One of the biggest mistakes folks make when trying to transform their lives is assuming that change needs to be huge.
They need to wake up at 5AM, take a 10-minute ice bath with Wim Hof, lift weights for 3 hours, and then work a 14 hour day...
And then repeat these habits every day for decades.
But the truth is, transformation doesn't need to be hard.
Yes, there will be times in your life where discipline, willpower, and courage are necessary.
There will be real challenges that require you to stretch beyond the edges of your comfort zone and push yourself to previously unreached heights.
But more often than not, the combination of "behavioral engineering" and a little psychology are all you need to make massive changes.
Case in point?
A few years ago researchers at Cornell University conducted a weight loss study.
Only, they didn't have participants count calories, go to the gym, or change anything about their personal habits.
The only thing they changed was the size and color of the plates people used to serve themselves food.
The results?
By eating off a 10 inch plate that contrasted with their food (e.g. white carbs on a green plate), participants consumed 22% fewer calories per meal.
If an 800 calorie dinner is your baseline, that means you'd lose ten pounds of body fat over the course of a year...
Just by going to Amazon and buying slightly different plates.
But this principle doesn't just apply to the serving size of your meals.
It applies to every area of your life.
More often than not, for any goal you want to achieve or habit you want to create, there are simple and almost effortless tools you can use to help yourself accomplish them.
Whether it's storing junk food in non-transparent containers (out of sight out of mind).
Using a larger monitor to increase productivity at work.
Journaling just one sentence a day to improve personal clarity and mental health.
Having just 10-minutes of fully presence with your partner at the end of the day.
Or writing out a single sentence clearly defining your goals for the day before you get started.
There are a myriad of ways to kickstart your growth and improve how you're showing up to life that are simple and easy to implement.
Tiny hinges swing big doors.
And sometimes, the most fastest way to change your life is to simply stack dozens of tiny habits and decisions on top of each other and allow the results to compound over time.
Over to you.
What's one habit you've been struggling to build or problem you've been trying to solve?
What's one simple action you can take to make success easier and more automatic?
Leave a comment!
When setting goals.. Always ask yourself “can I do even less?”
Why Yes you can!
If you don’t even want to do the bare minimum, try this power pose a few minutes per day, regardless of your pronouns:
Even Gates could benefit I think
Ok, now go hardcore:
Also, don’t forget to remember that YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!
Unbearable cuteness!
So what you're saying is, rather than try to drop all of these utter bastards into a volcano in one go, maybe start off with just one and see how it goes?
Thank you.