May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Brave man.

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Climate Hustle part 1 is THE amazing killer globalist expose, if you haven't seen it yet.

Watch > https://www.bitchute.com/video/QAzpBv3Cyi49/

Climate Hustle reveals the history of climate scares over time, examines the science on both sides of the debate, & digs into the politics and media hype surrounding the issue

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Investor Peter Flaherty Arrested At Warren Buffett Event for Discussing Bill Gates’s Ties to Jeffrey EpsteinPeter, wait until you find out how Gates also avoids vaccine safety signals and stuff! https://sagehana.substack.com/p/investor-peter-flaherty-arrested

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MIND those lithium ion and E-scooter batteries!!!

“I can’t explain the speed of the fire,” Record said in a statement. “I had never seen anything like it. Within seconds, it was like a fireball that spread to everything in sight. It was like a grenade going off, just terrifying. I’m absolutely devastated by what’s happened, especially losing Shogun.” https://www.theepochtimes.com/hero-dog-dies-saving-owner-from-devastating-apartment-fire-caused-by-e-scooter-battery_5225080.html?

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I’m a 102-year-old doctor. Here’s the No. 1 thing the healthiest and happiest people I know never do


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May 8, 2023·edited May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

His previous contributions to science will be dwarfed by him telling this simple truth about the climate hoaxes, and I would think that his statements also reflect on the idiocy of 'darkening out the sun' to purportedly save us, which we here know as also a 'hella-hoax' and part of the genocide as well. Dr. Clauser YAY!!

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

This is great. We need all the heavily-credentialed artillery we can get. Not to spin a compliment in a left-handed direction, but for the entertainment value, it's too bad Feynman didn't make it this far. These I might have put here or on Sage's in the past, but they still tickle my funny bone every time.



Have never seen any of the Hunger Games video material...do you recommend it, Jimy?

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Great clips! I love Feynman.

Hunger games? Yes, watch all 3 (or is it 4 now) of them. Bring some kids. Good stuff

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Will see what I can find in torrent-stan in a few minutes,

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

It’s all crumbling for the lefties..

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May 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Great chart-- amazing if you look at the work done in Greenland? where they take very very deep ice core samples and analyze them getting data from the 1100's-- the trend shown on the chart here is even greater and clearer on their charts. There is a video on this -- 4 minutes long--- if I can find it I will post it.

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deletedMay 8, 2023Liked by Jimychanga
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Is this the clip you mean? https://youtu.be/LmmmgiPha_Y

"I agree completely that we have had global temperature increase in the 20th century. Yes ~ but an increase from what? Probably an increase from the lowest point we've had for the last 10,000 years ~ and this means that it will be very hard, indeed, to prove whether the increase in temperature in the 20th century was manmade or it's a natural variation. It will be very hard because we made ourselves an extremely poor experiment: we started to observe meteorology at the coldest spot in the last 10,000 years." ~ Jorgen Peder Steffensen, Curator, Neils Bohr Institue Department of Geophysics

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Greenpeace's Ex-President.

Climate Change "Crisis" is FAKE


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Let me tell you the TRUTH about 15 minute cities.

The reason it's being pushed all over the world at the same time is because of the UN Agenda 2030.

And it's nothing new.

This goes all the way back to Communism.

In the Soviet Union they built 15 minute cities.

The massive, ugly Communist blocks were designed so that people would have everything they needed very close , like shops, kindergarten etc.

This was so people would be confined within their area. Only the elites could afford cars and have the freedom to travel.

The rest of the people had to take public transport.

We are seeing the same idea with the 15 minute cities.

Global Goal number 11 in the UN Agenda 2030 is about making cities "inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable".

Make no mistake.

Climate change is just being used as an excuse to implement Communism through the backdoor.

It's Climate Communism.

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Over 150 million Americans are under a winter chill advisory due to life-threatening temperatures. Every state besides Hawaii has issued some form of caution to residents as nearly 80% of the nation faces below-freezing weather. Extreme weather highlights the importance of fossil fuels, as there is NO reliable alternative. Texas is on the verge of […] https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/climate/winter-woes-green-new-deal-turns-deadly/?

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The Climate hoax is WHY they're sneaking bugs into your kids food.

Don't believe me?


They are feeding your children insects without telling you.

If you are feeding your kids anything conventional, there are two ingredients to look out for.

E120 and E904 are additives found in many food products which are obtained from the insects.

There are currently more than 100 products containing these additives. Most of them are products intended for children.

European authorities in the field of food safety have devoted many scientific works to the examination of these additives, and have affirmed their impact on various health aspects:

- Hyperactivity in children;

- Allergies;

- Allergic reactions;

- Asthma;

- Genotoxicity.


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Teachable Moments:


In an ironic twist at the Climate Change Conference in Dubai, John Kerry, the Biden regime’s climate envoy, may have inadvertently highlighted the need for personal methane reduction in a manner most unexpected.

There’s a saying that “actions speak louder than words,” and Kerry, an ardent proponent of reducing emissions, might have taken this quite literally.

A loud fart sound can be heard as the former secretary of state was lecturing about the climate scam, the New York Post reported. https://x.com/VigilantFox/status/1733985165947376069?s=20

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'A Cleverly Staged Hoax’ - Former German TV

Meteorologist Slams 'Climate Hysteria'


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