Excellent interview between 2 of the most important voices of our time, who are exposing the nefarious military operation behind the whole COVID debacle.

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. Much appreciated!

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" A batch that started with an E — those had high, high adverse reactions and deaths." Pfizer whistleblower


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No, its not a 1 min read its a one hour 'podcast'

Any way possible to just reduce into who, what, where, when & why; and name the two who suicided?

This reminds of some kind of pyscho trap to listen to an hour of talking heads this has to be pavlovian programming right?

There is another post right now also that requires listening to a one hour hypnotic trip to places nobody really needs to go.


Two senior FDA vaccine regulators are stepping down - CNBC

https://www.cnbc.com › 2021/08/31 › two-senior-fda-va...

Aug 31, 2020 — Marion Gruber, director of the FDA's Office of Vaccines Research & Review, and deputy director Phil Krause will exit the agency

The announcement that Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Philip Krause will leave this fall comes as the agency conducts sensitive reviews of coronavirus vaccines for children and booster shots.

Both men who quit did so because they refused to cooperate with BIDEN who wanted adults to have booster shots, and children under 12;

( well at least this one is rational , and the men did right thing )


Chemjobber on Twitter: "cw: death by suicide A FDA reviewer ...

https://twitter.com › Chemjobber › status

Jan 19, 2021 — Two staffers have committed suicide in recent months. Dr. Michael Waters, a lead.

The two suicides were over-work which led to depression, so say family members

In both cases the family members said the men hadn't slept +5 days continuously and were extremely exhausted.

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LOL, All read time estimates are done automatically by substack. You'd probably have saved time putting the broadcast on 2.5X speed and hearing her out, but thank you for the references and comments.

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I know :)

Even at 2.5x that 24 minutes of my life for what?

The suicides are from depression and irrelevant

The two guys that quit, did right

So fucking what?

What about the 10,000 that stayed forced jab on adults & children some three years into the COVID hysteria? How about talking about the real assholes???

What about all the GOV assholes at CDC, WHO, and these 100 other .GOV agencys that force this Big-Pharma shit on to the USA public, just because big-pharma owns the GOV, BIDEN, & Trump


alt-woke is just as dumb as woke, in J6 cops that died days later were attributed to death at j6, here we have FDA gimps who were literally 'worked to death', and cause of death is attributed to what?

Alt-Woke is a pack of Liars, Woke is a pack of liars Siamese twins sharing a common assholee

Sorry, almost all these dickhead posts here (not yours) have paywalls, there should be generic place to respond to the bile with out paying to comment in their toilet bowl;

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Agree. The 4 FDA Employees were the best of the bunch and only mentioned to demonstrate they clearly came across life altering info while serving as rubber stamps for a ready-to-go injection plot disguised as EUA "warp speed...just in time" as the lady is explaining when you play her st 2.5x

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You really need to read all the sources and not just the talking-heads seem to have some kind of trump-love here with single sources;

I concur this woman might have a lot of followers

But your premise is these four were the best is false, the two guys that suicided were just average guys that couldn't take the stress remember this is GOV, they never actually worked prior to this hysteria

Regarding the two guys who quit, they disagreed with BIDEN on jabbing the babys and boosting adults and resigned in protest, happens all the time, its not life altering, it was politics;

Yes I know EUA is a PILE of shit, but BLAME TRUMP for that Fast-Track was his bitch, also all these problem in this post were attributed to BIDEN, trump and OWS were already a fact of life, when BIDEN inherited the cesspool

I disagree about any good in any DC Gov agency, these are all lifers, they're all rubber-stampers they're all like IRS agents, they all follow orders and count days until retirement, they're all zombies otherwise they would have gotten a real job

No different than a guy who becomes a lifer in the MIL, he wants others to make all his life decisions, none of these people can be called heroes unless the audience are morons.

Now your telling me these people are Heros??? I think I just write 3 days ago that soon all the assholes that ran COVID would go down as heros


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I haven't seen a single post here that paints Trump's vax involvement in a positive light. What did I miss?

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I'm talking substack in general not your site

Just yesterday there was a ton of OPS

"Trump was Tricked to deploy the Jab"

That might not be positive to you, but it sure shows an apologist to me. They're trying and hard to put a positive light on Trump so he can return in 2024 and deploy more COVID in China.

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Hate the mRNA vax ( note only 10% of humans on earth got mRNA 90% got traditional vax made in Russia & China aka sputnik & sinovac )

Love the Orange Man hate his actions;

Love Orange hate OWS/fast-track;

Love Orange man hate Fauci;

Love Orange man hate those Pharma CEO's for giving themselves legal-immunity using Trumps pen;

Shall we call it Cog-Diss? Stupid?

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I started listening and her take on Daniel and the Lions Den is worth listening to the opening. No, I will not type to your mind what she thinks.

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Finally at minute mark 42.

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Thanks, I was going to listen tonight on Spotify. Glad you shared it too.

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Does it suprise anyone that Aducanumab, the controversial new drug sold under the brand name Aduhelm as a medication designed to treat Alzheimer's disease (AD). It is a monoclonal antibody that targets aggregated forms of amyloid beta found in the brain (AMYLOID CLOTS AND PRION DISEASE from mRNA shots which coroners worldwide have been pulling out of autopsied veins "like calimari"??)

What a lucrative new market, or a coverup.


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Trudeau. What a slime ball. Watch!!


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Both SAUNAs (try a niacin sauna flush) and COLD SHOWERS great for stress and resilience, just like unterval training is better than 3 hours of boring cardio. Niacin Infrared sauna sessions are also being used by many as post covid and post vax therapy (*Not medical advice*)


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COME FLY the DEADLY 'Vaccinated' SKIES: '

Almost Every Day I Get Calls From Pilots with Cardiac Issues or Neurological Dysfunction' (Video)


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Report 61: Ute Krüger, MD, Breast Cancer Specialist, Reveals Increase in Cancers and Occurrences of “Turbo Cancers” Following Genetic Therapy “Vaccines”

March 10, 2023 • by Robert W. Chandler, MD, MBA


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All I was trying to say, is that when you post a link to a video or audio can you please tell people why they need to invest their time in listening or watching?

If you don't provide any back-ground on the podcast it makes me think you didn't listen to it yourself;

I can see that Sasha is an attractive gal, and big part of all things alt-COVID, but I'm not part of the woke or the alt-woke covid 'circle-jerk',

Even alexander is loved by all, so its seems again a one sided loyalty, not unlike Trump 'loyalty oath', the people on the pro mRNA jab side the 'woke' are bat shit crazy, but the alt-woke like Kirsch and all the other pay-walls here like Malone all are selling something;

It's rather obvious here on substack 'all things covid' that the paywall creates an echo-chamber, and where there is no paywall for comments ( like you have ) subjects you to a different point of view, the people with paywalls don't want to hear a different point view,

Then there is these ops like "NOAH" who just block any POV that isn't woke or PC, like all the pro-mRNA OPS on substack.com they can't handle anybody that goes off reservation.

What you have here is woke is pushing GOV narrative of the day, and alt-woke is pushing a rabbit-hole surrounded by a 10' foot high chain-link fence, line leak-theory/single bio-lab, all vax is mRNA, anti-mRNA is anti-vax, ...

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