
Comment: rick riemersma

Unbelievable!!! A true warrior has been taken from us. They may think they have won a major blow to unvaccinated community, but this will only strengthen us. Dr Buttar was one of the first to expose all the covid lies when other influencers backed down and followed the govt narrative for fear and money. There were none braver. He has done an massive amount for humanity at a time when humanity needed it the most. Dr Buttar left a incredible roadmap for success for all of us to follow with what lies ahead of us in this community going forward.

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Still can believe he's gone. WTH?

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


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May 23, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


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Robert D. Gubisch, comment

Yes, a crushing blow to my heart and soul, and then comes the light. The light of the realization that the good doctor is home, in the Light. And he hears the words, although nonverbally....... "This is my beloved Son, with whom I AM well pleased". Let us live as he lived. Let us be the courage that he portrayed. He is free and my heart is overwhelmed in joy for him. Honored and blessed are we to have known him, to hear his words, to speak with him. Although I have never been with him in the 'flesh' he was and is a most cherished friend. Forever forward, for the Light, in the Light, towards the Light. Thank you Dr. Buttar for the gift of your Presence. It shall linger long and strong in our hearts and souls.

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Listen to him in APRIL 2020.


Dr Rashid A Buttar


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This man was a truth warrior. Do you think his death is suspicious? It seems odd to me that a fearless truth teller and died so suddenly and so young. Dr. Buttar always refused to toe the Fauci line while other doctors were mealy mouthed, and concerned only about their careers. Powerful people can make things happen the way they want. --We are supposed to believe that Jeffrey Epstein was a suicide! Ridiculous.

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Yes. The doc himself said he had been "poisoned".

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deletedMay 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga
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May 23, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I wish he had elaborated

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May 23, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

They are going to do an autopsy, right?

Tell me they are going to do an autopsy.

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That was the CNN (criminal news network) where is was poisoned, envenomated the first time.

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Incomprehensibly DIABOLICAL. (New!!)

In this video, experts explain how the mRNA β€œtrans”jections not only cause physical damage to organs but how they also damage the small capillaries in the brain, override the blood-brain barrier and eventually, lead to massive personality changes. They also discussed how the mRNA injections are literally breaking the will of some of those who received them.



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This is stunning.

42% said it was somewhat likely or very likely they would join a major class-action lawsuit against pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects. That would make it the largest class action in US history by a long shot.


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They're all complicit, they all know full-well what they're doing, and they should ALL be hanged.

Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines? - LewRockwell


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Also, A little bit of GREAT NEWS: BREAKING: Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi Stood Trial in Germany, Facing Charges of "Incitement of the People." He Has Just Been Acquitted of ALL Accusations! the German courts had no choice but to clear Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi of the bogus β€œcrime” of β€œincitement of the people.”

We must now actively go after the criminals and their partners-in-crime the UN, CFR, WEF, WHO, CIA, FBI, DoD, various Rockefeller, Soros and Gates β€œnonprofits,” et al.

They want you dead, genetically modified, sick, fearful, and/or incarcerated on bullshit charges.

Do NOT comply. https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/breaking-prof-sucharit-bhakdi-stood

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The late Dr. RASHID Buttar:

β€œThe goal was to get 50% of the population injected and to get the other 50% by secondary inoculation, via swlf amplifying mRNA (a type of shedding)”

Listen at 24 min mark


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May 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


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May 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga



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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I miss him so! He was a tried and true Warrior! 😒

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Oct 27, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

He was waaaaay over the target. God bless Dr Buttar. He left behind a wealth of information & quite a legacy. Those that destroyed his life can’t take that away. He will forever rest in peace.

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This sounds exactly like what happened to Diamond & Silk - I always forget which one passed. She was unjabbed and said she died from shedding. Had bruises, heart trouble, difficulty breathing. Are people of colour more succeptable? Is this genetic? Is it something else? Were they murdered? What the HELL is going on?

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Yeah the shedding is even more variable than the juice itself, it seems. May be deadly to some (but hard to know), while others have absolutely no signs whatsoever (for now). I guess we're all doomed! Or are we? What the hell IS going on?

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I believe the shedding is affecting the unjabbed with autoimmune issues, and in Diamonds case, a possible heart condition she wasn’t aware of.

I myself am having HORRIBLE reactions when I’m around someone shedding. I try to avoid being around too many people for his reason. And I do have autoimmune conditions. I’m always having to detox!

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

TPTB β€œBreitbarted” him. I bought his book YEARS ago: β€œThe 9 Steps to Keep the Doctor Away”. I guess TPTB didn’t like that...and that he was against jabs.

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May 22, 2023Liked by Jimychanga


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