Feb 21, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

For just the Ukraine NATO Vs Russia 'proxy war' they provoked, they should swing.

Then we consider that it is just another siege engine battering against the pillars that have supported 8B lives on this planet, and that it will be used deliberately and opportunistically by TPTB to further their agendas.

Primarily in reducing that 8B.

Even forgetting about the Agenda, they have caused untold death and devastation. BlackRock's profit projection algorithm is probably spinning out of control like some Vegas Jackpot. Last I heard the Ukraine bill alone was ~$750b for reconstruction. Let's hope it goes better than the attempt in Afghanistan... Then there was the NS1/2 attack, which should have been an impeachable act of maladministration/terrorism. Still waiting for Germany to invoke Article 5 over that; and for Russia to take the terrorists to the ICC.

We're not voting our way out of this; and soon enough we won't be allowed to vote at all.

Something to ponder: In a direct democracy, ballots can take many forms. And a government openly acting against its own people has no legitimacy.

One would have thought the Biden blurb about paying Ukrainian pensions might have been a redline. Or the disproportionate welfare support for the Hispanic invasion to the south.

Not sure what's going on, but it seems the NPC brains aren't rebooting. So many appear to be in a fugue state, almost. Critical thinking flickered out like a candle in a gale, in 2020, if not before.


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Thank you for a long and very insightful response!

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And BlackRock and all the rest are international boosters for the World ECONOMIC FORUM Chamber of Commerce. Boosters of international fascism for fun and profit.

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I posted my response and then read yours... Same band, different instruments, lol.

Cheers, and well said.

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For elites, Equality is Out, Imortality is in. If you can potentially live forever, why not get the nuclear war and population cull over sooner than later?


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According to the global elite, zoophiles are just another spectrum on the trans pride flag.

WEF Says It’s Time To Legalize Sex And

Marriage With Animals To Promote Inclusion(Do You Understand What Is Going On Now?

…The End Of Civilization As We Know It…)


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There is no historical ambiguity regarding the Bolshevik movement being primarily a Jewish revolutionary philosophy. There were non-Jews swept up (as there are today) in the insanity of collectivism, communism, what-have-you. Just as there are today, power flowed in and out of Bolshevism. Schisms and rifts, internal power struggles .... power grouping always eat themselves. Clearly the Bolshevik ambition was not a secret to many of the power elite in Europe - Hitler was conspicuously aware of the threat from Communism. Plenty of British 'ruling class' saw Hitler (as do I ) as a bulwark useful to them. Hitler may have been a megalomaniac, but there was no doubt in my mind that he was correct in much of his initiatives. We will not discuss the Jewish deaths - that's a whole other conversation ..... Why did Bolshevism falter ? Why do all power waves falter - attrition, attenuation, in-growing revisionism - the very blood-thirsty nature of the Russian revolution and what came after would have certainly made simple folk, who were necessary for the public face of Bolshevism, to recalibrate their tacit acceptance of the insanity. Now you seem to be asking 'they lost control of Russia and now need a war' ? It seems to be a fault in Jewish psychology that they cannot accept a level equality with other religions or societies.... call this what you will, but I clealry see the neurosis of Jewish ambition in the neo-conservatives that have been wrecking the USA, recklessly spending down all of the goodwill capital that the USA has saved over decades. You would be Blind Freddy if yu did not understand the infestation in all US power structures of committed Zionists. I use a comment that reflects this: "They were ruthless, and single-minded; they promoted each other and went for the control nodes." The Ukraine was the fountain-head of Bolshevism, and stands for the modern-day Bolsheviks as a touchstone of a destiny denied.... how else can one comprehend the mindless, relentless, pathological drive to harm Russia. They want revenge. Did you read the article link to the Barry Posen 1994 strategy document ? The other comment I often use is this: "THEIt's not important whether the Protocols were forgeries or not; what IS important is that a world has subsequently come into being substantially as described in them."

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Fascinating comments here. Any connection in your name to the James Balfour family of the infamous Balfour declaration, or just a nom-de plume?

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Too much at stake to turn a blind eye to all the “coincidences” these days. If we were noticing Italians running everything behind the scenes we would call it what is: mafia

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Well, everyone has their opinion. I disagree with your premise. And I think it's kind of vile to plaster an entire religion of regular people with some kind of "they're all that way" -- look what the "Christians" have done via leadership that is heinous and cruel... for centuries. But is it fair to say "they're all that way"?

I've seen your kind of blather before, and it's really ugly. Just sayin.

This is about Evil Psychopath Oligarchs, and amazingly, they're NOT all Jews. If you think they are, prove it.

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You’re right. It’s just a Cohencidence that such a tiny minority is vastly over represented by those who pull the levers of global control. I don’t think he was saying “they’re all that way” (they aren’t), just the former fact. Not all regular ales are overhopped, undrinkable pale ales, but most overhopped undrinkable pale ales started as regular ales.

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Feb 21, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

People who have toughened up, and are a bit lucky, will survive then thrive like the wildlife. When these sickos come out of those bunkers, weakened by being underground so long, we will kill them for their crimes.

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Build a list of DUMBS, wherever they are on the planet. Disseminate this list, along with engineering suggestions on how to blockade the entry/exit hardware. Once we are able, we can then seal the entry/exits and let the occupants die off slowly.

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There you go.

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You want an indicator of how long the Zios have lusted after their drive to pull Russia down, via Ukraine ? Well, back in 1993, then published in 1994, a strategy document was authored by Barry Posen (Tribe) and it quite clearly tracks recent events - this is what is forgotten, this is the long tail that power-cancered zealots (tribe) are capable of - read it... then forward the link on, please.


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Ukraine is full of CHRISTIAN NAZIS.

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Bad hombres. Da Woist!

-Elmer Fudd

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This is linking to you, Jimy, when I put it under Henry the Jew Hater.

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If Bolshevism and the rise of the USSR was by design of these same folks, what happened? They dropped the ball after 70 years, lost control of Russia itself and now need a war? What's the theory? How do you see it?

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FUCK. I wrote you a long, and cogent, comment reply. Went back in just after posting it to clean up some typos, and IT'S GONE. No back button, no recovery. Its just gone. I'm too pissed off to retype it, and can never remember the exact words anyway. Trust me it was a good summary reply to you. fuckfuckfuck

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Substack is getting very glitchy lately. Lost an entire post a week back, no traces.

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American Presidents - Serial Abusers In Chief. Barack Obama gets award for high priest of Toxic Narcissm.

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Good article thanks.

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Unbelievable Carnage Of Ukraine Soldiers

Ziolensky’s Holocaust Of Christian Men Forced

Into The Uke Military - Over 5,000 Dead In Just

One Week - Military Summary Analysis


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Ukraine has been a pedo playground for UK and US elites for a long time.

Witness this POS.

Witness: Prince Andrew Kidnapped Ukrainian Children


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Zelensky used FTX to launder money back to the Democrats to fund their reelection. Every single member of Congress who has supported Ukraine MUST come clean regarding all their political donations. Ukraine is the MOST corrupt government on the face of the planet.  We now need to weed out all those who have been bought and paid for. FULL DISCLOSURE  NOW!If Zelensky is not the AntiChrist, he is doing a hell of a good job acting out the role. This psychopath should be overthrown by the Ukrainians. What do they stand to gain by conquering the Donbas where they would only abuse the Russians there, treat them as scum, and systematically exterminate them just as they did to the Polish, Hungarians, and Jews during World War II which even horrified the German-NazisEven in a divorce, a judge will ask a child which parent he would prefer to live with. We owe that to the Donbas.


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Ukraine has over 250k dead and more than twice that wounded. Seems the Biden admin has no problem sacrificing every Ukrainian kid over 16 yrs of age for their neocon "we hate Russia" agenda. Bill Browder and the Wall St "Our Crowd" must be salivating..

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Biden in 1997: NATO Expansion Would Cause 'Hostile' Russian Reaction

Speaking at the Atlantic Council back in 1997, then-Senator Joseph Biden stated that NATO expansion was the only thing that could really 'tip the balance' and cause a 'vigorous and hostile' response from Russia. The video went viral in recent days, causing strong reactions among users. Seems like the understanding was already obvious 25 years ago.


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Zelensky has just come out and said publicly in Ukraine:

"The US will have to send their sons and daughters exactly the same way as we are sending our sons and daughters to war...

because it's NATO that we're talking about, and they will be dying." The Ukrainians are desperate. They have lost over 250,000 men with 35,000 missing in action. That comes from Ukrainian sources - not Russia. https://ask-socrates.com/Blog/Article/63ff5bae2c3c1ce4f723a90e

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On #Consciousness and #Sentience

An Amazing existential Interview With #AI Engineer Blake Lemoine - Watch

- Start From 1:22:00 To Save Time!


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