
Again I ask, as a victim with documented African slavery on both the Irish and Hutterite/Moravian sides of my family, WHERE is my Lambo?

Your silence is guilt and complicity.


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Thanks for sharing all these books that talk about the slavery we almost never hear about. As a child I watched the TV series “Roots” with my family and it informed my belief that slavery had only ever happened to black people. The last few years have opened my eyes to how “history” is written, that so much of it is propaganda.

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Perhaps it isn't widely understood, but the people demanding reparations and the 1619 version of history don't give a pound of dead horsemeat about facts. They are evil communists who are paid to advocate for the enslavement of mankind for the benefit of their billionaire paymasters. Having incontrovertible facts is good but doesn't change their willingness to lie to the end of time as long as the money comes in. Though I myself deeply appreciate your work on behalf of my Irish cousins, including the late Kevin O'Morrison of Sleepless in Seattle fame, I hope you understand that it won't change the minds of those determined to enslave humanity for the politically powerful. We battle not against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness in high places. Many Americans have turned away from God. God has noticed. Happily we are created by a forgiving and loving God. Repent ye and choose this day who you shall serve. As for me and my family, we serve God.

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Regarding JUST North Africa, from 1500 to 1650, when trans-Atlantic slaving was still in its infancy, more white Christian slaves were probably taken to Barbary than black African slaves to the Americas


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Indeed. The existence of Moorish slave takers was among the motivations of various European anti-slavery societies from the 1600s onward. But wealthy Jacobins talked Rousseau and Marx into justifying the liquidation of hundreds of millions of people and the enslavement of the rest. So here we are. Clearly we each deserve reparations. Make my Lambo royal blue while you're about it.

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Sorry, all lambos come in beige. Anything else is a hat tip to oppression of one sort or another.

You can have ANY color you like so long as it's beige.

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Fine! In that case I'll trade it for a 1969 Mulliner Park Ward Silver Shadow Rolls Royce convertible in gold. Beige is offensive. Millions of my people are beige.

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I'd like to apologize for my cultural blindness and lack of inclusiveness. I will be taking a break from this stack for sensitivity training and reflection, and strategic donations to certain offended parties. 🙃

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You are forgiven. God bless you friend. Amen.

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The elites can’t let the truth out because it would undermine the color revolution narrative.

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I knew a little of this but Wow, thanks for the stack! ( Irish roots here)

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William Carlos Williams's Paterson contains a 17th century account of an Irish ship whose passengers were forced into slavery in New Jersey. They were interbred with the existing African slave population.

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I swear in the 1970s we had race at a point of acceptance. At least in Portland Oregon. Race now is more backward now than 50 years ago.

I knew about the Irish, the Chinese, did not realize

Any of the slave trade to Middle East.

Human trafficking is wicked. To think it flourishes

Now is extremely sad, humans are possessed by evil do evil things. 85,000 illegal aliens children have disappeared recently. This is all happening before our very eyes.

To go around attempting to punish all slave owners for the past seems like just another way to hide

What’s happening now.

Freedom in Truth. Freedom in Christ.

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audubon killed the birds he painted. so much for him.

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He did?

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he didn't have a camera to shoot them with.

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Little buggers wouldn't keep still!

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Never knew that, makes sense. So sad

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