
When OHSA unilaterally mandated that tens of millions of private sector workers take the COVID shot or wear masks, appellate courts cited the Chevron doctrine for allowing it People don’t understand how important it is that Chevron deference is dead


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Jun 29Liked by Jimychanga

Chevron is a big deal, thankful it’s dead.

(Started the year I graduated high school. Never should have been allowed.)

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Neil Oliver: You were viciously lied to.

New Dutch study Proves they knew, Pfizer didn't care. Those death camp trains were/are insanely profitable


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Father's Day Sale!!

Two RC steals my kids LOVE with insane value:

1) $14 Drone with everything you need


2) RC crashproof jet anyone can fly for 15 mins per charge including 400ft range remote and night flying LED wing straps. This is way more fun than $500 planes I've bought.


Buy them "for Dad" and report back. You won't be disappointed 😌

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Jun 29Liked by Jimychanga

Love this loan story! Fantastic.

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Jun 29Liked by Jimychanga

Did you do a loan for gluten free bread? Foggy in my head, maybe pacha?

I still plan on investing , smallest amount but still!

My medical expenses are high because I use all the good stuff that insurance does not pay for. My Ritchie Shoemaker protocol has helped me through the lockdown nonsense poisoning. Tired from whatever shedding is these days. But God provides & shows a way, always. If I listen& keep praying for discernment.

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I think so! I'll try to pinpoint it

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The true measure of a man is how he treats those less fortunate when he himself is down and out.

This will give you faith in America


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Again, the SCOTUS Chevron ruling is YUGE!

clif high reposted

CHEVRON DOMINANCE Technology is about to accelerate. Because Chevron deference is over. And regulators can't just make up laws anymore. So, countless new startups just became feasible. This is often spoken about in the abstract, so let's do three examples and two visuals. THREE EXAMPLES 1) Genomics. Did Congress explicitly give FDA authority to regulate genetic tests in a bill like Kefauver-Harris (1962) or PDUFA (1992)? No, it did not. But in the early 2010s, FDA attacked 23andMe and forced them to take personal genomic tests offline. Implicitly, this was under Chevron. 2) Nuclear power. Did Congress explicitly give EPA and NRC the authority to implement ALARA? No, it did not. But these agencies came up with this "as low as reasonably achievable" standard, forcing nuclear energy to become as expensive as other energy sources by spending all the cost-savings on "safety." Implicitly, this was under Chevron too. 3) Cryptocurrency. You guessed it. Did Congress explicitly give the SEC authority to regulate crypto? No, it did not. Cryptocurrencies didn't exist when the 1933 and 1934 acts were written. However, the SEC says it has regulatory authority over crypto, even when Congress is deliberating on bills to the contrary. Implicitly, that claim of SEC authority too was under Chevron. In other words: if a regulator can't point to the law that gives them the power, they may not have the power. And you might be able to win in a court of law. So! For technology, the overruling of Chevron could literally reopen innovation in the physical world. This is on par with the 1991 opening of the Internet to commercial traffic. It deprecates the 20th century regulatory state. All the safety theater and security theater that they optimize for sounding good while actually being bad now has to face judicial scrutiny. TWO VISUALS How to visualize something as abstract as Chevron reversal? Well, Chevron is the company on which the 1984 Chevron deference case is actually based. And its logo had the arrows pointed down. But now that Chevron has been reversed, we're headed up.

And that's one way to visualize what reversal means: from Chevron deference to Chevron dominance. Because rule-of-law now dominates the lawless regulatory state. If the regulator isn't specifically authorized by statute, they can't invent some regulation to stop your innovation. But there's a second way to visualize the reversal of Chevron: regulators just got disarmed, in the most literal sense. Because ultimately a regulation is a threat of state force. If you disobey one of a regulator's made up rules, they eventually get a cop to point a gun at you, implicitly or sometimes very explicitly.


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Drivel - great but overly humble description. your enthusiasm, my friend, is both humbling and inspiring!

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