

They even want to rebrand pedophiles as “MAPS” or “minor attracted persons” and label them as a protected class. I think they should be called the scum of the Earth.

Normalizing pedophilia is happening on an international level. This is part of the Great Reset. They are slowly implementing the idea that adults have the right to sexually assault children as they demonize all morals and values that once existed. There is no room for God in the Build Back Better agenda with branches that spread far. There is no room for parents either as children are molded by the leftist schools they attend as mom and dad work their lives away to get by with the new norm for the cost of living. The woke agenda is working to normalize this concept by introducing children to drag queens during school hours and telling them that they can choose their gender before they even know their ABCs.


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May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

no kidding .... look at this tik tok video at the start of the page ... this is full scale

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M0L0CH worship

B@@l worship

History rhymes, repeats

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Tough talk:

Aseem Malhotra murdered a lot of people by pushing the injections.

But sure. He's a stellar human being.

Why? Because he pushed people into Exploding Gas Tank Pintos and kept doing so until his father blew up in a bumper car race of Exploding Gas Tank Pintos?

And then decided to go ahead and check on the gas tank as people had been telling him to do for how long?

What Aseem Malhotra did was dishonest.

It should be criminal.

The personal gain was that he got to stay on the television with his fellow Gleaming Talking Heads and feed his ego and go to the party and feel pretty.

He abused his position of power. He abused his authority. For personal gain.

It is not remotely complicated. It is cut and paste corruption.

But you like the guy, so dance on some graves.

And one day if Anthony Fauci sees the lights and denounces his malfeasance in pushing death shots, maybe you will perceive him a stellar human being too?


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It is so frustrating, I absolutely agree with you. The way I see it is that, with the majority of the populace being asleep/apathic/uninterested

(and we can not expect changing the situation without "the numbers")

we have to look at the likes of Malhotra as a way of getting the message ("you were lied to") across and waking them up. Those people only react to info coming from the purveyors of the official narrative and likely to pay attention. Hitting them with the whole truth now would only confuse them. We mustn't forget that what is painfully obvious to us is mostly beyond their compression right now. Slowly, slowly catch the monkey sort of thing. Would be totally different if the real data had any chance of being presented at large. IMO.

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How does that work. When he stated that those, I assume before his father dying and he bothered to look, were just irrational

Seems like he is reinforcing the message. Mistakes were made, nobody knew, but now with more data we do

The evidence against safe, effective or even needed was there long before his father died.

Instead of saying mea culpa. Admitting he did not bother to investigate anything till his father died, he acts as if those raising the alarm, until he did, were just irrational idiots

He is not waking anyone up

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Absolutely agree with you. The way I'm thinking is that very many (maybe most) people don't have even the basic idea that the shots not only are not vaccines, that they do not work and are killing and maiming. Not aware of the hoax whatsoever. I meet people who tell me that kovid kills and vcines save lives. They only know what ABC tells them (heaps of that here, in Oz still peddling the original narrative) everything against is heavily censored. It's not that is not available, it's not known at large due to the lack of exposure. Because of M "star status" some of what he says is getting out (even if being "discredited" by msm) and catching people's attention.

That's how I see it. Some people still believe all the lies. Beggars belief honestly. Never underestimate stupidity and laziness of people.

They have no idea what's going on and can't be bothered to find out.

"Busy" ones, that take time to go to the movies or a footy game but, have no time to look into alternative sources of information. Well, not saying I'm right, just how I see it. Stay well :-))

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Small independent retailers in the 1950's had signs in their stores IN GOD WE TRUST ALL OTHERS PAY CASH". I have found that to be a most valuable rule to live by.

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I disagree. I think Dr. Malhotra is guilty of trusting "the science" related to vaccines. But if you know his history, you know why he flipped at the first sight of conflicting data... his stance against statins, for example. We all have limited time and focus to research. We make choices based on perceived risks and our experiences. Every one of us is faster to challenge a consensus truth now bc of covid. But which of us challenged the narratives about the '08 collapse? 9/11? On and on. I've seen many of these far faster than most anyone I know bc I learned of the lies and evil before, slowly at first and now all of a sudden. I think Malhotra is sincere and very helpful.

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Let the dead bury the dead.

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Is This Why Pediatricians Push Vaccines? - LewRockwell

They're all complicit, they all know full-well what they're doing, and they should ALL be hanged.


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Our wonderful Pede quit, and our internist, and months later her successor.

Think their consciences got to them.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

They all knew because Dr. Ralph Baric wrote up a study years back about how HCL and zinc can be used to kill viruses. Trump learned of this from Dr. Zelenko and since it was a threat to approval of the mRNA vaccines, it had to be suppressed. Genocide as a psy-op strategy.

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Yet Baric continues tenure at University of Chapel Hill NC as if he wasn't Mengele 10X. Where are the students protesting, flipping his car and raising hell? WTF??

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He’s protected on high by the devil himself

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For now.

Hell is endless torment. There's a spot there for ALL of us, so focus on God.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

okay, so thats how zelenko knew about it, he was a community doctor in his area.

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Maybe, but Zelenko was brilliant. There are hours of interviews where he explains his thought process and his "gun and bullet" analogy with getting zinc delivered into the cells.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

this is a very specialized area and ralph baric was the best specialist in the world for coronaviruses

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Apparently Baric is very much available still.. You'd think he'd at least fled to Argentina by now..


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If I’m not mistaken Baric worked directly with the Wuhan Bat Lady.

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Zelenko also benefited from his experience with cancer, having had success overseas with more ancient treatments than modern big pharma. He said in interviews that made him look for answers from the pre-Rockefeller Era of medicine. I believe that experience put him on the fast track to research non drug answers.

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Dr. Z explained this in a discussion with Dr. Mercola. Fascinating on many levels if you can find it. He credits Dr. M with saving his life. Some French doctors also knew about the study and were using it around March 2020. My wife’s cousins husband (healthy 40 yo) was at deaths door on a ventilator that month and my wife insisted that the doctors give HCL. They did and eight hours later he was back to almost normal. Saved his life.

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yes, i saw that interview ... he credited mercola about his cancer ... but he was gone shortly after ...

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May 24, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

"Turns out there was a study done in 2005 that found it could treat another C0R0NAVlRUS known as SARS" This was easy to find on the NIH website at the time of the initial attacks on HCQ. I found it myself with little difficulty. Of course, once that started to go viral, the public link was pulled. Don't for a second think ALL OF THEM were clueless. Same exact playbook as AIDS.

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It's a great reflection of Henry Ford himself, after all.

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Ford would never have stood for this. He was against the very same kabal pushing the clot shots and Great Reset today. We can dispute as to who leads or controls those thugs, but not their existence. Henry followed the trail as far as he could.

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Uh, you know Ford made a fortune supplying vehicles to both sides of WWII, right?

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Yep, it started long before the war, when the Times had Hitler and the German Economic Miracle on it's front page. Everyone from the NY libs to the Bushes were on board.

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Nazi is as Nazi does?

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Indeed. I grew up in Detroit so I had a first hand look at how the auto companies have negatively affected cities and humans. Cut them both in two, dehumanized us as much as possible, IMO. Thanks NJ.

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Sad thing is that everyone from MSM, the medical establishment, politicians at the federal, state and local level knew about this and they did nothing! Let’s keep it real, Fauci along with the CCP unleashed this monster on an unsuspecting public

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DOD is the main funder, player and protector in the room.

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Yeah Jimmy, good luck to get this truth out. And there is Tedros with the "emerging viruses" and the rest of them peddling the convenient lies... We're doomed unless we get sleeping majority to wake up.

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