
"Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know.. it's my own damn fault"

RIP Jimmy

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I know a bunch of elderly. Mostly jabbed. They say It’s Old Age. A few heart attacks peacefully in sleep, cancer recurrence, heart, neurological, dementia related.

& many will probably want this year’s useless-dangerous vaccine , tested on 23 people.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

My ex-wifes father died a few months ago in his 'sleep', I didn't even mention, but I knew he had just had his 4th booster, following his 3 original jab's; She as woke as they get, it wouldn't have mattered if the mRNA had killed him, IMHO she was glad to have the burden begone, as she had took him in +3 years earlier;

I think the WOKE see the JAB as an assisted suicide operation, and just are too much fucking asshole liars to fess up.


For example could say, had you not jab'd pa, maybe he would have lived longer, they don't really care, one recurring thing for all woke is they're selfish;

As you all know the WOKE theme song "What is mine is mine, and yours is mine"

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Great insights!

(How you ever wound up marrying an uberwoke lib is a story for another day;)

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I also witnessed that "assisted suicide" behavior in a woke person. People on our side think the problem is that the media suppresses the facts, and that's partially true, but it's not the entire story.

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Interesting. That's an angle I hadn't considered

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The meanwhile more than middle aged children of long-lived healthy parents with nice real estate etc were particularly worried that their parents might die from covid and particularly intent on preventing it by injection after injection... In parallel being cheered on in their subconscious designs by state side promotion of ideas like "old people take up too many too large houses, young families should move into those" and "old people go on cruises and destroy the environment ". Another op is ads showing children asking old people to "vote for us" (= their grandchildren), thus vote them into tyranny which however is not made clear in those ads. Plus of course ads encouraging old people to donate their entire wealth. (Of course this may come handy to woke vaccinated old people who have cut off contact to their unvaccinated offspring, or where the vaccinated offspring has succumbed to the injections.) If you take all those strands together you get the attempt of maximum exploitation of expendables before their removal.

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I'll bet NPRs coffers filled up rather nicely with all the "bequeathing"..

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They could chock it up to old age for those living in senior care homes. At least it's plausible. You don't end up in a care home -- unless you need someone else to care for you.

However; there are insane numbers of young people dying from the same illnesses they are blaming on old age. This is where they will be caught.

Hell, the fact that they are even using the term SADS is absurd! They can tell how someone died weeks ago by exhuming the body, but they can't tell you how someone died just hours before -- or they won't say how someone died hours before.

Just a few thoughts.

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Obviously money and fame does not make one wise. I can not get over why anyone would take the damn shot?? Idk jimmy but for all his money you’d think he could hire a really smart person to do his research!!!!! Fame fortune poof.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Simply PUT he drank the fucking "KOOLAID"

Like Neil Young another turn-coat sell-out asshole on the black-rock, spotify dole like Rogan having gotten $100M for all his songs, but the stick is that he has to 'support' the message

I'm damn sure that Buffet signed the exact same contract, they're not playing music, they're selling the CORPORATE Slavery Plantation Orchestra;


When Neil Young came out for mRNA jab's, he even admitted that 90% of black-rock who owns "Spotify" who owns his ass, that they're all owned by "BIG PHARMA"

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All 3 did. Good summary and points well taken. I was taken back what Jimmy told his audience, he’s is/was a frikken drug rep and damnit Neil stfu … and Joe

Dude you lost your edge. Owned not only by big pharma but black rock and Satan the real commander of this shit show.

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I went to our local Walmart pharmacy to fill a prescription for my dog yesterday. While I waited, I was taken aback by the steady stream of people lining up to get jabbed. I wanted to scream at them for taking the jab without questions, and the staff for administering them without a second thought. Every time the door to the jab room opened and another person stepped in, pictures of people lining up to get on a train during WWII flashed through my mind. The jabber herself even looked like Ilsa the Shewolf of the SS. I listened to the people talk about wanting to avoid the flu and covid and I was overcome with sadness that they didn't know any better because they trust the government, the legacy media, and the white coats without question, and had I said anything, they would not have listened anyway.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

OMG. Have they learned NOTHING?

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Hats off to ever engineered this bioweapon. It presents as a plethora of disease, never to be convincingly blamed on the injected weapon.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

People have been conditioned to trust the various experts so have gotten lazy and do not think critically; but we share a brother-sister relationship. This is a great tragedy and crime. It is easier to be angry than to mourn. Moral anger directed to the perpetrators and empathy to the deceived.

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If you can go through this every week and still think "nothing" is happening, you are either employed by the criminals who cooked the vaccine up or you are insane. We have had 5 in the last two weeks in my little town of 120,000 die suddenly and many more who are dying of cancer and other horrible diseases.

In memory of those who "died suddenly" in the United States and worldwide, August 29-September 4, 2023


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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Sorry Boomers...you fell for it...you can't comply your way out dummies

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Not all of us... I am (age 72) and have always been a non-conformist. Folks like Jimmy got all suck-cessful and shit and forgot about it. I have never been suck-cessful but I can spot a scam a mile away. And I will never trust the government, doctors or authorities with anything in my life. I have seen too many people go down because they went along with the plan.

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"I've seen the Needle and the damage done. " I hope Neil Young will remember, un-vaxxed man don't need him around anyhow. 😅😅😅😅

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Neil... one of the people I looked up... has also sold out to the man. 4 Billion dead in Ohio?

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You get it don't you? My God that song inspired me so much. I was marching after that one...

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4 billion dead in Ohio? What are you talking about?

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I bit of a play on words - the song by Neil Young “4 dead in Ohio” became an anti-establishment and protest song that ignited the anti-war movement. I marched in several protests immediately after its release. It was on our lips as we protested the war in Vietnam. So many years later Neil becomes a shill for the establishment and what we would have called a sellout to the man. So “4 billion dead in Ohio” should be Neil’s latest release. It’s not often that someone who was a folk hero to me becomes a sellout POS. Neil has earned this award for me and I am sure many others.

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Ah. Thanks for the backstory.

It takes a special kind of grit to go head on against evil.

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Good for you

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Yup... don't kiss asses... got fired once for standing up for a woman who had a chronic medical condition. There are some things that are more important than money... It's about doing the "right thing" regardless of what it does to you. I have doing it all my life. Don't regret anything. Fuck em all...

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I'm sorry to hear Jimmy said this. The COVID tyranny infected more people than the virus.

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Chanson Pour Les Petits Enfants (live)


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Thanks for letting me know about Jimmy, RIP 🪦

I DID not know he was gung Ho on shots

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"Some people claim that there's a woman to blame, but I know.. it's my own damn fault"

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Well it’s my own damn fault Damnit Jimmy I can’t believe you fell for this

Shit, dude Man what were you thinking??

It’s all her fault!!!

Or as Dwight Yoakum would sing

Sometimes I blame it on

The woman

Sometimes I blame it on the money

Sometimes I blame it all on me

I don’t get it I would of been happy

Telling Jimmy if you get that vaxx

You’ll be sorry now pay me a small portion of your concert proceeds

Apparently before Covid he was making

Bank as one of the most popular concert attractions.

He had a good life but he done Fd up

Short changed his own adventure

Damn man he was one of US too!!

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It would be nice to live in a world were you could trust your regulators, doctors, president ( Trump) to say "the buck stops here", but these days you'll die trying. Sadly paranoia is the baseline survival skill.

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Guck the doc the Prez and basically anyone in any authority. Lol

It would be a nicer place if people that

Have sworn to be dutiful professional

Might be trusted.

We are fast approaching Mad Max

Trust your gut And the Good Lord

Cover your own butt, carry one sharp sword.

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You have to be nuts and completely lost in life to follow someone who commands you to do this or that in order to be a follower. If Jimmy cared about all of his fans, it wouldn't have mattered if they were vaxxed or not.

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Seems to me that "the fourth rider on the pale horse' (The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.) is fully riding now. Death and Lake of Fire judgement follow him! Too bad Jimmy Buffet did not tell the truth

about "Fauci's Ouchies." If he had, maybe he would still be here with us! How different was King David's experience! He wrote in his 23rd Psalm. "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of my life. And I shall dwell in the House of Yahweh forever." Original Hebrew, Holy Name Bible

I post publicly and freely on MeWe. ETERNAL LIFE BLESSINGS FOR YAHWEH'S SAINTS!

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Oh well....

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Karma. So good.

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I thought we were going to get back to BUFFET & Chomsky and their Epstein, and pedophile proclivity’s???

IMHO it was Gates that got interested in that shit, it was Buffet who befriended him along with Epstein who got Gates compromised, leading to his eventual divorce.

Buffet is the original sex pervert black-mail con, its how he became the richest man in USA, until Gates got even richer.

Long before Epstein came on the scene in 1985 and started ‘owning’ celebrity’s with child-fucking photos, the FBI was doing this shit under Hoover in the 1930’s;

Buffet started his operation in the 1950’s.

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Sep 7, 2023·edited Sep 7, 2023Author

Youre probably right on most of this, but I still don't want the "Sage of Omaha" to be in this pedo crowd. Oh well.

On Bill, what exactly do you think Melinda Gates divorced him for, considering all the experimental vax deaths of Africa teenage girls wasn't enough? They are still "close partners" yada yada..

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Sep 7, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

HA! Bill Gates of Hell!

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Melinda is on record that for a decade she told him to stay away from Epstein, he could not, check out the interview with her about her visit to Epstein mansion NYC, where Bill made her go because he wanted her to see 'what a cool guy he was', she said the place smelled like 'death', and she thought she had met the devil himself, creeped the hell out of her, and Gates still kept 'hangin out' with Jeff;

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Sure enough.

Here it is:

French Gates said the divorce has been a difficult time of grieving, anger and many tears shed curled up on the floor.


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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

A few months ago at a "Buffet Fest" in Omaha a millionaire VC guy questioned Buffet about his ties to Gates and Epstein, and asked that with all the negative why he still had close relations with Gates;

Buffet threw a fit, and had his PIGS hog-tie the questioner and black-bag him, ALL buffet said was "My personal business, is my business"

Now if you could track down that guy that asked that question, or read his blogs you could probably find a ton of stuff because my understanding is this guy has spent years investigating BUFFET;

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

He had the exact same 'artwork' as Jeffery Dahmer, you know the inverted corpse; Dahmer fucked & ate his victims, Epstein just sodomized them and kept the hymens intact for rich people who wanted 'virgins'.

My understanding is that the entire mansion was full of the Satanic art, just like the other pedophile guy that runs the democrat party; Mr Pizzagate Brothers; Best pals of HRC

Melinda sounds like a real nice woman, Bill Gates is an autistic out of touch psychopath, other than the money, why in the fuck did she marry him?


That was one of the real big points for Epsteins biz and how he got customers like "CHOMSKY", anybody can supply children to fuck, but getting 9.9 rated virgins girls was Epstein specialty, where Ghislaine would keep tabs on every little girl they were grooming.

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Sick. Why are the Podesta/Comet ping pong brothers still alive?

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Thanks, could NOT remember that name PODESTA brothers, all had the exact same homo erotic sadomasochistic art as Dahmer, and Epstein.

Makes you think that all these kids went to the same MK-ULTRA youth camp.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Why are they still alive? Like all these people they got the photos and the files, they are/were the 'procurers' not unike Saville of UK the "Royal Procurer" for the Queen spent his entire adult life supplying fuck-able children to the monarchy

To think that DC doesn't have 'royal procurers' would be non-sense. UK has owned DC since 1871

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Buffet was on the Epstein list? Wait. WHAT?

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Not sure. I'd like to see the case for Warren Buffett's child abuse allegations Bilbo alluded to.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I would like to see you do some research in this subject as well, but sadly your too busy.

Probably the most important line in this is not 'follow the money', but follow the chain of newspapers in the mid-west owned by Buffet; Then study the incidence of child abuse reports in those buffet owned towns; Note when he owns the News in a town, it means he owns the cops, the judges, and the politicians, because they're all dependent upon him for re-election.

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Fair enough. This is one hell of a story, even if the facts aren't new. I would think alt media could have a heyday with this sacred cow.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Nope your talking about the richest guy in USA, and he owns the insurance and the GOV

He's certainly the most powerful person, I suspect that once him&munger are DEAD, then all hell will get dumped, but nobody dare say shit while he is alive

Just look what they did to that millionaire VC guy that called BUFFET out at his annual meeting, they hog-tied and beat the fucking shit out of him and note he was a VIP

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In other news.. Warren Buffett reportedly has been cashing out of stocks and buying T-bills in a huge way. https://www.rickackerman.com/free-trades/?vgo_ee=WSLq1cV%2FtrELpW03ZYZfQ%2FhNbf2VWubWG0vWejCHhw%3D%3D%3ApLWXSIbVl6Nwb8J%2BfTGGLwdiXtRXRC%2B3

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Like who? The story of the investigative reporter died long ago

Perhaps you should study the Buffet model, buy up all the newspapers in the country and then use the reporters as attack-dogs to put people you want to die, or rob their assets out of business;

It's not hard to do if you own the press in a town,


Probably a major reason that investigative reporting no longer exists is that it all got misused long ago such that today, nobody would dare, as the owner of every newspaper is always the biggest MAFIA BOSS in town, so what are you going to investigate? The guy who pays your salary??

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

U saw it but you didn't read it;

All I said is/was BUFFET had the founder of "BoysTown" removed and put in his own team, later the children were fucked at BUSH-1 white-house, during Franklin Coverup it all went public, so Buffet shutdown Boystown, today Buffet occupys all the land of former Boystown as his Insurance HQ for Omaha,

If you weren't so fucking lazy, perhaps you could study how it is that Buffet used his newspapers ( he owns most newspapers in the mid-west including Waco, Texas ) to destroy the real founder of Boystown so he could take over;


Late 1980's was Bush-1 "Franklin-Coverup", once Boystown got shutdown the 'wizard of omaha' had to source new orphans, he tried to get access to all 90 of the kids at Koresh "Branch Davidians", did his normal as he owns the news, Koresh got demonized, in order to get him replaced, somewhere along the line, RENO got involved and rather than fucking the children they killed them all;

I imagine back in the day from when Buffet first took over Boystown ( there was a GirlsTown too ), that until it got shutdown they had a hell of a time; So after that they started 'working' orphanages all over the mid-west

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Alright - I just got schooled. Thank you.

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Sep 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Buffet the Margarita man is Hollywood, there is not a fucker in Hollywood that isn't Pedo compromised it goes with the biz

If you probably started digging you would find your tags

Like Joe Rogan, did comedy at homo-pedo clubs all over LA, which is how he made the connections to become a WEF broadcaster, and using his comedy/actor talents became a front man for WWE wrestling in LA/Nevada;


Mel Gibson tried and few others to explain the ZOG Pedophile ownership of Hollywood and all our actors and musicians but everybody that talks gets cancelled;

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Mel is a hero IMHO

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