

(adults only!)


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Incremental control, while the illegals invade at 10,000 to 15,000 PER DAY!!!!!!

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"What the Ukrainians overlook is that Stalin’s seizure of the food from Ukraine and their starvation have two MAJOR factors they do not want to acknowledge. (1) Stalin was not Russian, he was from Georgia. (2) Stalin’s right-hand man was Ukrainian – Kagan who was in charge of taking the food from Ukraine. Some say he was Jewish and sought retribution against the anti-Jewish attitude in Ukraine. Others say that he is an ancestor of Victoria Nuland’s husband Robert Kagan. I cannot verify that he is a blood relative of Lazar. His family dropped “ovich” at the end of the name. The sister-in-law of Nuland is the one that started the Institute for the Study of War, which strangely never seems to advocate peace. Even the NY Times commented on this family and their connections. Ron Paul commented that their family business is always a war against Russia. So when a family member dies in battle in their endless wars, remember who has been cheering this death and destruction. Even Europe is taking note of how this family pushing for war. And now, Nuland is #2 at the State Department in the Biden Administration. This is a coup! https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/when-will-the-world-wake-up/

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Warsaw is indeed considering submitting restitution demands to Kiev for the 1943 Volhynia massacres, which saw over 50,000 to 100,000 Poles killed by the Nazi-allied Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists led by Stepan Bandera. Germany has apologized as well as Japan for their atrocities during World War II – not the Ukrainians.This is the problem, they were parading around with banners and still supporting Bandara and his ethnic cleansing. So how could they possibly apologize when they still follow Bandara’s philosophy of only pure-blood Ukrainians allowed?

As I said, Kiev currently considers the Nazi collaborator Bandara a national hero. If Germany still considered Hitler a national hero and built a monument to him, or Italy did that with Benito Mussolini, would that not cause many people to question Germany or Italy?

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Russia needs to destroy the central banks, then bomb Basel to smithereens. Attack the head of the snake, dammit! Why is it that NO leader will eliminate the root of the problem - the banks and their paper currencies? Makes me think that no government is actually serious about stopping all of this repeated foolishness. After all, there’s just too much money and power to be had by all sides as long as the conflicts continue. War is mankind’s most magnificent and ruthless wealth transfer mechanism.

Yes, I understand what Gaddhafi received for actually standing up to the banksters. ButPutin is in a different and much better position. And could probably gather a much more formidable coalition together than Gaddhafi could. But, no such luck. So I’m undecided re: whether the BRICS is really a challenge to US hegemony or merely controlled opposition? Sure, the gold and silver are flowing eastward, but with China and Japan’s economies both circling the drains and the rest of Asia (except possibly India) too small to have much global influence, one wonders if the gold will save their economies, or merely be used to keep the governments and elites in power and comfort while the people are starved to death?

And as for the silver going to India, the Silver Academy figured out that most of it was being laundered through a prominent jeweler to be used in military equipment. So it’s not really being used to provide a wealth hedge for the people. Instead, it’s being mainly used to support more conflict and wealth transfer AWAY from the people.

So what to make of what’s going on? I think the elites are playing 3D chess while the people can barely comprehend checkers. I believe in NO leader or government that fails to make serious war on the banks and the WEF. Let’s talk abolishing the central banks, putting the economy back on a hard bi-metallic standard (notes convertible to metals at the bearers’ demand), and targeted assassinations of the heads of global media propaganda, tech companies, the WHO, the CIA and all the other rotten heads of the hydra. THEN we’ll know the leadership is genuinely serious!

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Not only did Target sell clothing for children and toddlers promoting the woke agenda, but they also attempted to normalize “binding” and “tuck-friendly” clothing for “transexual children.” Any parent forcing their toddler to bind or tuck their genitalia is likely not fit to be a parent.

(Incidentally, Russia stands against this bullshit which is another reason neocons want them gone at any cost)


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So yes, it really is that simple. Companies need to come together and agree to refrain from reporting to the HRC and giving any credit to this social score. The HRC, backed by Soros, has turned human rights into a culture war that is destroying companies (see: Anheuser Busch). It has taken numerous failed marketing campaigns for companies to realize that the woke agenda is bad for business


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Jan 29Liked by Jimychanga

Incredible. Looks like something from a horror movie

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WTF! This really does cement in concrete my view that some people really SHOULD have been sterilized at birth to stop them breeding!!!!

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Martin Armstrong: "Get your head out of the sand. Wake up! Pull that COVID mask off of your eyes and get your head out of the sand.

You are taking your family down a very dark path.

Russia will have NO CHOICE but to protect its own people and that will be through Nuclear Confrontation

UKRAINE is the ENEMY of the Entire World – They Only Seek Death & Destruction

Had the Minsk Agreement Been Honored – there would have been NO war!"


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The United States is the AGRESSOR, and we have to realize that the Neocons are in complete control and the press spins nothing but propaganda rather than telling the people the truth, and thus, they are the cheerleaders of World War III. Victoria Nuland was out of power ONLY during Trump's Administration. That is why her husband Kagin wrote his "opinion" piece for the Washington Post, calling Trump a dictator. They fear a return of Trump will remove the Neocons and prevent their goal of World War III.

China's defense ministry on Thursday urged the Asia-Pacific to be on high alert as the United States steps up forward military deployment in the region after reports of a U.S. plan to revive a Pacific airfield that launched atomic bombings of Japan. Many US generals are publically saying we will be going to war against China. What is this really for? Neither the average American nor Chinese or Russian have any interest in World War III. The people stand to gain NOTHING out of this. It is driven by the warmongers who cannot live peacefully in this world. https://standard.socratesplatform.com/Blog/Article/658f0168b045188e55dc586e

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Holy cow. Biden Rape Accuser Tara Reade Defects To Russia For ‘Protection And Safety’

What Joe Biden did to this woman as a young Senate staffer, and her allegation of rape was all but ignored by the corrupt Democrat media that tried to destroy Kavanaugh with zero evidence, is appalling. And she does not feel safe here, having been bullied and threatened -- like so many who've dared to threaten Biden's hold on power. Very sad. https://gettr.com/post/p2iekpfe5ce

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Elon: One of the major problems we have in the West is that very few leaders understand first hand the horrors of war https://youtube.com/shorts/vfb7fpO3eqQ?si=Tf3RJLkfkIqy9lot

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KIllers were professionals, and one day after election results announced.


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Martin Armstrong NEW: "As we head into a critical turning point of April 19/20, 2024 in this Proxy War the West has organized against Russia from the outset, Ukraine is on the verge of collapsing. Instead of peace, even after more than 500,000 Ukrainians are dead, the West is out for more blood. The Ukrainian people have always been just cannon fodder as they have been played for fools by the Neocons. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/sovereign-debt-crisis/europe-illegally-confiscating-russian-assets-because-they-need-cash/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=RSS

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MARTIN ARMSTRONG tonight: While the computer shows that Trump should win, I still cannot see how they will allow that to take place. They need Biden, and they are looking to start this war by May or July/August, JUST IN CASE Trump wins and their assassination schemes fail.

There is absolutely NOT ONE LEADER interested in seeking peace. Every single one is pushing for World War III ASAP. They all have their bunkers, so personally, they do not care about the people they are supposed to represent. The population has already been decided to be thinned out like a herd of sheep. Look at any war – more civilians ALWAYS die than soldiers.

The object here has ALWAYS been Regime Change. These people convince themselves if they invade Russia and overthrow Putin, the Russian people will cheer. That is a bunch of Neocons patting each other on the bank as to how brilliant they are. The sanctions on Russia were supposed to get the stupid Russian people to rise up and overthrow Putin to remove the sanctions. I never heard such stupidity in my life. This is why NOT A SINGLE REASON for war ever involves the truth. They manipulate those in power, like hand-puppets, to do their bidding, as we see it taking place right now.

While the computer shows that Trump should win, I still cannot see how they will allow that to take place. They need Biden, and they are looking to start this war by May or July/August, JUST IN CASE Trump wins and their assassination schemes fail." https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/war/poland-confirms-nato-trrops-are-in-ukraine/?utm_source=Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=RSS

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UPDATE! The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March 8th, that “NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine.” They can’t wait to draw the first blood. Russia has NEVER had any intention of invading Europe. It has always been the other way around. This entire war was staged from the outset and was intended to force Russia to defend its own people in the Donbas. The West needs this war because the financial system can no longer be sustained. Governments default when they can no longer sell new debt to pay off the old. We are dangerously approaching that, and the war will be the excuse for default, like in World War II.


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One MAJOR problem is that none of the pooftahs in DC viscerally understand the horrors of war.

Elon nails it


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(Would I vote for a Trump RFK ticket?

Yes, I think I might!):

RFK Jr: The CIA ‘Overthrew the Government of Ukraine in 2014’ That’s “really what this war is about,”


said. “They [CIA] spent $5 billion overthrowing that government and putting in, hand picking, a US government.” Kennedy says the evidence has been caught on tape: “Victoria Nuland (Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs at the time) they have her now ... giving orders, a voice recording of her giving orders to the US ambassador of Ukraine, a month before the coup in which she’s picking the cabinet, the new cabinet. So, this obviously upset the Russians because they don’t want US weapons systems in Ukraine.”


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Victoria Nuland resigns:  what can this uberneocon stepping down mean for U.S. policy on Ukraine?


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