
Dr. Greer. "The only way we win is with noncompliance to their narratives

I fear a global false flag is only a year or two away, and these people are ABSOLUTELY RUTHLESS. "

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If aliens were hostile we'd already be dead. The globalists LOVE you to believe in the alien threat, because it provides cover for the real threat which is their plans to stage alien attacks (they absolutely can do so credibly) so that you GIVE UP control and your remaining rights to "unite and be saved" under the NWO.

Just like US space program director/ex Nazi Von Braun desperately warned his secretary Carol Rosin!

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"What we're talking about is WAY worse than global thermonuclear war"

-Dr Greer

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The government lost control of technology in 1954 when we reverse engineered anti gravity and the MIC compartmentalized unaccountable black projects took and ran away with it.

What do you think Pres Eisenhowers warning was about?

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How can you tell the difference between a man made UFO craft and an extra terrestrial obe? "The ET vehicles are seamless. They are extruded as a single entity, not assembled like the man made reverse engineered versions"

@Dr. Greer

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Live now! It's going to harder for you to believe the truth than the myth.


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What does this have to do with Israel/Palestine, Clot shots, Global Governance and NWO?

EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!! Listen to the ENTIRE interview

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Link doesn't work

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I’m having the same issue. It’s telling me to login. I logged out of twitter 5 years ago. Looking for another way to watch. If anyone finds one let me know.

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That was awesome. Thanks.

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I’m not sure why the link is showing not available but when I open the browser works ...??? 🧐

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