Boom! Veritas Whistleblowers stand with James O'Keefe


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THANKS jimmychango...for me I put some herbs on the stove and simmer, thyme, sage, peppermint, eucalyptus, many herbs are antibiotic antiviral....(good to use an old pan for this or one you care a bit less about as it will be on for a few hours).

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Not surprising at all given: synthetic nucleosides, artificial phospholipids, SV40, penetration of cellular defenses against invasive RNA, persistent mRNA spike production, shift to IgG4 antibodies that causes, and spreading of covid and new variants that causes. The many and diverse diseases from the vax make Pandora's box look quaint. Cancers are coming in a big way, a really big way.

Ed Dowd: "Annualized 2023 excess death data in UK for ages 15-44 is reaccelerating to new highs of 20% from 11% in 2022 and exceeding excess deaths of 15.7% in 2021. "


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We haven't been out sick a single day since we started using Xclear daily. (Much better than my experience with nasal colloidal silver or iodine which kills everything in nasal biome, good and bad.

(shoutout to Steve Kirsch!!)

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The CDC’s latest move is even more obscene because Pharma’s indentured servants on Capitol Hill have anointed Pfizer and Moderna with immunity that guarantees no matter how many infants and children they injure or kill, they will never be held liable for their crimes.

It also means that depraved state public health officials and schools will be able to require these experimental vaccines — 2 primary series and 1 booster shot — as a prerequisite for attending school.

If you’re Pfizer or Moderna, this is the Holy Grail — a guaranteed trapped market for a shoddily tested, liability-free, endless revenue-generating mandated vaccine.

Do these companies care that CDC’s reckless recommendation could be a death sentence for your child?

Thanks to Freedom of Information Act lawsuits, we now know the CDC ignored hundreds of safety signals for these toxic products — 96 in the 12- to 17-year-old age group and 66 in the 5- to 11-year-old group.

Given their horrendous safety profile and stunning inefficacy against COVID, any rational government would yank these products from the market. 

Instead, the CDC recommended them for children. 

Why? Because Pharma owns our mercenary public health institutions.


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Well, m'dear, it seems that I was wrong about you.

Your infatuation with Steve Kirsch is bad enough, now you're giving medical advice based on the word of a millionaire TECH GUY.


Perhaps you are misguided, or maybe you're Controlled Opposition, but lately I find your posts to be really mainstream and I don't mean that as a compliment.

I wish you well, hope you'll come back to the Light.


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Totally agree. I read about Xlear with Xylitol nasal spray in a dental magazine post more than a year ago and have been using and recommending to friends ever since.

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My husband uses Xclear. I use an iodine wash because the xylitol messes with my stomach. I bought 3 bottles (on Amazon), very affordable.

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