YES, BIDEN HAS BODY DOUBLES!!!!!!! Want more proof?

One of the actors pretending to be Joe Biden was caught walking to his car in a back parking lot without secret service. https://x.com/realstewpeters/status/1704481297349972377?s=20

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Watergate Reporter : "Ukraine Has Already Lost In Its Conflict

With Russia" - Seymour Hersh


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After my experience at Phuket immigration and having now encountered three different Ukranian military aged men in the past week here in THailand I decided on a whim to check flights. There are no commercial flights available to Kyiv at any cost on any date but the website helpfully informed me that I might be able to inquire about a private jet for the low cost of $165,000. I checked Phuket to Moscow: the lowest one way was like $335 USD. They didn't have a lot of flights going in, but at least they're still running...

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Thanks. Interesting info

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Your Tax Dollars and Tithes at work..

The killing of Palestinian children is a centralized and deliberate Israeli military strategy. 8,700 sniped just since 2015.


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AI wants to Give Peace a Chance!!

Why the hell not, Neocons?

Have Nuland, Biden, and a Russian diplomat fight it out In a ring.

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Don't you mean "Give pee a chance"? Hee hee.

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Yep, that's all we are sayin'

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Well, okay, I want to say it...it reminds me of the French word for a popular yellow bloom in people's yards. Ukraine does boast a yellow bloom but not this one. (« pisser en lit » soit uriner au lit)

Étymologie, autres noms, expressions

Le nom « pissenlit » est attesté dès le xve siècle ; il provient des propriétés diurétiques de la plante, littéralement « pisser en lit » soit uriner au lit. 3,4,5. Les propriétés diurétiques sont connues pour certaines des espèces du genre Taraxacum, notamment de la section Ruderalia.

Le pissenlit commun est aussi connu sous le nom de dent-de-lion, lié à la forme recourbée de ses feuilles. link https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pissenlit

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Thanks for adding context 😀

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You know when people cuss and then quickly add Pardon my French....LOL....I should have added that....but they do get credit for giving us the word piss...pissed is pissé, so that is handy but piss on the bed is their word for dandelion which is also french dent/tooth, de/of, lion/lion.

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Love it! I know they used to use Ukraine in leather tanning, and poor folks would collect it and sell it to the tanners for tupence. If you had no means of collection, you truly didn't have "a pot to piss in"

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Of course I meant to say urine, not ukraine.

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Talk about taking the piss!

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Germany's 9/11 Moment - Biden's Nord Stream Pipeline Economic

Terror Will Change The Future Of Europe


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Is the most corrupt country in the west worth 50,000 American Lives every Two Weeks? (especially since the Western "strategerists" all but begged for this war?)

Before the Ukrainian conflict began, the US Army, drawing upon Cold War estimates, assessed in the 2019 edition of Field Manual (FM) 4-0 (Sustainment Operations) that US Army theater medical planners “may anticipate a sustained rate of roughly 3,600 casualties per day, ranging from those killed in action to those wounded in action or suffering disease or other non-battle injuries”, putting the US Army on track to lose some 50,000 casualties in two weeks of sustained combat operations against a Russian-style threat.


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More like “Give pees a chance” 😜

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Still laughing! 😂🤣‼️

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