
BTW, If Trump claims to be "Pro Life" to his supporters, he'd better pivot on this child-killing and fetus-destroying DEATHVAXX ASAP!


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(Steve Kirsch) this will put things into perspective. Not sure you have seen it. Here the late Dr. Zelenko addresses the Rabbinical court of Israel.


Watch the response of the Rabbi in the middle at the end of the vid. Zelenko just lays out the truth and the Rabbi covers his face with his hands and appears to start crying.

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

It has gotten to the point where I feel that most younger have been so indoctrinated that it prevails and little we can do about it. Once they get vaxed it seems to me that the ability to reason has vanished.

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Yes, there's a very strong psychological incentive to not realize you've harmed yourself, and society and "the experts" have thrown you under the bus. This is the real reason I think they focused on jabbing nurses and doctors first. They become shills for the vax "hey I took it, so should you! Besides, it's "safe and effective"....

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Works best on the "medical professionals" as they have way more to defend being "medical professionals -t hey cant be seen as clueless about their own field of "expertise".

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My communist sister asked her GP, and read NY Times, and watched cnn...

And has been on board

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Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

We had a psychological operation about the vax and for me, it was easy to see through as I did work in the healthcare system and saw the corruption first hand. I retired earlier than planned and so did my female DO that I saw. She left early on as they were bought out by another company and the corruption was rampant. You are right about starting with healthcare providers as people are not knowledgeable about how easy it is to steer people into meds, testing, surgeries, and procedures just to make money and their insurance companies pay for it. Plus people act like sheep when they are told some diagnosis and treatment will cure them. People put more effort and research into buying a home or car than their health. Now that is just stupid behavior.

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Yep, getting vaxxed is a huge investment of faith and commitment to the dogma. Once a person is vaxxed, he tends to become a true believer and bitter ender, if he is not one already.

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Damn, I got a certificate!!!!

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Dr. Lee Vliet on the Depopulation Agenda, 5G, Oct. 4 & Healing from Vaccines. EXCELLENT! LISTEN!


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All the WEF, UN, CCP plans have the toppling of US dominance as key component. They may all be heads of the same hydra, but degrading US readiness while weeding out those most likely to have an inner compass and not shoot fellow Americans is not a stretch at all IMO. It's a crucial part of the plan, and Trump unwittingly furthered their goals bigly.


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"We had no idea the cattle cars full of people were headed to death camps" Good Germans in 1944 Good Americans in 2022 Watch ALL of this


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When the doctor went off to his next patient T was left alone with the nurse. The nurse then somewhat furtively asked if T had the Covid “vaccine.”

When T in the affirmative the nurse surreptitiously confided in her that incidences of TIA, blood clots, heart attacks and myocarditis have literally gone parabolic since these “vaccines” were introduced.

And then the nurse glanced around and whispered to T that morticians were unable to embalm corpses because of the, “hard spike proteins that are blocking the blood vessels.”

The nurse nervously confided that her family friend happened to be a local mortician, and that there were so many bodies piling up so fast that the local funeral parlors were simply unable to satisfy their casket demand.


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Update: Tiffany Dover is alive and well.

This has to be the case. Once you realise this it will become clear that Tiffany Dover is responsible for more deaths than any other nurse in history.

(Excellent analysis!! Tiffany Dover being alive would be entirely consistent with “their” strategy of controlling *both* The Narrative and The Opposition to The Narrative. https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/is-tiffany-dover-responsible-for

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Tiffany Dover is alive and well.

This has to be the case. Once you realise this it will become clear that Tiffany Dover is responsible for more deaths than any other nurse in history. https://arkmedic.substack.com/p/is-tiffany-dover-responsible-for

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Israeli health authority knew the vaccines were harming people: the side effects of the vaccine are neither mild nor short-term. In fact, in 65% of the neurological cases, the symptoms are all ongoing. Israel didn’t start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months’ worth of data and found that the vaccines weren’t safe so they lied to the world about it,”. STEVE KIRSCH wrote. “This is the single most important article on my Substack” https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/

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The Pelosi family has earned millions through insider trading. In July, Paul earned $5,300,000 after exercising a call option to buy 4,000 Alphabet shares. Not so coincidentally, this occurred when the House Judiciary Committee cracked down on antitrust practices. There have been numerous instances of the Pelosi family earning money through trades that could have been exercised due to Nancy Pelosi’s political insights. This is insider trading, and it is illegal. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/international-news/politics/nancy-pelosi-inside-trader-of-the-year/

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The pro-war People’s Deputies of Ukraine Party are using Western funding to line their pockets. It has been reported that the average paycheck went from 28,800 to 49,600 hryvnia, and taxpayers in other countries will pay for their raises.

This news came out shortly after CBS attempted to release a documentary that claimed weapon shipments from the US were frequently missing

The weapons are stolen, the humanitarian aid is stolen, and we have no idea where the billions sent to this country have gone,https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/corruption/ukrainian-parliament-lines-pockets-with-western-aid/

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Sep 7, 2022·edited Sep 7, 2022

Oh Lord!

Perhaps there is a God after all!

If only it took liberal obedient types and no one else!

PS Maybe the Republicans can get back into power now the liberal demographic is, er, um... likely to be shrinking rapidly?

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Trump is quite possibly the other side of the cabal's double-edged sword. All opposition to the current regime is being funneled into Trump. When Trump gets back in power he will seem like a hero. He will promise to build the greatest economy in the world as soon as everyone is vaxxed and downloads their Patriot-USA medical and social credit apps. He will play the patriot card to manipulate his followers into vaxxing for the USA.

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I don't think they plan on letting him regain power. I do think they have a plan to pin it ALL on "orange man who just rushed and pressured those poor experts and big pharma companies so they made a boo boo and got the mix wrong." That way his base is diffused, RINO's get to feel smug and secure, and Libs continue the lie and global Great Reset Commie Techno Takeover.

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That is the Orange Vaxxman Bad Strategy... Yoy know where you heard that first almost a year ago...

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They floated a Trial balloon for it in August 2022 and Democrats immediately seized upon it in social media.

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