
When chronic and severe headaches, brain fog…and being paralyzed from the waist down, followed her vaccinations…it wasn’t a doctor doctor that she was told she needed to consult with…it was a psychiatrist? Are. You. Fucking. Kidding. Me? Seriously…give this a listen: https://sheldonyakiwchuk.substack.com/p/you-werent-vaccine-injuredyoure-crazy?r=3vm3f&utm_medium=android

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Another diversion by the ffraudulent medical system collecting insurance & the peoples hard earned $$ to help no one.

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I am not a shill for either party -- politics is all ugly. But the Republican Commitment to America (their name, not mine) specifically commits to getting to Covid origins. Without being in the majority they have no subpoena power (500 requests for info have been sent -- none responded to) so that explains, at least in part, why nothing has happened for a year.


The real proof point is what happens after the election assuming one or both houses changes majority parties. My expectations are low, but there are at least inklings that some beyond Ron Johnson and Rand Paul understand that this is a big, big deal.

Fingers crossed.

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Childhood mortality is about to go parabolic over time. Tomorrow public schools and private universities under low-grade pretense of color of law will demand that all of their students are not only damaged by the legacy vaccines that are unsafe and wholly unnecessary, but are also genetically modified humans from these experimental gene therapy injections.Expect not only the usual autism, allergies, SIDS, shortened lifespans, etc. from the current vaccine schedule toxic injections, but we can now add VAIDS, myocarditis, SADS, cancers, and all of the various other debilitating adverse reactions unique to these C19 “vaccines.”


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I see we follow a lot of the same writers, journalists, and researchers. I first came across your name through Sage Hana.

Cheers from Japan, JimyC.

— steve

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Oct 26, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

The numbers keep climbing. Very sad to watch.

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"I am a child of the peace movement. A daughter of the Left, of a dashingly-bearded proto-Beatnik poet, my late dad, and of a Summer of Love activist/cultural anthropologist, my lovely mom. We are a lineage of anti-war, longhaired folks who believe in talking things out" (Good read)


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There's NO CURE For this Covid Shot Side Effect. Covid Shots can cause Human Mad Cow disease (CJV or Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease, which is 100% fatal. Did your potential clot shot clinic extra judicial executioner warn you of this potential consequence or did they lie and tell you it was "safe and effective"?https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/theres-no-cure

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New findings in connection with the DTP vaccine — the most widely administered vaccine in the world — are the most shocking. Across multiple studies, Dr. Aaby found that children vaccinated with DTP have 5 times higher (95% CI: 1.53–16.3) all-cause mortality than children who were not injected with DTP. He and his team also found sex effects — girls were more likely to die following DTP vaccination than boys.

[For those who care about science, there are also race effects from vaccines but that discussion is prohibited in the mainstream media in the U.S. because the entire vaccine program would crumble if people knew.]


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This Thursday on the VSRF Update, Mary Holland & Zoey O'Toole with @ChildrensHD expose the complex web of lies Big Pharma has used over the past 40 years to justify its financial immunity from the harms of their products. Watch this Thursday October 20 7pm Eastern / 4pm Pacific


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Oct 19, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Thanks so much, I will watch the movie. I bought the book but it is quite a read, like an encyclopedia.

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I'm going to watch it in a few minutes.

I read the book, and it's incredible... I've never seen such citation, EVER.

You go, RFK, Jr. xo

AND Fauci must GO, too, in a different sense of that word!

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So... I couldn't watch the entire film, because of the BULLSHIT they're putting out there...

I don't know about this guy Jeff Hays... he was saying nonsense on Facebook back when I used to be able to stand being on FB...

Now he's saying it's because of CHINA that we have Covid! TOTAL BS.

He's saying the "vaccine" is a problem because of whatever... when it's DARPA that created it, or THEM, whatever... these jabs are a military operation, regardless of who manufactured them, they are meant to KILL us, and DARPA's job is figuring out new and better ways to KILL PEOPLE. That's their Prime Directive. Now their Death Stare is turned on the USA, and whomever else...

I'm tired of all this controlled opposition like Robert Malone-- a guy who knew exactly what was going on, knew what mRNA was, knew what he was into from the get go, and it took him TWO YEARS, well after the jabs began, to start acting like he's some kind of HERO... I call

ABSOLUTE BS. We are starting to get a serious clue, more and more of us, and these genocidal freaks are trying to CONFUSE, OBFUSCATE, and DIVIDE & CONQUER, and I'm not eating it.

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Hi Word Herder.

I was chatting with Sage Hana the other day about this ... this thing sweeping the globe, and its characters, is a bit like that philosophical metaphor of blind men trying to describe an elephant by touching the parts closest to them.

I am only recently finding out about the DARPA connections, but so far, in complete agreement with you there. But this may be the equivalence of the elephant's nose. Regarding we blind men and those other parts of the elephant, JMHO, but I am wary of throwing the baby out with the bathwater.

I read the book, and found it dense with way too much information for me to independently verify in one lifetime, but I recognized that a lot of these voices had nothing to gain and everything to lose for speaking up. That was enough truth and integrity to magnify my cynicism that anything that can be weaponized, will be weaponized - especially rule-driven institutions and the the useful idiots that are drawn to those hierarchies of concentrated power. Like moths to a flame. Building yet another Tower of Babel destined to fall.

But while chatting with Sage, and agreeing with her that I am confused about Malone, I remembered a psychological construct that was in my grad school curriculum (also a 'word herder' in applied linguistics, Doctoral of Education, Temple University Japan ... though I dropped out before finishing) ... 'tolerance for ambiguity'.

There seems to be a strong genetic (temperamental) component to this construct, so I doubt it can be taught. But a clever educator (or propagandist) can identify this quality in others, and use it in a task-based situation.

If 'high tolerance for ambiguity' is at one end of a spectrum, the opposite end would be 'willful ignorance'. That puts a moral spin on how we approach data that may or may not be legitimate information. I vaguely remember reading more than once the question of whether, buried in our collective gene pool, stupidity may be the greater 'evil' than greed. I don't know. Tough row to hoe, but I try to continue to look, and tolerate 'not knowing'. Especially when you also have a good argument ... deep down in our bones (that damn genetic component of temperament again), some of us are quicker at spotting the bullshit faster than others. You may be one of them.

Just my 2 yen worth.

Cheers from Japan


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I hear you on being confused about Malone, Steve. Whether or not he is controlled opposition, I have suspicions but I’m not in any kind of position to judge. I was thinking though, if he is controlled opposition, an operative of a CIA PSYOP or something of that nature, I don’t believe they have accomplished what they were hoping to if that is the case. Too many people here & there that I see. & chat with think outside of that box.

I have heard him speak on multiple occasions & there are a lot of questions I would ask him on his past career experience and mRNA Vaccine development with government agencies.

I have an opportunity to hear him speak again in the near future but dare I ask? I just want to get a feel for what his opinion is as to where the whole devastating vaccines debacle has ended up. I’m not sure I would be well received. But ya never know.

He claimed to be such a warrior for our kids regarding the dangers, as a dad and Grandpa. What turned him against them and what is he capable of doing to reverse the damage to the millions injured by these bioweapons? And will he even admit that they are bioweapons?

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Yours is an intelligent, thoughtful, and very considered response, and well, I very much appreciate that. Some of the things that I feel very "clear" about are combinations of observation, logic, and intuition... And it's interesting to me that in the past nearly three years, my intuition has become incredibly sharpened...

That said, there is no way I would try to claim that I am never WRONG! Nooooo, I'm not one of those, lol. I just find Malone to be particularly suspicious, but even if I'm right about him, it doesn't absolutely follow that he's AWARE of his duplicity, not consciously... We humans are capable of amazing rationalization and self-deceit!

Anyway, thank you for your comment, I truly appreciate it. xo

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Hi WH.

Yeah, I just saw a substack in which Malone gives full support to Musk. Now, I trust neither of them. My sense of smell may be off, but I think I am catching a whiff of 'CIA affiliated operatives' in the air.

Cheers WH!


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Well, I feel validated. Sadly enough, but... this is WAR. We are going to see double-agents and poseurs and that's just that.

Thanks, Steve, and Hi back! ^_^

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Ah yes, THIS IS WAR!

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Agree. Can’t watch anything Fauci, thus perverse psychopath anymore. Until the day he faces a jury for crimes against humanity.

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For a number of weeks now my more constructive outlook for the stock market has been based on a bottom-up perspective… [Gene Peroni's Daily Podcast] October 18, 2022 #genePeronisDailyPodcast https://podcastaddict.com/episode/146737205 via @PodcastAddict

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And he is still alive

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