
When you won’t produce the information because you are trying to hide something, the wheels come off your bus and you are stuck with raising your voice and accusing the person asking the question of being harsh and combative. Classic when you don’t know your rear end from second base.


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The Band-Aid Has Been Ripped off the Vaccine Agenda: 30% of Parents Now Question the Entire Schedule

And 90% of parents still say “no thanks” to C19 shots for their young children.


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Please Watch this New Release. (Especially the 40 medical doctors and insurance mortality experts and actuaries in the first hour.

​Incidentally, if you run a business, this helps explain why we have millions of openings at record wages and yet can't fill or keep them filled. The workforce is not "self actualizing"). If you're an investor, or sell insurance, consider the ramifications. This is not business as usual regardless of the genesis or motivations for what is clearly now occurring..


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Same reason Nazis put fluoride in camp water. COMPLIANCE and DOCILITY. World Economic Forum Sponsored Research into “Collectivist Bioenhancement”

Some of you, my dear readers, might think this is so batshit crazy that it is simply useless musings of fringe philosophers, not worth discussing.

Quite to the contrary, the famous and influential organization called the World Economic Forum sponsors such bioenhancement research

What are these morality pills? You might think that morality, to them, means being a good husband or wife, honest businessperson, fulfilling promises, and so on. Why not enhance that? What’s the problem?

The problem is that this is NOT how they define morality! To them, morality is a collectivist mindset, credulity, and compliance. The article explains that some people lack “moral qualities” and refuse to wear masks or take Covid vaccines, or even deny climate change:


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The "batshit crazy" is this genocide and plan for Absolute Control. It's so cartoonish, it feels like we're living in some movie or something. This is what it feels like when the lunatics are running the asylum.

And clearly, we that have been awake all this time, we know it has to end. It's just TOO INSANE. It's just that it's SO insane, it's hard to believe it's really happening. What a thing, eh? What a fuckin' THING we're living through.

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Dr. LARRYs response to my same post at Steve Kirsch stack: WOW!!

"As a retired physician this video made me physically ill. The demise of my old profession - which used to be an honorable- one is complete.I have a hard time dealing with today's doctors. Most just sit in front of a computer and enter billing codes and send medication orders to pharmacies. Us old guys used to listen to patients- take a detailed history - and actually examine the patients. The last 30-year-old doctor I saw never made eye contact with me or examined me. He just typed into his laptop. His diagnosis from doctor "google" was that I needed to be on antidepressants. Well, it turns out my depression was from a combination of closed head injuries from my old motocross days. This caused my testosterone to hit rock bottom. Guess who cured my depression- without antidepressants?

A naturopathic doctor

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Thanks for being you for those years... I wouldn't go to an allopathic doctor now, and haven't, for years, well before Covid started... This was planned. This time in history is a serious crossroads...

Best wishes to you... xo

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When the emergency use (EUA) COVID-19 mRNA vaccines were first rolled out in the United States, many Americans questioned if different formulations were being distributed. Why? Because some people became severely injured or died after vaccination, while others seemed completely finePfizer’s and the FDA’s own BLA document confirms that Pfizer unleashed multiple COVID-19 mRNA formulations on the American people and our children.


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I've been thinking/saying this: If the Bad Guys had simply overseen all the people who first took these jabs just DIE, straight away, all jabbed people, this plan wouldn't have worked so well, because it would have been really OBVIOUS what was going on. These monsters knew this, so they made sure it was NOT obvious. Now that is just as insidious, in my mind, as just nuking everybody, or making some jabs saline, or whatever they did, because it's clearly A PLAN, and they clearly WANT TO TRICK US, and it's a GENOCIDE. No question. NO QUESTION.

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Nov 21, 2022·edited Nov 21, 2022Author


3 hr ago

Even with the evidence piling up against the vaccines, the push to take them (mandate them) by colleges, media, governments, doctors, and pharma is still going strong. Vaccine passports are back on the world agenda again for the next global pandemic (normalizing pandemics as common occurrences while also trying to link the passports to tracking our carbon credits/usage). Now, doctors in Ontario want to single out the unvaccinated for potentially being mentally ill. The absurdity continues:

"Researcher Dr. William Makis claimed that the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario sent out a note to doctors implying that their unvaccinated patients may be suffering from a mental illness and should be prescribed psychiatric medicine."

Source: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/11/report-canadian-doctor-says-college-physicians-surgeons-ontario-suggests-unvaccinated-patients-mentally-put-psychiatric-medication-video/

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The Psycho Invasion is not going to give up trying to take us out until they are FORCED to stop.

That means the killing will go on until enough people are awake to stop it. Because the entire idea is to cull us down to a manageable number.



We need to all of us be aware that we are considered USELESS beings to these monsters.

Murder to them is exciting. THEY. DON'T CARE ABOUT LIFE. Go and watch some videos about serial killers talking about what they do, what they think, if you can't understand this. They are incapable of compassion. It's ALL about themselves. Okay? So appealing to their emotions is futile. Thinking maybe they will stop this slaughter because they feel "guilty" is futile.


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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

I had to retire and leave my job earlier than planned due to not being cooperative. We were told to try to talk people out of recieving a religious exemption for vaccines. I made it clear that this was inappropriate behavior. I know that some of the nurses that I worked with were snits. The third time that I was called into my supervisor's office was they day I called my hubs and told him I was giving my months notice and leaving that profession for good. No regrets even though it impacted us financially.

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Kudos for standing up at personal cost. There should be a national reimbursement fund for heros like you..

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Nov 21, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Sleeping well at night is worth it.

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God bless you!

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Flashback: Remember that time when children were encouraged on TV to call the police and ruin the lives of people if they didn't get the jab?


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When you hear from the frontline workers, you really get a sense of how this all went down.

This is a real life horror show.

This ER Nurse was herself injured and saw some heinous “carnage” of vaccine injuries which she details.

She also explains how her hospital administration went about pressuring their frontline staff to be experimental vaccine lab rats with terrible consequences.

Hospitals must truly be the most sinister places on Earth. https://sagehana.substack.com/p/just-a-brutal-34-minute-interview

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The Walmart manager gunman wrote that he felt “led” by Satan. Vax destroys the brain, starting with higher functions of Empathy and Love. https://nationalfile.com/virginia-walmart-shooter-claimed-to-be-led-by-satan-in-manifesto/


This substack’s subscriber going by the moniker 🤡🌎 made some very compelling observations in the comments section regarding the VAIDS that he is seeing all around him. 🤡🌎 is a licensed electrician with over two decades of experience working in the greater Boston area.

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Nov 25

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What's with all the creepy pedo shit from far left " woke" companies. Tampax, Balenciaga WTF??


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A Cataclysm for American Children: “This Is What Tony Fauci Did to Us” [VIDEO]

"It was a war on the poor. It was a war on people of color. It was a war on all of our values."


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Finding mRNA in breast milk typifies how covid vaccine safety was oversold

Maryanne Demasi, PhD


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The Elephant in the Room is Undeniable.

British MP today “even a casual glance at the data shows that there’s a VERY STRONG CORRELATION between excess DEATHS & the level of vaccine uptake.Surely we must have an investigation? These are 10s of thousands of PEOPLE who are DYING"


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