
#MauiFires Help Maui Rise: DIRECTLY AID FAMILIES & Individuals Displaced by fires (this is run by Ed Dowd who lives there and I trust)


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MEDIA IS LYING says EDITOR OF MAUI TIMES "radio silence" WTF?????

10 min mark. Listen


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Youre thinking about it all wrong:

"See, they do care! They really do care! And as an act of caring so so much, they’ve offered victims of the Maui infernos $700.

I know what you’re thinking, $51 million to Maui, $13 Billion more for Ukraine, seems a wee bit unbalanced. But you’re thinking about it all wrong.

What did Hawaiians really lose after all, other than their loved ones?

All that beautiful beachfront property was such a waste in the hands of locals.

What were they doing with it that was so special?

Exhibiting their pride in culture, heritage, and historical traditions and joyously sharing it with the world while providing small businesses the opportunity to flourish off tourism creating thousands of jobs?

Pffff. What good does that do for ze forse industreeeel revolushun?

How does that help Blackrock or Vanguard?



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WOW! MIKE ADAMS has some EXPLOSIVE STUFF!! (subscribe for free and help support his show AND the Brighteon no-censorship alt platform he created and is building!!! Listen!

"The destruction of Lahaina a heinous act of terrorism committed by a tyrannical government against the people of Hawaii

Mike Adams

It's now clear that the US government is waging warfare against its own people, and that the torching of Lahaina -- which burned hundreds of children alive -- was deliberately allowed to happen.

Under the corrupt Biden regime, terrorism, psychological warfare and depopulation agendas are being accelerated against the American people, in accelerating attacks targeting towns, farms, food supply hubs and energy infrastructure.

You are living in a war zone, and your government is run by demonic death cultists. This isn't hyperbole, either: It's an accurate description of where we are in 2023. https://www.brighteon.com/190b2b80-6913-445f-a628-3b148f48c880

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

The beauty of killing 1,000's of old people is they will not rebuild because their dead;

But just like COVID they killed the old because the State wants to reduce payments for healthcare.

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Along with reducing healthcare costs, they were probably wanting the benefit of not paying out social security money.

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Also if they don't just burn down the real estate but also those entitled to the land on which the houses stood, there will be no claims to the land, it can be seized.

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That too. Like their wanting to eliminate First Nation's People who are under treaties so that they can take their land easier.

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I'm over 70 and can't afford medicare part B, Old people have to pay for part B. I'm into home remedies eating well, etc. Hard to do that with inflation. If I didn't own my home I couldn't make it month to month.. You can't figure out who's the lesser of two evils because it's evils nnature to deceive.

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I hope this serves as a wake up call to the feeble minded, that your government will stop at nothing to eradicate you

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I am still deciding what kind of thank-you note to send them in return; put another way, what is an appropriate response when your government is actively trying to kill, maim, or simply shorten your life?

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Fiscal responsibility?????

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Thanks jean....i did hear that the gov's fiscal rating just went down, and I am fairly sure they will not be returning my (40 years worth of) investment monies (ie Social Security). So....hoping to retire at 62 with at least something....and to cease throwing my monies into their black hole....(or is it their bonus hole?) best

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Everybody had head's up, except the people sleeping their homes;

This is just like Epsteins jail cameras being turned off;

What is the point of having the most advanced early warning system on earth and to have it turned off State-wide??

The Jews in Israel are furious, as always its the MENA jews that die, not the faux ashkeNAZI jews.

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Bilbo, any insight on this repost comment?

Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E.


Brandon’s Substack

"Neurotechnology and Non-Kinetic Threat NKT enabled. That said, actual fires do happen, but proper forest trimming and controlled burning should minimize any catastrophic fires.

You can create this type of damage to infrastructure by transmitting from signal generators (arrays) either on earth bouncing off of ionosphere, from satcoms and from local hacked cell towers with 5G directional antennas. All that you need to do is transmit a frequency at the critical vibrational resonance for given batteries, fuels, components and items in a house. Further, when utilized in combination with graphenes and self replicating nano tech that can be "beam steered" from payloads in the atomosphere, to increase the dielectric constants (without a human eye being able to see) of all materials. Therefore the combination of a critical resonance frequency in addition to dielectric self replicating nano tech can easily enable this type of "explosion to occur".

Therefore, this is an act of war event, given the current technology that exists in the world today. Once you understand the frequency spectrum as well as graphenes and self replicating nano tech then it is simple to understand these types of weapons being deployed on unwitting people.

So, how could some houses not burn and others burn given the use of nano technology and NKTs? It is simple, the houses that didn't burn have transmitters built-into them that pulse the self replicating nano tech away from the house, such that its' dielectric constants were not enhanced compared to other houses. We're in 5th and 6th generation wars now and nano tech is also being deployed. Also, don't forget about those pesky mesogens that also are being used in 5th and 6th generation warfare to cognitively confuse people.

Once you understand technology and war tactics, then you understand how it can be utilized covertly to wage a war without people realizing a war is underway. The past week India declared that we're already going through WW3. The only issue is that so many people have mesogens, graphenes and nano tech in them that they're oblivious because the truth is literally hidden from them with neurotechnology.

Peace, from a "Cognitive Weapon" failed hit job in 2022, where I reverse engineered ChinaCCP "NeuroStrike" technology platform and recovered from it while doing work for DOD and DOE. ChinaCCP up to no good with "Brain Warfare" and "Nano Tech Warfare" in all domains, including nanoscale and neurons. Watch out for Tik Tokers as well, they're surrogates these days for ChinaCCP. If you're not sure what a surrogate is, read my prior posts.

Hope this sheds light on what people are claiming a DEW can do... keep in mind nano tech that increases dielectric constants amplifies the impact of a DEW by orders of magnitude... published literature shows by factors of x500 to x600 or so."

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Aug 16, 2023·edited Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

REAL shit

1.) inflaming alum foil takes 100 of Watts of power, impossible long distance, need to be less than 3 miles, even for lasers in the atmosphere, microwaves travel high power even less distance; but still one mile out at night, you can not see or hear the plane; ( drone or weather-balloon )

2.) 'Micro-Wave auditory effect' is a real weapon, making people hear stuff in their head, again high-power antenna must be near victim; That's the real shit that CIA/FBI, & US-MIL uses in the micro-wave R&D human mind fuckery experiments.

3.) I always doubt this 'graphene' bullshit, the quality graphene that you need is over $10k USD a kg, there are cheaper ways to destroy human health, nano tech weapons as well, is sci-fi; ZOG works on cost-per-kill, show me a tool that costs $100 that can wipe out a city, and you have found your weapon.

Cheap & effect tools that kill, preferably using off-the-shelf components so it can't be traced, all nano-tech can be traced, because so few labs can actually make the stuff, sort of like nukes, all radioactive sources are finger-printed.

Cost per Kill, get with the program. While the USA wastes "FIAT" like a drunken sailor, the Chinese, Iran, & Russian's don't think that way.


Occam's razor say's fires started by a bunch of anti-fa (obama/biden) kids, easily could have launched a dozen drones at 5am to go land on wood buildings all over LANAI, ignite "Thermite payloads", cost of drones about $200 USD each as kit in china made form, cost of thermite, just iron/alum power and rust powder, all easy cheap to obtain, and non-traceable; I don't buy the fires started from outside, the fires started within the town, widely dispersed to cause max damage before people woke up at 6am

Even the drones with 'lasers' is way too fucking complicated, they would have had to do advance recon to geo-locate all the LPG tanks weeks in advance,

Would have been easy for a team of anti-fa or mossad kids to walk around and geo-locate old wooden buildings on their smart-phone, plug into a drone 'mission program' and launch drones and then have them dead short lipo batterys when they land on the building igniting the thermite.


It was space based cuz that kind of power in the atmosphere from space to earth doesn't exist, all gets absorbed by atmosphere, by the time it reaches earth surface, sure in space satellites can kill other satellites with lasers long distance, because there is no atmosphere

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

That's the thing with all those newfangled contraptions, they're quite short range.

In a totally unrelated coincidence, the «gray zone» in today's wars seems to be increasing compared to 20th century.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Like Einstein said "I don't know what weapons man will use in WW3 (today), but I know for sure in WW4 that he'll be using sticks&stones"

The shit today is 'fragile', many if the tinest thing fails in the $100 billlion USD carrier or stealth-shit the entire system fails, they say that today 70% of all F-35 jets are in the hanger at all times being repaired.


The good note about todays 'gray zone' killing contraptions is that any kid in Africa, or India can build one to destroy a neighboring village or whatever they so desired. They can't put the genie back into the bottle, just too cheap & easy.

Gov crap, especially USA globo-homo GOV all their shit is just too fragile, like the homo's that rule over the US-MIL

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Aug 15, 2023·edited Aug 15, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Microwave Oven,

We already heard that some spraying of 'alumininum dust' had been deployed for cloud-seeding

Ever put a peice of alum foil in a microwave? Poof flames

So yes, if they pre-dusted an area with particularized alum-foil, and then blasted that area with 5G ( high power, US-MIL Avionic DEW - deployed from B747 class airframe ) which would also kill or internally raise the human body temp by cavitating their water-molecules ( death ) and you would have fires

Anything is possible


On this note they're saying that 99% of all corpses found so far are so totally destroyed they can't be identified, so that tells you the bones and teeth possibly exploded again micro-wave directed energy which is found on Plane based US-MIL aircraft, essentially directed microwave ovens

Not fuck all to with 5G phones, which is super low-power and does nothing. Long term exposure said to cause brain cancer, we're talking a milli-watts of power

The new 'coke-can' chinese 1 Mega-Watt laser that is 3LB, can puncture & ignite an outdoor propane tank or "FUEL TANK" from 3 miles distance, and be deployed by a small drone, or weather-balloon.


Also on note about 'microwave' ( which just means high frequency +3 ghz ) is the 'micro-wave auditory effect' where when humans are blasted with modulated microwave energy they can hear 'voices' in their inner ear talking to them, this was discovered in 1950's, GOOGLE it, well discussed in wikipedia.


Regarding nano-technology, sure you can make RFID's that are cellular size, deployed in human bodys and like little robots can be activated by oscillation at right 'microwave frequencys and power levels', by why go to all the fucking trouble???

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What are mesogenes? Where can I buy such a pulsating transmitter to avoid dielectric enhancement?

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Well, funny you should ask! Here's my affiliate link....

jk. I'd love to know meself

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I'll ask Oprah or Jeff

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Stick your head in a microwave oven, or get a small dog or cat and study, Fauci style get a lot of beagle puppy's be sure you cut their vocal chords so as not to have to listen to the screams

Get an RF power meter to learn how much microwave radiation is being blasted,even better go the junk yard, get a ton of old microwaves and some old DTV dish anteenna's and transmit your own RF +4ghz and blast the neighbor house, hell modulate it and do your own 'microwave auditory effect', but little voices in their heads like "Kill yourself"

It's endless what a kid can find at the junk year to build real life space weapons

Get your drone and grind up some aluminum foils and send the drone out to dump the powerderized aluminum on the neighbors house and yard, then sit back and point your RF antennna micro-wave on neighbors property and "POOF" it all goes up in flames, add some iron powder and you have "THERMITE" which burns at 4500F, so you can even melt their cars

Have fun kids


Regarding bio experiment MESOGENES ( fucking up cellular division with high freq radiation ) you will need lots of mice, and a decent SEM scanning electron microscope to study, but that too be the first kid on your block to turn your neighbors dog into an FRANKEN-PUPPY

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Bilbo, you must have been a Nanny's nightmare as a kid :)

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Aug 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I did make LSD & nitro-glycerine when I was 14 years old and I gave the LSD to the my friends for free, and used the Nitro to blow shit up.


Bombs & Drugs drove me to self-study chemistry, math, & physics as a child +12, by the time I was 16 I was bored with that shit; (Bombs&Drugs), I think its fairly normal to get past the blow things up stage, and most of my friends were dead by 16 from PCP, and heroin. Vehicle accidents;

Hey I grew up in Watt's what can I say. Death was more common than life; Funerals more common than weddings;

I started college at 14, so by the time I was 16 I was spending all my time studying, no time for the hood; Got an R&D job at 19 and moved on from LA.


I was a foster child, never knew my dad he died on a bench in skid-row (LA), my mom suicide'd after they took the kids; No Nanny, no supervision, I think about 10 I just stayed in the library's and got into books and never came out. During schools hours I would stay in the library, after school I would hang out with the gang-bangers, they were the only people who were having fun. Then & now if you weren't in a gang, you got your ass kicked walking down the street, being in a gang made you a 'made kid'. :)

I think the 'foster kid' thing, and seeing so many children raped in foster-homes hardened me about the "GOV". Funny they never touched me, even at 8+ I would tell them if they ( foster-parents, social-workers, & their pimps) touched me I would kill them. They didn't bother with trouble, most kids in the 'system' had already been abused and went along with their pedo shit;

When I was a kid the 'pedophiles' were everywhere in LA/Hollywood.

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Much BULLSHIT around here, dielectric-constant is what is called the medium within a capacitor, +200 year old technology, to store electrons

Mostly they use exotic material's to change dielectric-constant, to change capacitance, to change the t=rc constant to change the frequency of the system.


Mesogenes is just a fancy word for 'cellular division'


US-GOV spooks have been frying human brains with +5GHZ since times of NAZI's, and they were all brought to USA in 1940's under operation paperclip +2,000 Nazi Homo scientists. Google "Microwave auditory effect" to learn what they really use this high-frequency radiation on human lab rats

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I know they were using it experimentally in US prisons in the 60's and 70's from prisoner accounts.

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Even HOTEL rooms in the 1960's were wired with "MAE" ( microwave auditory effect ) where they would study who could hear the voice, who couldn't, once they ID'd people who could 'hear' then they would put them in MK-ULTRA programs and slowly train them, without them every knowing.

The 1950's RF radar inventors noticed 'clicks' in the head, later it was found the MW-RF could oscillate the ear-drum bones, depending on the person some could hear voices when the RF was modulated with audio from a microphone, because all human anatomy is different, not all people respond same to the effect.


Yes they tried to ID people in prison as well, but they also needed to 'farm' manchurian-candidates who were already trusted 'businessmen'

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Aug 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


GOV report on state of the art DEW weapons, recall that lots of this work was done in 1950's, and peaked out in 1980's under Rayguns 'star-wars', again like I say over&over it only works on short-range.


"""nano tech that increases dielectric constants amplifies the impact of a DEW by orders of magnitude"""

Not sure what your boy is talking about, the new nano-materials allow adjusting the Dielec-Cons for 'tunability' that is changing the frequency or making stuff wide-band



Nano-Tech is expensive, the guy here mixing "INDIA" and using rich-mans tech to control its population is non-sense,

They're pushing DEW, aliens, and 5G-nano for a reason, mind-fuckery & mis-direction.


In summary read the report I posted for what's possible in US-MIL

That said IMHO china, russia, Iran are way ahead of the USA in drone warfare, e..g. killing humans and burning shit up on earths surface.

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I HATE that our taxpayer money is given to any other nation for any reason. They set up fundraisers for other things like natural disasters and could do the same in Ukraine or anywhere else.

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Aug 15, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


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Hawaii has the most advanced early-warning system in the world for tsunami's and hurricanes and fires.

The morning of the fire the entire Hawaiian Early warning had been turned off

Just like 911, where BUSH had turned off tracking of air craft the day of 911 and all the planes were hijacked, the system couldn't even launch MIL jets because all eyes in the sky were blind.


Here if horns had gone off all the old retired people would have got out of their beds at 6am and gone to the basement, or something, but most just got burnt to death in their bedrooms

All that is known is the jew GREEN is a WEF FELLOW and the jew EMERG-DIR, and all were working with WEF to depopulate MAUI of poor people.

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This is nothing like when Kanye West hired firefighters to protect his place (and others in his subdivision). Kanye didn't know the fires were coming until they were almost there.

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But these are "smart fires". Isn't he on the exemption list still?

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I don't know, he might not be. I know I wouldn't, but who am I, a nobody with nothing, but an American! It used to mean something, maybe back in 1776 or something.

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Maui Police Pellitier said in a press conference, he is also the Coroner.

Under current state law, the chief of police for a county serves as the coroner if the county does not have a medical examiner.


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Maui's Top Emergency Officials Were On A Different

Island For A Disaster Training As Flames Flared And

Did Not Join Response Call Until Five Hours After The

Deadly Wildfires Begun (same way the FBI were told not to come in the morning of Murrah building bombing, or the way All the US f16s had been sent to Canada for an exercise the morning of 911?)


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You won't sleep tonight..

Maui Fire - 'We're All Trapped In Here, They’re

Blocking Off All Exits’ - New Video Surfaces


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Why Was A Barricade Blocking The Only

Paved Road Out Of Lahaina? (Snyder) https://endoftheamericandream.com/why-was-a-barricade-blocking-the-only-paved-road-out-of-lahaina/

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Interesting explanation regarding the fire. Comments following also worth a read.

"The atmospheric circulation creating all this is complex as Cliff has shown. Cliff exemplifies good science that helps us to better understand and prepare for these events.

In contrast

#MichaelMann exemplifies #fearmongering and bad science just to push his climate crisis fears by oversimplifying everything to weaponize every event as climate change with no value for predicting such events."

-Ed Dowd


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