
Ex-Israeli Soldier Fears Hamas Can Never Be Wiped Out

And 'This Government Cannot Defeat Hamas' - And 'No

Matter What We Do We Won't Be Able To Defeat The Idea

That Hamas Represents Unless We Create An Alternative'


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yikes!!!! not a very profound reply, but honestly --- yikes!!! may we be guided by enlightening forces we may not yet know or see.... ugh.

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Israel is a strategic military base for the West. It permitted America to keep an eye on not just oil but opium as well. America did not need to “create” an Israel since Britain basically did back in 1948. Israel is not a charity and the West does not fund it because of religion. Yes, Israel was zoned for those of Jewish faith after World War II, but the true reason it was created was to provide the Allies with power in the Middle East.


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"We are fortunate to have an elder statesman currently heading Russia who, despite the endless propaganda from the US MIC press, is NOT expansionist and actually admires and wants to have peaceful relations much of Westen culture."..... This is quite a bit of wishful thinking about a guy Who mandated vaccines and is now trying to get his country to be carbon neutral by 2060. They are all in on it together. They just appear to oppose each other so people who get scared off by a certain side run and trust the other.

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Jeez. This is the stuff of nightmares. I'll be awake all night now, thanks Jimy 😳

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