

Do YOU think the People’s WRATH will pass YOU by? We know you hope so…


Your neighbors and co-workers spy for US, We the People.

Next time you get coffee or food from the cafeteria in the lower level, look at the cashier! Even if she is BLIND, she hears! She hears the fear in the voices! She knows, listens, and reports!


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Australian medical society giving notice to its doctors that they aren’t covered for damages from the Covid shots.


Last year, the AHPRA threatened Doctors, coerced Doctors about anti vaccination messages, including providing info that gives "informed consent".. But now they are saying if the Doctors did not give informed consent, then they can be sued.


Looks like AHPRA, the snakes they are, are throwing the people they threatened, under bus.

Who would want to be in the medical srvices now?


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"What have you done? Listen, your children's blood screams out to me from the ground!"


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The Chinese idiom, "point to a deer and call it a horse," encapsulates the deliberate falsehood, whether interpreted in treachery or in the art of defeating a tyrant. Perhaps it should be better known by everyone in today's political and media era.


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"This makes me want to F-ING scream. I really cannot believe that there's a line happening anywhere for these NEW BIVALENT SHIT SHOTS FROM MODERNA, PFIZER ET AL. I'll share this video here - I made it in hopes that a visual presentation of historical perspective (nutrition, thalidomide, DES, Tuskeegee, etc) might help sway people that are considering taking the 8 mouse clot shot. At this point I am keenly aware that most won't bother reading anything...so here's a video. Feel free to share...


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This is criminal, if true. It's like the arsonist has access to both police and insurance databases and can alter the records so it never happened. If it's happening in Canada it's happening in the US and EU and Jacinda land.


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Yep, give this a listen on your next commute. Dozens of new life-destroying disabilities and horrific outcomes from government mandates https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_021523_hr2.mp3

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Is this how the FBI funds fake "insurrections"?

FBI Secretly Snatched Trove of Civil War-Era Gold, Treasure Hunter Claims


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I have no special knowledge, but I doubt it. I imagine the FBI have many sources of off-books funding. Secret night digs are more likely to be private operations with the gold eventually finding it's way into the agents' personal bank accounts.

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Notably absent from most reporting is that McRae was given extremely lenient treatment by a prior Ingham County district attorney for prior gun charges. Or that Lansing police were called to check on reports of shots fired from the residence. Or that there was a ‘wellness check’ requested on shooter McRae within the past week. The Lansing police and Ingham County district attorney failures that enabled this shooting are ignored and overlooked.

Instead, a liberal Democrat gets to kill college students and in so doing help supercharge the liberal Democrat political agenda.


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If we're going to put students safety front and center in the conversation rather than simply using tragedy to further political agendas, we need to address the role defunding and reducing patrol presence for supposed "equity" reasons on US campuses has played. Where is the reporter willing to cover the insights of real campus law enforcement officers like the one below?

#MSU #campussafety #riskmanagement


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LOL. They think all you need is some Kabuki “Theater of the Oppressed” to see the vaxx light and forget about your suddenly dead relatives and babies. WTF? These people are nuts. READ THIS! https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2796160?guestAccessKey=e4af2a82-a57e-44d9-be39-04311a634fff&utm_source=silverchair&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=article_alert-jama&utm_content=olf&utm_term=090222

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There was a mention then of weather. This was another really striking statement. He said, "We can or soon will be able to control the weather." He said, "I'm not merely referring to dropping iodide crystals into the clouds to precipitate rain that's already there, but REAL control."


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This cracks me up. Influencers replaying scrubbed Died Suddenly clips as life lessons about "overwork" and "work-life balance".

Epic Gas lighting or just gutless naivete?


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