
Here's episode 2

You know what to do!

Episode 2 of Tucker on Twitter is here.

Watch now: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1666928190445477890

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Tucker even admits he's full of shit, he doesn't lie to you; The Whistle-Blower is "TELLING THE TRUTH" he didn't see shit, and he doesn't know shit about UFO's

Tucker believes this guy is telling the truth, sure as hell he's telling the truth, and that truth is 'he never saw anything;, funny that now a 'whistleblower' can be somebody who can report on something they never saw, or have proof of it being true; funny eh?

100% BULLSHIT story

First of all the so called 'whistleblower' never saw anything ,and his assertion is 5th hand by somebody who knew somebody who knew somebody who might have seen something

His evidence is that even people higher up than him I haven't seen anything

... EVER THINK that the reason nobody has seen anything is that there is nothing to see?

Pentagon hiding alien spaceships - whistleblower

US Air Force veteran David Grusch insists they exist, though he has never seen the ETs or their craft himself


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Don't use Twitter, never will. Musk is Neuralink, this will not end well.

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We are already living in the matrix. Best we can do might be to make the least shitty choices within it. Or?

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Least shitty choices, that says it right there.

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Yes, Neuralink and the new WEF bitch that will run Twitter is #1 trans-humanism project officer at Twitter, anybody how all this fits???

Neuralink is invasive, which means its hard-wired into your brain, not only can it read micro-volts and know what your thinking, but it can send micro-volts and reconfigure your brain and best of all it can send large volts or current to 'punish' you, if you go off reservation;

Very soon they'll be able to shut off the visual cortex, and driver the human around, like how now quads can be made to walk with a severed spine; Sleep walking under Musk


Personally I can't help to think all this shit like META will just crash and burn, or the google goggles a while back, or META's googles, who the fuck wants Musk hard-wired into your brain??? He's going to charge rent to fix his bugs, and if your refuse to pay he'll just make you into a coma

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IF your using twitter or facefuck then you are part of the problem, just quit feeding them, vote with your feet and let them die;


IMHO Tucker is getting Stock from MUSK aka Twitter Stock, Musk knows that if Carlson leads with 50M views that Twitter can become a fox, then Musk can start charging $20 mon for view twitter content, this is all biz, and that's why there content is all bullshit

WHoopee Carlson said that Ukraine bombed the damn, like DOH! To quote homer simpson

Lastly lets also not forget that TUCKER's father runs the CIA's MSM dis-info group, so like Father like Son, and rotten apples don't fall from a tree, ..

Also like MUSK, Tucker is being sold as a product, most likely a future candidate, like MUSK

These assholes work out 2-4 generations they're always grooming

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Thanks BB, btw what is a generation now? With infants dying and not being born, and artificial pregnancy bubbles, maybe a generation is just 10 years now!

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They made a movie recently, "Children of Men"

Hollywood almost always projects the future, especially in that movie about the reFUGee problem,


I think to answer your question, the elite will continue breeding on 'cycle', its the goyim peon that are to be culled; Of course like all things only the dumbest sheep or lemmings will go over the cliff

Maybe we should just say an "Elite Generation", and assume that means a well fed & cared for family;


Do you really see artificial pregnancy bubbles? Like designer clothing??

I really see a trend towards shaming women not to have children, or avoiding heterosexual relationships

I guess a bunch of lesbians could create communes and have their egg's fertilized create 'bubble children', but that would just lead to lots mk-ultra abandoned fucked up human beings, most lesbians dont's stay together long enough to see a child into college age


Then of course we'll certainly see guys with ovary-uterus-implants giving birth, and again those will be some seriously fucked up children, ..

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Jun 7, 2023·edited Jun 7, 2023

No, just talk on the preg bubbles, maybe they are just bait too. As for the lesbians, well, that is not my experience, if anything, I find we stay together too long past when we should break up. Would be interesting to study it vs. straight relationships. I know of many 30-40 year long term lesbo relationships, ( am almost 60). Most of my relationships last about 7 years, but I hear that's a thing. One full change of the bodies cells takes 7 years, it is said. My current relationship is 11 years old, but since she is a vaxxer, and albeit regretfully now, I am seeking an out simply because I think they will do this again and I do not trust her bullshit meter, too obedient. German.

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