
Is this what we consider karma? Layers upon layers of past experiences we didn't get right or didn't grasp the meaning of, so we are presented with new situations to try to learn those lessons. Maybe we are placed in dynamic family structures so we can see situations from different angles? There is certainly more to our present lives than we think.

@clif_high (on X)

"If you reach deep, way deep, into your mind, in just the correct spot, you will be able to touch & feel this 'iridescent drop' that you brought with you from your previous Life.

The shimmering iridescence you will discover, is but a thin layer over another iridescent drop brought forward from yet a more previous Life. And so it goes.

You add a thin layer of iridescence with each Life. Thus the drop grows over time, yet does not change size ever.

It is said that it takes 85 million lives to earn from Universe the first birth into a Human Life. Thus just starting out, you have 85 million layers in your iridescent drop counting back all of your lives.

Then you have had how many Human Lives? Hundreds...of thousands? Likely. Relatively rare are the Recently Graduated. Yes, Universe manifests them continuously, but their percentage of the population is steadily shrinking.

Each Human Life adds a new layer of iridescence to your drop. Each of these will be more complex than the previous layer which it overlays.

Each thin layer of iridescence is active. It moves constantly. It is dynamic energy in a constrained form. It is part of Your consciousness now.

Each layer is conscious, though not of itself, but of its task.

Each thin layer of shimmering iridescence is created at the cost of a soul. Eh? You thought you only had one soul for all Lives? Think again.

No. Souls are containers, transport vehicles, and connectors for the Complexity that is a Human Life. Souls, as a container, a vessel, are conscious of YOUR LIFE, and its tasks within every second of your life, but not of itself.

At the end of each life, that Life's soul is rendered down into everything you have learned and experienced in This Life to which that soul was a vessel. The vessel completes its final task preparing to be part of your next Human Life.

You are actively contained in a soul, yet you also carry with you every soul you have ever used as an iridescent layer participating in your dynamic iridescent drop which you can locate, deep in your mind, if you seek it.

If you never examine your iridescent drop, it is being wasted.

What is this iridescent drop composed of all the lessons of all your many, diverse lives rendered down to shining brilliance?

What does your intuition tell you it is?"

8:51 PM · Oct 18, 2023




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Reminds me of Rumi… “You are not a drop in the ocean; you are the entire ocean in a drop.” For any of us to make peace with and respect the individuality of the others is not possible if we do not accept and make peace with own individuality

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