
Worth a listen (but not before bed :(

9/11 Special Edition: America is now embarking on a meticulously orchestrated economic transformation

A nefarious plan is under way right now to achieve a 9/11-style "controlled demolition" of the United States of America by collapsing the U.S. economy and thrusting the cities into chaos and collapse.

As part of this plan, the EPA literally just banned the sale of water filters that can remove covid from the water supply. And Biden just shuttered oil leases in Alaska, leading to energy scarcity and rising gas prices across America.

A total war of sabotage, terrorism and tyranny is being waged against the American people.

(Full disclosure. Mike sells prepper TEOTWAWKI supplies. Good guy, but makes money of TSHTF:)


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Task: explain the lack of airplane debris.


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Debris would be well within the building would it not? Was there ever any video or stills of debris being removed?

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There's a pic of the "engine" apparently found weeks later which is WAY to small for a jet.

More importantly, WINGS would have sheared and smashed outside the reinforced Pentagram wall. The theory that they got "sucked in to the hole" was deservedly ridiculed by pilots and crash experts at the time.

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So if not the missing plane then where did the plane (and passengers, and flight crew) go?

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Good question. 1200 bodies still unaccounted for at WTC. (as of 2017 NYT update) Very few if any at Shanksville, PA (a pathetic "crater") and virtually nothing to see. Not sure about Pentagon forensics.

Each plane was (inexplicably) 25% full. Land them transponders off at military bases, have prepped stand-in planes rise and converge or replace radar blip of jet, Crash. Fly passengers out to sea and dispose, or deal with them at any of our military bases which have MILE of underground facilites and are likely interconnected by deep rail. Just a sick idea.

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Found these 87 eye-witness accounts. If legit makes the plane story seem more credible. Don't know just adding to the discussion.


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Sep 12, 2023·edited Sep 12, 2023Author

There was a large military jet that followed the missile track but swooped up and OVER the pentagram wall as the missile explosion occurred nearby, apparently accounting for the "sightings". The account of the taxi driver who dropped a cutting torch crew to cut two lampposts off that would have had to be clipped for the plane story to hold, is incredibly damning. There was a follow up video years later and he got scared recounting it and said there were "really big people involved and he was just a regular guy and didn't want to say any more". Maybe I'll find it if I get bored

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Reading those comments, it seems that there is no doubt that a 757 hit the Pentagon, but then the images and video seem to contradict that idea.

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Same as it ever was, same as it ever was!!! 🎶

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I find it MINDBOGGLING how many subscribers join looking for vaxxocide data and yet leave the second you hint that the US GOVERNMENT was complicit in orchestrating (and then defending the lying narrative of) 9/11 . How is it you can wrap your head around a premeditated crime that is killing hundreds of millions around the globe, yet can't stomach that the "war on terror" which killed 4.5 Million people, was just as bogus and murderously contrived? Wake Up!!

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Well for one, Brown University says a minimum of 4.5 MILLION PEOPLE DIED AS A DIRECT RESULT in the retributive "War on Terror".

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Thanks. More evidence of the massive PsyOp of 9/11. Eagerly aided and abetted by the media of course.

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KW, I wonder if Bill Hemmer remembers this broadcast, or if he has selective amnesia.

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I love that selective amnesia! So handy.

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Well, politicians use it all the time, shame it doesn't work with the IRS (for some of us anyway).

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How is a boy to rule without taxes. The real deception.

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Not completely memory holed.

From comments in video link you provided.

Video, with context and accompanying mea culpa:

"The reporter changed his story 180 degrees a year later, and beyond, completely backing up the lie."


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The best pilot could not duplicate the flight path (on simulator X 20) taken by the "plane" to hit the Pentagon. He said it couldn't be done, not by man, not by machine.

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Sep 12, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Good find, my friend!

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Here's a two-day rabbit hole for you... Enjoy!

The Remote-Viewing Data

Blind Conditions for All Remote-Viewing Data: All remote viewing for this project (as with all projects conducted at The Farsight Institute) was conducted under totally blind conditions. The viewers were told nothing about the project or specific targets while they were conducting their remote-viewing sessions. They were only instructed by a non-leading email that there is a target, and that they should remote view it. To understand the differences between an operational project such as this one and a strictly scientific project (such as our Multiple Universes Project), see the discussion on our Mysteries Project main page.

A Note About the Quality of the Remote Viewing for This Project: This is clearly an important project in the history of remote viewing. The mysteries surrounding the 9/11 terrorist attacks have been the focus of endless speculation. Thus, the quality of the remote viewing for this project is of ultimate concern. The two remote viewers participating in this project, Dick Allgire and Daz Smith, are arguably among the very best remote viewers on the planet currently. They have long and well-documented public track records for remote viewing, a great deal of which is available to see on the web site for The Farsight Institute in projects spaning many years. The quality of the remote-viewing sessions for this project is absolutely stellar. These are not sessions containing vague impressions that suggest possible target contact. Rather, these remote-viewing sessions are clear representations of the targets, both verbally and with unambiguous drawings. People are encouraged to both read all of the session summaries for this project, but also to closely examine each page of the individual remote-viewing sessions to fully appreciate the quality of these remote-viewing efforts in terms of accuracy, as well as the breadth and depth of the perceptions. The most profound data for this project can be found in the video sessions for this project.


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Wow. Listen from around the 32 min mark with this guy who has researched the planes for 20 years. The 911 commission couldn't figure how anyone them would have penetrated the cockpits without pilots squawking the hijack code on comms. Not a single plane did! He concludes hijackers were groomed to be on the planes, but the hijacks were electronic using existing tech (proven) at the time. All the cell calls were faked or "relayed" messages from headquarters. Cells could not handshake towers at that time at those speeds and altitudes, as proven by Toronto professor who spent a year reflying the same passenger routes in with a battery of current cell phones. Zero!

Seat back phones required credit cards, and NOT ONE has been confirmed or verified)


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New! Iverson is great (haven't listen to this yet but plan to)

The Shocking Masterminds Behind 9/11 | A Conversation with Kevin Ryan


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This is not the "light pole cutter team" taxi driver I mentioned but another one with equally narrative busting evidence, if you watch the whole thing..


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Findings fit more with a missile strike

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