
Please allow me to take this moment of pause to remind us that compulsory vaccination has been a tool of imperialism for as long as there has been a United States. https://www.bulatlat.com/2019/10/12/vaccination-most-deceptive-tool-of-imperialism/

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"How many red flags are enough."

-Peter Nayland Kust

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The Silent Scream (1984 documentary)

This doc was created and narrated by an ex OB/GYN doctor named Bernard Nathanson who had personally performed 75,000 abortions before learning the real agenda behind it, who was funding and pushing for it in the first place (eugenicists with the Rockefellers, planned parenthood, etc), and just how inhumane, barbaric, and evil it was.

Every mother should be required to watch this documentary before aborting their baby so they know exactly what they're doing and how their baby is aware of it happening to them. They also should be educated on who is profiting from these procedures and how their child is being sold to demonic corporations to make vaccines and other medical products like anti-aging creams.

"I know every facet of abortion…. I helped nurture the creature in its infancy by feeding it great draughts of blood and money; I guided it through its adolescence as it grew fecklessly out of control.… Abortion is now a monster so unimaginably gargantuan that to even think of stuffing it back into its cage (having fattened it on the bodies of 30 million humans) is ludicrous beyond words. Yet this is our charge — a herculean endeavor." https://x.com/Inversionism/status/1735076152870318573?s=20

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We will use fear as our weapon. 

We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. 

We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. 

We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. 

The poisons will be absorbed trough their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems


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Here's why Gonzalo Lira’s arrest didn’t make the news: SHARE THE SHIT OUT OF THIS!!!

First, the US Government didn’t lodge a complaint. (Hell, they probably ordered his arrest!)

Second, Lira has been devastatingly eloquent in his opposition to US foreign policy.

And finally, when the official narrative is that Ukraine is an open democracy, the bad optics of Ukraine’s secret police arresting an American journalist make it verboten as content.


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NEW Ed Dowd presentation. Good stuff! (Just remember he's positioned bearishly... he is not "arms length" by any means) Either way, he nails the issues.


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BB18s are three-phase busbar terminal power feed lugs so not sure they would be used in electrically activated explosive demolition. Does anyone have a link validating that assumption (I couldn't find one)?

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Seems an odd way to stack boxes, with the bottom facing outwards. Labelling the contents on the bottom also seems odd. Labeling the box type perhaps is not. We’re sure BB 18 is not describing the boxes themselves?

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"We’re sure BB 18 is not describing the boxes themselves?"

Look up that product number. You will see that it is a part number for a fuse block. Easy to find.

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