
"Sometimes an article is so well written, so on point - that there is little to be added" -Dr. Robert Malone

The first thing to recognize is the Covid vaccinations offered neither significant transmission reductions nor an opportunity to speed the reaching of ‘herd immunity’ and thus the eradication of the disease. Therefore, the various means of persuasion and coercion of people to achieve mass vaccination were scientifically baseless. The science on that now seems irrefutable. On transmission, it was confirmed in the European Parliament that the manufacturers did not test for impact of vaccination on infection and/or transmission rates. Therefore, any public statements and policies on reduced infection and transmission were not informed by science. The public statements on the role of mass vaccination in helping eradicate the disease via achieving ‘herd immunity’ were also unscientific


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What is taking place in the Netherlands is a very dark omen for humanity. The most efficient nation on earth for producing food is to be destroyed all for CO2 politics. These people will not be satisfied until the death rate rises and civil unrest explodes all as people turn hungry. As they say – even an honest man will becomes a thief when starving. This sudden globally coordinated attack on farming is more than just a U Turn. With Netherlands as a major food producer being among the largest exporters of agricultural and food technology, this threatens food shortages spreading as a contagion.


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Tucker Says UN Carbon Taxes Designed To

Destroy Civilization - No Arguments Here


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Ivermectin US source.

Some excellent videos and the top source on gab (not a "recommendation", just a resource)


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It's a Big Plot and You're in it:

What would this woke leftist crypto exchange fraudster have to do with funding studies to discredit early treatment like IVERMECTIN? COVID-Crypto plot?


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Thining the Herd:

Jeff & Erica - Billions Are Suffering And Dying

- The Human Cost


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What is a city and why would anyone want to live in one? I left my birth city 35 years ago and I never regret it.

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The eyes and ears of the surveillance State in DC are installed by a company called MC Dean -- look it up while you still can

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Thanks, good buddy!

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You won't believe the chutzpah of Pfizer Down Under. (They just lied and gave him a vegemite sandwich)


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"MY CARBON" HAS BEEN RUN, ANS YOI WERE PART OF THE TEST GROUP! None of the policies they wish to implement are normal. Resistance is NOT FUTILE. I, for one, will never be locked down again. I will not comply to climate lockdowns. I will not abandon my ability to move freely in society. I will not allow myself to be brainwashed to accept personal responsibility for naturally occurring cyclical weather patterns. They may have taken advantage of us during COVID, but hopefully, more people are waking up and seeing the truth – rules for thee, not for me.The first point mentions that they implemented “a huge number of unimaginable restrictions for public health” and billions of citizens across the world blindly followed their guidance. There could have been a mass outcry or revolution, but the people stayed inside and followed instructions obediently.


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They LITERALLY met on Mt. Sinai to roll out the NEW TEN COMMANDMENTS of CLIMATE CHANGE.

Every TREE and BUSH in your backyard is getting digitally mapped and monitored from space, and AI will fine you if you "hurt Mother Earth" in any unapproved way.

Listen to a man who was DESIGNING all this OPEN AIR DIGITAL CONCENTRATION CAMP!!!!

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What is taking place in the Netherlands is a very dark omen for humanity. The most efficient nation on earth for producing food is to be destroyed all for CO2 politics. These people will not be satisfied until the death rate rises and civil unrest explodes all as people turn hungry. As they say – even an honest man will becomes a thief when starving. This sudden globally coordinated attack on farming is more than just a U Turn. With Netherlands as a major food producer being among the largest exporters of agricultural and food technology, this threatens food shortages spreading as a contagion.


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"The Great Replacement, I was shocked it’s called a theory. It’s not a theory, it’s a fact."

French philosopher Alain Finkielkraut said it would take a “fanatical denial of reality” to disregard the “spectacular” demographic changes that are taking place in Europe.


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People in the UK/Wales now EATING PET FOOD warmed over candles because that's all they can afford.

- Some are HEATING food with candles because they have no power

- What pet food would you eat if that were your last remaining option?


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The Gestapo are very much alive in Germany. Watch


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