Aug 13, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Great to know!! Thanks

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Gotta love Clif Droke

Here's another mindbender trip:

When the Space Alien Colonists left Earth, the managerial class of slaves, who were the go-between for the Space Aliens in their interaction with their created slave species, moved in to fill the power vacuum.

At that time, there was a concerted effort on the part of the managerial class of slaves to claim the power that had been held by the Space Alien Colonists.

The managers declared themselves a ‘priest’ class, moved the now absent Space Alien Overlords from a status of physical beings into a category of ‘transcendent omnipotent invisible gods’, and declared that they, the priests, were the only ones with ‘authority’, both here on Earth, over other members of the slave species, as well as with the intercession process of communication with the Space Alien overlords.


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Clif High... my bad. Clif Droke is good too:)

Clif high runs some badass internet linguistic predictive software and lives on the bleeding edge of the Synchronicity so don't discount his rantings..

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Evidence The Vaccines Shed Other Toxic

Materials Besides Spike Protein - Pt1 https://rense.com/general97/URA-36651.jpg

Part 2 https://rense.com/general97/URA-3665-2.jpg

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