
Holy Shit!

The Oregon Medical Board had asked for evidence by Pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas to prove his 'vaccine-friendly' plan was safer thatn the CDC schedule.

How did they respond when presented with the above data?

The foot soldiers of the 'pharmafia' stripped him of his medical licence.

This hit-job was backed by media articles attempting to distract the public from his research.

However, as you can see, the data represented graphically, speaks for itself. https://www.notonthebeeb.co.uk/so/85O6Rb9P0?languageTag=en&cid=f5e32222-c436-42ed-8c16-3b14f6fac68a#/main

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Bodies on Ice

Iceland leads with jab injury excess mortality as Western Civilization suicides itself


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"There are other diseases that we don't vaccinate for. Scarlet fever, a much bigger killer in the 1800s, much bigger than whooping cough or measles...started declining and...hit zero with no vaccine," Bystrianyk says. "Same thing with, typhoid." Bystrianyk also points out that while many people like to credit other medical interventions for these declines in mortality—interventions such as antibiotics—that explanation is also a red herring. Just as with "vaccines," these other medical interventions only entered the picture long after huge mortality drop-offs for the cited diseases. The physician and author adds that this same pattern holds true for the "flu" and flu "vaccines." I.e. the mortality rate for the flu was already dropping off massively before any "vaccine" became available for it; and in 40 years of it being available, the flu "vaccine" has had no impact whatsoever on mortality rates. At the end of this clip Bystrianyk even notes that Anthony Fauci served as a co-author on a study published in a peer-reviewed journal stating that "[flu] vaccines don't work in reducing mortality rates," even after being available to the public for 60 years.


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Confirmed - 1 Of 7 Previously Identified Spike Sequences

Targets The Human Prion Protein - A Second Sequence

Targets Amyloid Beta Which Will Lead To Alzheimer's

Prion Disease Of The Brain Is A Main BioWeapon Goal

(Pdf. Safe to open)


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Jeff & Erica - Shedding Is Intensifying And More People

Are Reporting How It Is Harming Them. Listen


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"Spike protein is a deadly protein,” Dr. Peter McCullough. “Every single organ of vax-deceased person’s bodies have become infested with spike proteins due to the jab”. NOW they are making every single vaccine including the new "bivalent" flu shots out of this same lucrative and often deadly shit! Really


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FOLKS, IF YOU'RE UNVAXED YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION. Here's a whole new level of ugly Jeff & Erica - The Ever-Increasing Dangers

Of Shedding From The Vaxed - Extremely Serious https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_080122_hr2.mp3

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Before Fauci got "reptiled"...

(by the way, the new vaccines won't even be tested AT ALL. They just got it waived! They'll be able to put whatever self assembling dog shit they want in there and answer to nobody!) https://gettr.com/post/p1kd68gc499

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Fact: The World Council for Health which represents 79 governmental health organizations, recommended the complete market  WITHDRAWAL of all covid vaccines.

Has your favorite news anchor informed  you yet...?


https://podcastaddict.com/epis... via @PodcastAddict

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WARMINGTON: Triathlete, 27, becomes 5th GTA doctor to die in July https://torontosun.com/news/local-news/warmington-triathlete-27-becomes-5th-gta-doctor-to-die-in-july

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Royals reveal they used to dine on human flesh and a human flavored vegan burger wins award at Cannes. Why is the media suddenly normalizing Cannibalism?? https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/why-is-corporatist-media-now-normalising

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Unbelievably, Judge Gamble has ordered that the words ‘first amendment’ and ‘free speech’ cannot be used by the defendent, his witnesses, or even his lawyers. He is not allowed to defend himself.And in case you were wondering. The way we used to do justice was a thing called Innocent until proven guilty https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-end-of-american-justice

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I have spent time with Geert and can clarify that he would say this about the COVID vax but not all vaccines. He is a proponent of the use of some vaccines for some people under some circumstances with acknowledgement that there are risks. His position is set on a case by case basis. Ultimately he favours an approach that trains the cellular innate immune system but this approach doesn’t have the same commercial potential and is therefore difficult to fund for research and development.

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