

This is big news. Alberta’s new Premier Danielle Smith is the first government leader to apologize for vaccine mandates. Taking it a step further, she directly criticizes the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Schwab; she has “no interest in being involved with them.” During her first day in office, Smith immediately apologized for the vaccine mandates. She is offering to rehire any government worker who lost their job due to their vaccine status. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/alberta-premier-danielle-smith-fighting-back-against-wef/

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Oct 26, 2022·edited Oct 26, 2022Author

Yep, This vaxx has 100 ways to kill you, as the eminent Dr. Shankara Chetty has painstakingly explained and pleaded for over two years. Human Mad Cow is yet another one.

If you're vaccinated, the spike protein often causes your own proteins to misfold, and that includes prion proteins in the brain that lead to CJD or the human version of mad cow disease. Did anyone explain to you how your bodys proteins, once misfolded by the spike, cause a cascade of other normal bodily proteins to misfold in a chain that ends in your demise?

14 min mark https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_102422_hr2.mp3

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I have read that it works like this: The body does not know what to do with all the Spike Proteins that the body has been producing (because of the injection). So it encases them in exosomes and deposits them in the spleen for storage. At some point the body releases these exosomes and they travel in the lymphatic system and end up in places like the brain stem. Once they come in contact with brain cells they start misfolding proteins in the cells. The result is all kinds of deadly neurological diseases like Mad Cow, Alzheimer's Disease and Parkinson's Disease. It is also been reported by Dr. Jessica Rose that the prion like nature of the Spike Protein is causing the misfolding of hemoglobin in the blood causing these insane clots to form. Yes, as Dr Roger Hodkinson recently said, "The lucky ones will die right away". So just because you have managed to go 18 months or more after your "injections" with no problems, does not mean you are in the clear. The fun as just begun for you.

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“Spike protein is one of the most contrived toxins or poisons that man has ever made. The aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing.”

-Dr. Shankara Chetty recently spoke candidly about the mRNA vaccines and spike proteins during a Zoom call with other doctors.

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Yup… and the injection (it’s not a vaccine) turns the human body into a Spike Protein producing factory with NO off switch. What could wrong? Just everything you can imagine. And nearly 70% of our population has this shit floating around in their bodies slowly killing them. Never seen as mass grave before? If you survive the chaos that is sure to come, you will see one near where you live because they will be everywhere across the planet. I will lose 43,000 people in just my small town if they all die (you know they will). How many acres will be needed to bury 43,000 bodies? We are about to enter the nightmare of all nightmares. Prepare yourselves Pure Bloods.

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You can't think we're really going to BURY all these poor people. Noooo.

This whole thing is just so unthinkable, so insane, so damn UNBELIEVABLE, it's going to take all these deaths, I do believe, to really open the eyes of all the people who really are walking around asleep...

And we'd better find and "disarm" the people responsible, because there won't be a lot of us left to deal with them ...

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Well, not exactly "bury"... more like soylent green...

Washington’s legalization of this “flesh goo” mechanism for liquefying human corpses — known as “alkaline hydrolysis” — went into effect on May 1, 2020. The law is RCW 68.50.110 and the passage refers to “alkaline hydrolysis” as the new, legal means to dispose of human corpses. In 2020, after the covid pandemic exploded, Washington State legalized the practice as it began the launch its plans to build covid concentration camps run by “strike team” operators. https://mainerepublicemailreport.com/2022/01/13/washington-state-legalizes-flesh-goo-liquefaction-of-human-corpses-before-activating-covid-concentration-camps/

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I really really wish, just about this one thing, that I could un-know this.

I yam going to hide under the bed now, wif my best chew toy...

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I can't imagine there being many viable options when the bodies start piling up. They will have to be picked up and buried as quickly as possible. We just now have a few dropping dead suddenly and dying of vaccine induced diseases. If this accelerates (it most likely will) we could have hundreds a week and then thousands a week dying everywhere. We will be overwhelmed with dead bodies. We are talking about a mass extinction like event here. I did the math for my town. If they all die the population will be similar to 1942 here. If there are 10 cars on the road now there will be only 3 when this is over. The people who are now asleep (like you say) will be gone. Yes this is a human race and human history altering event that will not be forgotten for a LONG time (hopefully). Back in November of 2021 I did a post called "Mercy Killing My Neighbors" https://open.substack.com/pub/lawrencebutts/p/mercy-killing-my-neighbors?r=gjogf&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

It shows what it will be like for ordinary people to deal with the dying all around them. It is pretty intense... my subscribers say that all Pure Bloods should read it.

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God, I hope you're wrong.... somehow

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Well, I was thinking cremation...

Okay, I guess I'll read the post you recommend... I hope it's not going to keep me awake tonight.

If it does, I'm coming over to your house with my stuffed dog toy.

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Looking back over the last 3 1/2 years, did you KEEP that oath?

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Grieving Mom Says Healthy Teenage Daughters Death is 100% A Result Of The Covid Vaccine https://nworeport.me/2022/10/26/grieving-mom-says-she-believes-healthy-teenage-daughters-death-is-100-a-result-of-the-covid-vaccine/

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"YOU HAVE LUPUS". Her chances of dying from COVID were minuscule at most, and now she will be sick for the rest of her greatly shortened life thanks to a wholly unsafe and unnecessary injection. My primary doctor asked me to take bloodwork to research further. I was called in and was asked, “how many shots have you taken?” I responded, “three.” The doctor proceeded to point at my results papers and said, “This is the result of that, you have lupus.” https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/third-times-a-charm-vaccine-induced?

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Dr. McCullough Explains How The New ‘Bivalent’

Moderna Boosters Have NOT Been Tested In Humans

At All! - Video


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"They really do not care about the planet. This is all an excuse because the monetary system is collapsing. Keynesian economic was demand economics but the US had a balanced budget in the 1930s. Government became socialist and spent endlessly just borrowing year after year with no intention of paying anything bacl The ECB went to negative interest rates in 2014 and secrewed up the entire monetary system. They cannot continue to borrow endlessly. The UK bond crisis was because the long-end is finished. They now need war as the excuse to default on all debt and move to Bretton Woods II with digital currency.

They are not doing this for the planet or the people. This is all about how do they survive - nothing else. If they end up in WWIII with nukes flying everywhere, they will be in their bunkers deep undergroud and they then see that as OK for the herd is too big anyway. People like Schwab and Soros have one foot in the grave. Like an Egyptian Pharoch who his wife and slaves with him, they want to take the world with them. "

-Martin Armstrong armstrongeconomics.com

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Some light at the End of the Tunnel... ?

"For investors seeking evidence that this Bear Market is getting old in the tooth, we see several compelling indicators."


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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

I had a relative who died of this and left three young kids. Was the most tragic occurrence in our family...was horrid.

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I'm so sorry. Was it post-covid shots? Do they know the source? Prior to the clot shot it was rare and usually traced to uncooked venison or delicacies such as cow brains etc.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

It was probably 12 years ago so not from the Covid jab. The doctors couldn’t figure out what it was because usually the disease progresses with dementia first and then loss of bodily functions but she was the opposite so she got to say goodbye to her kids. 

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Worse and worse. Here's a podcast about my new book, Cassandra's Memo: COVID and the Global Psychopaths, and a way to download the book free. This is germaine to your article and summarizes the whole situation.





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Wow. Thank you for posting. I'm about half way through. Good stuff!

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You are a fast reader! Please send comments of any kind to yoho.robert@gmail.com and send this to your contacts. I'm not trying to make $$ and will distribute the ebook through bookfunnel. Best and thanks

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Thanks for sharing. It’s so awful! Criminals!

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Yes, and these folks are victimized again by doctors who deny any connection even though it's exploding in the medical literature they should be reading. Trust in the medical system is falling through the floor and doctors are so focused on staying quiet and not getting kicked out of the herd that they don't even realize they are killing their golden goose.

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Oct 26, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

I got offered antidepressants (or antipsychotic medicine a few times) soooo many times over 20 years, autoimmune issues ( after booster shots for work in autistic classroom), I usually declined the prescriptions offered “ to manage your illness “, no talk ever about cures, or diet changes, environmental, etc . Once I met my integrative medicine doctor, he reassured me I could improve with a heavy metal detox ( for metals and parasitic overload) , insurance dictated doctors had mocked me for asking about parasites. Very common but ignored. I was labeled depressed ( fixed when I moved to sunny central Florida from near Syracuse New York) and dismissed as non compliant for years. It’s an added crime to treat the injured like they’re hypochondriacs.

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Oh great.... One more horrible side effect.

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While The CDC Was Urging Parents To Vaccinate

Their Kids Pfizer Was Studying How Badly Its MRNA

COVID Shots Damaged Children's Hearts - They KNEW, those fuckers!!!


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