
Sasha Latypova Again Reveals How The Pentagon

(DOD) Was Thoroughly Behind The Covid Kill Shots


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Beyond Insanity - Vax Required BEFORE

Assisted Suicide In Germany


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RIP also to the victims of the plane crash yesterday, likely the result of a vax related heart attack on landing, to late for the copilot to intervene. No more flying for me until this is addressed worldwide. (See Kirsch substack on how the FAA has widened health test parameters massively rather than let scores of damaged pilots go. This is a catastrophe


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MURDER: 2 Yr Old Child Dies Suddenly One Day After

Parents Give Him Both Covid And Flu Vax https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/01/2-year-old-child-dies-suddenly-one-day-receiving-covid-vaccine-annual-flu-vaccine/

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Jan 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

We won't forget, Mike O'Mara. Not ever.

My prayers are with you.


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What a disgusting, rigged system. They'll take your livelihood, reputation and licenses if you resist their criminally defective products, but it's " let them eat cake" when you're injured by one of their exploding pintos. Wtf?


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If You've Never Done Anything that "Mattered"

Here's Your Opportunity


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This shit works! What can I say?

Free tip!! Spend $20 for 4 bottles and USE IT!

Xlear: A simple, cheap nose spray can reduce your risk of getting viral and bacterial infectionsSpraying your nostrils once in the morning and once at night can reduce your chance of getting viral and bacterial infections.Awesome interview with the manufacturerworth listening!!:

Xlear: A simple, cheap nose spray can reduce your risk of getting viral and bacterial infectionsSpraying your nostrils once in the morning and once at night can reduce your chance of getting viral and bacterial infections.


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YOUNG DOCTOR was studying medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine, in Detroit Michigan (USA), when he was forced to take three COVID-19 vaccines to continue his medical training.

He was in the process of completing his 3rd year of medical school when he died suddenly at the age of 25, on January 17, 2023.

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It's like, you come home and you find your husband of 30 years at home in bed with a panda. And you say, what the hell is going on here? And the response is, well, don't you like animals? And then you say, well, you know, tell me please, what is going on here?


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Hope for some Vaxxed? Thoughts?

Breakthrough nutritional solutions discovered that may halt clotting and spike proteins

We have two important findings to share today about potential nutritional solutions against clotting and spike protein particles. First, a study published in 2021 has suddenly gone viral over the last two days as someone realized it showed how the combination of bromelain and acetylcysteine may inactivate the spike protein by altering its morphology, rendering it unable to attack cells in the body.


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I’m frequently finding those in the ‘pure blood’ undone group especially those in the antilockdown movement are especially arrogant and smug on not being duped.


Divine inspiration?

Chance was listening, watching those that have warnings.

Got Covid early so knew not so bad?


There but for the Grace of G*d go I.

To feel schadenfreude is sinful.

We should remember these are our fellow human beings. They’re victims. Remember to be empathic. Pray for them. Weep for them.

Thought experiment:

So you’re a well respected Bourgeoisie in Germany and a colleague tells you the NZ plans and advises you to sell up everything asap and get out.

You trust him and listen. Others did not. Well so you sell up and take your family out of harms way. To say USA or Brazil.

Do you feel smug that you got out as all your remaining friends, family and other fellow Jews left behind ended up on the trains and into camps?

Probably not. You’d experience survivor guilt and an overwhelming sadness for those people you lost and way of life gone forever.

It’s the same this time. Same ideology. Same families and organisations. Same results.

As Andrew Bridgen tweeted ‘this is the greatest crime against humanity SINCE the Holocaust’

FYI my grandparents got out before it happened. All but one relative died in the Holocaust. My children (Great Great grandchildren) still feels the loss.

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Shared in several places... A very heartbreaking reading of how horrible the effects of people with dark consciousness have wreaked havoc on members of this earth who had every right to be treated with dignity.

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We will not forget you.

We will remember you and your final words of warning to us.

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