
Clif High, tonight on X



This Palestine Genocide by Israel is 1 of 3 event series that had been forecast as "the Big Event".

There are 2 more to come.

The first of these has probability for manifesting on Fri the 13th & over that weekend.

The second is most likely at end of month into Nov 3.

As with this first series, they all appear in the data to be engineered by the [KM].

The next up seems to go off 'ok' as far as the [KM] is concerned, but the third is a turd. The 3rd seems to go wonky from the git-go. It may involved the [KM] accidentally shooting down a USA chemtrail plane. ???

It is the combination of these next two event series that push us into deep release language that continues thru November & into December. Along in the process, the MSM says shit that gets people so mad they beat & kick the fuckers when they see them in public.

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Welp, good or bad - at least SOMETHING is happening to move forward to the event. Whatever you believe the event to be, I think it’s a necessary catalyst to taking down the km.

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You could be right. Just like 99% of Gazan's are regular folks under Hamas thumb, so too in Israel or wherever we imagine the KM to be. Everyone needs liberation, including (and maybe especially( the bona fide Jews.

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"I am gonna keep HAMMERING this point home:

Same people who are NOW RUSHING VERY PUBLICLY TO ISRAEL'S DEFENSE and pledging billions of dollars to help Israel fight off Hamas...

are the SAME PEOPLE....

...the same people, mind you...don't skip over this part...

...the very SAME people that spent the last few years sending Hamas and Iran hundreds of millions of dollars.

And like his 'mentor' Obama, Biden recently decided to hand Iran back $6 billion dollars of frozen assets.

Would anybody like to take a stab at guessing why that $6 billion was frozen in the first place?

I'm getting tired of watching these Shadow Cabal simps quietly shoveling big $$$ at terrorist groups and outlaw regimes.

And then pulling a shocked, SHOCKED! act at what these terror groups and regimes do once they get the bennies.

Please tell me in the comments you are not buying this stupid act any longer.

5:42 PM · Oct 10, 2023





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HAMAS OFFICIAL RESPONDS: "'We have not killed any civilians'


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No, you killed Jews.

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Extremely concerning how easy it is for people to get a plane and fly it at people, then just leave the country (USA)!!

Two foreign pilots flew their Cessna dangerously close to boats on Horsetooth Resevoir in Colorado but then regretted thier decision when they crashed the plane. The FBI got involved and there's more to this wild story than you've probably heard.


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At the same time, let's not be naive... Sad yes, but not naive... Israel financed and infiltrated Hamas since day one. This is in a sense blowback, akin to the blowback of 9/11 via the taliban financed by US/Bresinsky as a counter to the Russian invasion of Afghanistan in the 80's. Former Israeli official s Brig. Gen. Yitzhak Segev, who was the Israeli military governor in Gaza in the early 1980s. Segev later told a New York Times reporter that he had helped finance the Palestinian Islamist movement as a “counterweight” to the secularists and leftists of the Palestine Liberation Organization and the Fatah party, led by Yasser Arafat (who himself referred to Hamas as “a creature of Israel.”) “The Israeli government gave me a budget,” the retired brigadier general confessed, “and the military government gives to the mosques.”

Moreover, Israel has boasted it had infiltrated and controlled the organization... Its 'terrorist' leaders selectively killed and confederates promoted, and with Bibi Netanyahu being an expert on 'terrorism'(wrote two books on the subject), why is it not concievable that Israeli elites could make use of its conceivable control of Hamas to false flag and final solution 'win'...?

So, were the recent provocations by Israeli settlers perhaps Netanyahu setting up Ariel Sharon's “Tango Mortale” again with Palestinians...? It's worth considering.

Lest we forget and now publicly revealed, the most vicious 'terrorists' in the Irish Republic Army-- the slaughtering IRA-- were infiltrated British commandos...

Either way, it's the everyday people of both sides that bear the suffering and death.

Go figure...

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How to Make Friends and Influence People...

Israeli Rabbi To Christians today - 'You Shouldn't Be

Worshipping One Jew (Jesus), You Should Be

Worshipping ALL Of Us' (WTAF?)


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Stupid nonsense.

Tell the world you are gods chosen people and see how few friends you have!

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Outrage After Israel Told Palestinians To Flee

To Egypt And Then Bombed Lone Border Crossing


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Yes, war is hell.

Yes, most people are innocent, or at least ignorant and unaware of others' positions enough to consider themselves innocent.

Yes, the structure of the financial incentives is probably iniquitously designed to further bloodshed.

However, your (circular) argument rests on putting people in a predefined "box" called "terrorist". The Palestinians consider themselves an occupied country. They don't consider themselves to be terrorists any more than the French Resistance did in WW2. (They are entitled to defend themselves, under international law). This was made clear by the Palestinian interviewee, who made the (tenuous) argument that they did not consider the occupiers to be "innocent civilians".

Indignation at either side's actions in war increases polarisation. We should be trying to decrease it, not increase it. I think the appropriate response to these events is sorrow, and "what can we do to help" rather than indignation.

"Indignation" includes an element of surprise as well as disapproval. If we are surprised by these events, then we do not understand them sufficiently.

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"How could it be bad, I got $3481/month for it."

It all comes down to money, doesn't it.

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Jimy, I'll be posting a Substack soon based on the video you linked before, along with two others. I did this video on it: Gaza: Jailbreak or Trap? https://youtu.be/90L7PX_K0qg. Your source and the David Icke quote stated that Hamas was set up by Israel to create 'terrorist' attacks to justify annihilation. I agree with Jonathan that no one is a terrorist in their own country. Even the term 'terrorist' was invented with a false flag attack on the first Jewish ships in Palestine, as I learned from one of those videos, Max Igan I think.

A statement of ethics, as opposed to a partisan statement, can have no proper nouns. Complete this sentence: It is wrong to [insert action]. The punishment for [action] should be [justified reaction]. Now apply that sentence equally to all people in or from all countries. Then you're being ethical. But if you need to determine who before you can say the right or wrong of what, that's not consistent and consistency is ethics.

Is it wrong to pay people to commit violence? I would say yes in someone else's country that's not threatening your borders. That certainly calls into question the foreign aid the US sends to Israel along with the nearly 1000 military bases the US has in other people's countries.

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Not only do the Democrats and the Neocons (warmongers) fund them, but they profit from them and the carnage, and they do nothing to stop the carnage because it would negatively impact their profits.

(Thought I post this link on a couple of your posts.)


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