Please note that there is a massive difference in "regenerative farming practices" and the "regeneration model" that WEF, corporateised economic and the "carbon squad". They don't want true regenerative farming because that does actually help the earth and people's, particularly non-filthy rich people's. The "regenerative model" they want, So called regenerates by auctioning off parcels off to governments, herding people into cities, stopping any interaction with nature beyond designated areas or only by VR, and transitioning farmers from the land and only allowing large scale agricultural robotics to exist. It also sells nature to the highest bidder, who then rent and patent it back to the people. You will " buy" time at an eco destination.

Don't fall for their tired tactics of confabulating the definitions like they did through covid, modRNA vs mRNA, "vaccine", and climate changes favourite- "climate change BS climate warming/cooling (whatever the flavour narrative it is this week!😉). As a regenerative farmer, I can assure you there is a difference to the semantic games they are/have been playing all along. #wordsarepower #weaponisationofwords

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Agree. Thanks for the comment!!

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Agreed. Vandana Shiva and others have been talking about how the term regenerative ag has been stolen and weaponized. It's funny because I gave that as a hypothetical example in one of my posts and then it happened! The blurb on the back cover of my book is echoed by Schwab--that pandemics show that systems we thought were fixed can change at the drop of a Monopoly's man's hat. But my book is about regenerative economics that return ownership to the people, like regenerative ag. We need to insist on everyone defining their terms, and start by doing that ourselves, I think.


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I'm have a look at your book. 🤗🤗I'm always keen to help support understanding of real regen practices- it really is possible and I guess that's why WEF, ect are pushing so hard. The practical evidence shows we could regenerate deserts within 10 years if we chose too. That's a humanitarian win in my view!

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Figures. Those that can’t do, steal.

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These are people who would do war against our biological nature and use any damn excuse for control. Oppose and not just resist. These are scourges of us all.

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When this comes to fruition, many of my family members and friends will be asking: Why didn’t anyone say something? I’ve been trying to warn them for years about the inevitable, but they simply couldn’t begin to fathom the government would do something like this. Yet here we are... I’m done trying to wake them up

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Yep, my dad used to say "you can lead a horse to water, but nothing smells worse than a wet horse". (If the foo shits, wear it :)

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News for them I do live in a 15 minute town.

Kill the farms, kill the farmer. Kill anything that has life. These people got nothing better to do than bully kids, bully working people just trying to keep roof over their heads, gas in their cars, food on their table. Yes you all suffer while we enjoy the finest of everything. The nature of man will rise up, after 3 years of their BS we get a good feel for their heaven on earth. I’ll resist rebel with every fiber

In my vaxxed shedded 5 g mind and body.

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Of course she uses the same words and phrases as her father (the script is written) but it’s kind of uncanny how similar her hand movements are too.

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Reportedly her shift to reptilian lizard mode is unmistakably like her dad's. Sort of a shimmy, and then a brief sieg heil gesture (video not yet available)

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Can’t wait to see her in that outfit too! 😳

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The modern equivalent of totalitarian fascism. They have been trying to own us all for thousands of years. Now they think they have accomplished this. They will lose but they are worthy adversaries.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

The House of Schwab - What a genetic cesspool.

"Can we conceive of ourselves as human...?" asks the offspring of Klaus the Nazi. Very difficult for moi.

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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

More gold

More silver

More freeze dry

More “essentials”



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Aug 1, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Human haters one and all...beware, we are all targets of these tyrannical turds.

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Insurers Claim ‘Government’ Could Have

Sabotaged Nord Stream – Kommersant

Nord Stream AG's Refusal To Pay Compensation

Destroys Western Insurance System


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Update on Obama..

If you've been vaxxed, never go in the water without a life preserver on, even if you're an expert swimmer. Here's why


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The Great Gag Reflex is upon me.

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That is one ugly woman! Schwab must have gotten some devastating shots as a child. You see the result here…a really bad adverse reaction🧐😂

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Putting faces on policies. Well done!

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Time for some boot rides ...

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