Jul 24, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Thank God for all the heroes speaking up...we can use as many as we can get. I think it’s starting to work. 

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Lenin used the secret police (Cheka) to silence all political opposition. This was a rein of terror targeting both his opponents and challengers within his own political party. The WEF's Klaus Schwab sees this as a necessary tool, and thus this is why he wants total digital ID to restrict movement using pandemics that will most likely be created for controlBeware, this is the same power being crafted by Klaus Schwab. The digital ID for everyone and to create a “social” index of people is the exact way to instill control as well as fear. https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/world-news/civil-unrest/klaus-schwab-how-to-rule-the-world-maybe/

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YOUR PETS ARE AT RISK OF YOU'RE VAXXINATED OR EXPOSING THEM TO VAXED PERSONS. Your pets are not safe. See whole show especially 45 min mark https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/r...https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_072922_hr3.mp3

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Talk about ’predictive programming’!

How many ‘predictions’ for us can you count in THIS clip?https://gab.com/BeachMilk/posts/108745190096445374

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A different perspective worth considering...

"When you look at who is about to replace #Boris Johnson, you realise he was a true leader – and that got him deposed

The Tory leadership candidates are a ‘confederacy of dunces’ united to tear Johnson down at the behest of global elites

The global elites are determined to destroy the nation state and the nineteenth century bourgeois values that underpinned it – hence their fervent and ruthless commitment to transnational ideologies and organisations, most notably the European Union.

They also despise the traditional working class, whose lives, values and culture they have upended, and whose economic security they have progressively destroyed over the past five decades. There is simply no place within their economic and cultural vision of a brave new world for those people that Hilary Clinton so contemptuously and revealingly described as “deplorables.” After all, didn’t this lot vote in droves for Brexit?


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This is Klaus Schwab's top advisor Harari at the World Economic Forum -originators and drivers of #GreatReset agenda of the last 2.5 years.

​His insane ramblings would be funny, if they weren't dead serious about it..

​Listen. It's not your imagination


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So many people are now "dying suddenly" that "our free press" can barely hide it any moreThe toll of "vaccination" will soon be too obvious for ANY propaganda to obscure https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/so-many-people-are-now-dying-suddenly?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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If you were brainwashed enough to subject yourself to any “vaccine”, PCR “test”, nasal swab, etc. then you are a de facto lab animal participating in a clinical trial.

Wake up.

Do NOT comply.

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️Military Doctor Testifies under Oath That She Was ORDERED To ‘Cover up’ Vaccine Injuries through Biden Admin Directive

𝘐𝘯 𝘤𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴.


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Don't watch this, and don't research her impeccable credentials if you want to have a good day..


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Many doubt something as big as the vax nightmare could ever have "been allowed".

Here's a little historical perspective on something most folks have never heard of even a lifetime later...

Eisenhower's Holocaust Death Camps ...The Last, Hideous Secret Of WW2


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Listen up. Lira is an independent reporter who has been living in Ukraine since the conflict began. His opinion is well worth following. This false flag he is describing could make things get ugly, and international, and nuclear, fast


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Al Gore using the Uvalde police in this speech, makes me think that this shooting was WAY bigger than justifying more gun control.

Perhaps Uvalde was REALLY all about convincing us that local cops can no longer be relied upon, and it was laying the groundwork for a Federal government NATIONAL POLICE FORCE which would implement permanent quasi Martial Law.

Your thoughts?


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Of 29 Pregnant Women Who Got Pfizer’s

BioWeapon Only One Had A Baby That Lived https://gettr.com/post/p1jik3tac64

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