas movie of all time, but a little known and quite wonderful fact about the movie is that it was a life saver for the star, Jimmy Stewart. A former soldier, Jimmy suffered from major PTSD, and the movie was the first time he’d been back to Hollywood in over 5 years. The parallels between Jimmy’s story and his character’s are so close that much of what we see onscreen is a real version of Jimmy working through much of his tough PTSD issues to get to that penultimate happy ending.

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Far out Fact:

Hedy Lamarr is known for being a famous, beautiful, highly talented actress from the 30’s and 40’s, but it is perhaps her biggest accomplishment that is widely unknown and supremely impressive. Hedy was an avid inventor, and she created something called “frequency hopping” that would prevent war enemies from intercepting communication transmissions. She donated her patent to the U.S. military, who would go on to use it to win the war against the Nazis.

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Hello. Anybody home?

Explosives-Laden Underwater Drone,

UNDETONATED, Found Near Nord Stream

Pipeline Bomb Blast Site -The Swedes Have

It And Know Whose It Is…But Won’t Say (BTW, this is why the third pipeline turned out to be fixable... they didn't forget about it. It survived. https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/explosives-laden-drone-undetonated-found-near-nord-stream-pipeline-bomb-blast-site

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114 medical professionals who "died suddenly"—in RussiaFurther evidence that "vaccination" is as deadly there as it is in the "democracies" (AND China). Kudos to Rachel Allen.


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Even DEMOCRACY NOW traditional libs say we're led by unhinged warmongers that will get us killed. Listen!!! This is directly related to the Great Reset forced-healthcare-as trojan-horse power play https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=wmOePNsNFw0

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Some commenters & comments are clutter (yep, like mine).

Most on Substack are very informative & profound. I’m here & not on Twitter or FB for a reason.

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