
Holy Schneikies! Did you see our little mining friend WULF (and BTBT, DEFTF) today? I know some of you just paid for your next STNN cruise with this moon action!!


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By the way, here's your reminder to go check who's listed as bene on every single 401k and account you and your spouse own.

Do it


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Boom! Solana is the next ETF target says Bloomberg


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Fun Fact.. Update on 2014 Mt Gox bankruptcy:

With the billions in reimbursements earlier this week, Users opting to be reimbursed in-kind — that is, in the cryptocurrency itself, rather than the cash equivalent — have seen the value of their coins surge over 10,000% in the last decade, from $600 to over $62,000, while they waited.

Mt. Gox bankruptcy was the best investment they ever made

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SUNDAY COFFEE: HIGHLY RECOMMEND WATCHING THIS ALL THE WAY THROUGH to stretch your mind. We are about to reininflate and juice a new expansion cycle. You'll want to participate and not hide on the sidelines.


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The Shiberium is here!

(Some of you will be very happy to read this!):

Coinbase to launch CFTC-regulated futures trading for 5 altcoins

The service will add new margined futures contracts for AVAX, LINK, DOT, XLM and SHIB starting July 15.

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Easy Listening...

Digital Assets Are ‘The Biggest Opportunity of All Time’ | Anthony Scaramucci & Dan Tapiero


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Welcome on Board Brand New Paid Subs!!

We are searching for the next micro loan to deploy your gifts right now!

Btw, we're 100% focused on the US for now...

Check it out!


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Solana is going to become a monster. Here's how we get there:



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Comments on the Debate:

COMMENT #1: Well, unfortunately, that went pretty much as expected. I actually felt bad for Joe at one point. My parents are dealing with some level of dementia, so I know how it goes. And I can’t actually be happy, because the alternates that they would swap out Joe for are as bad or worse options. Not that I love Trump, because I don’t think he is that great either. Just the better of 2 evils maybe.

It’s becoming quite obvious that the USA is in big trouble and all of the West for that matter. Heck, the whole world is in big trouble, because I do not see it being much better anywhere else. It’s about freaking time We wake up and We The People start taking over our own authorities and jurisdictions, starting with our own respective local governments. We need to rebuild this Ourselves from the ground up and not let this Cabal keep trying to take over everything.


COMMENT #2: I was questioning you about the whole Hillary thing. You said they would hold the debates early to clear the way for Hillary. I was not a big Trump fan. Now, as you said on a recent blog, I think it is Trump vs. World War III. Russia has no interest in invading all of Europe, and for Biden to put out that claim shows how he should not be in office.


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Anyone who was a 70s kid in Europe might remember this nonsense song


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The Bidens have refinanced their current home 20 times and their prior home 15 times...



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What do you think about the

Copy My Crypto guy and similar ?

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Not familiar. Send link pls

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Thoughts? Scam or legit?

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1.8K videos:

Crypto with James is a crypto channel for active investors. The channel not only covers major coins like Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH - but the lesser known ones which tend to go up more in profit.





LiWhy Manta Network (MANTA) will gain good money

5.2K views · 1 month ago


Theta Network can hit $20 (currently $1.77)

5.1K views · 13 days ago


Inspect (INSP) crypto review - Will hit $5 (currently $0.16)

5.2K views · 2 months ago


Gala crypto review 2023 - can 33x in price

9.3K views · 5 months ago


Avalanche (AVAX) price prediction 2024 - can break $250 (currently $32.02)

3.4K views · 10 days ago


Apecoin (APE) crypto review - should hit $10

6K views · 2 months ago


Chiliz (CHZ) crypto review 2024 - 9x coming soon

5.2K views · 1 month ago


Constellation (DAG) price prediction - Should 13x in price

4.3K views · 1 month ago


Siacoin (SC) crypto review 2024 - easy money to be made

3.4K views · 1 month ago


Alien Worlds (TLM) should hit $0.20 per coin (currently $0.02)

5.1K views · 2 months ago


Stargate Finance (STG) crypto review 2024 - 5x with ease

4.3K views · 1 month ago


My Top 3 Proof of work Cryptos

5K views · 1 day ago


Tectum (TET) price prediction - can hit $400 (currently $10.62)

3.5K views · 10 days ago


Iota (MIOTA) should hit $2 per coin (currently $0.21)

4.8K views · 1 month ago


AMP crypto review 2024 - 25x your money easily

12K views · 3 months ago


BNB price prediction- $1000 will be easy

4K views · 11 hours ago


Enjin (ENJ) crypto review

Kusama (KSM) can get to $500 (currently $33)

5.6K views · 1 month ago

Top Tier Cryptos

Crypto with James is a crypto channel for active investors. The channel not only covers major coins like Bitcoin BTC and Ethereum ETH - but the lesser known ones which tend to go up more in profit.

James is ‘famous’ for predicting Fantom FTM as “the best cryptocurrency of the year” in May 2020 when it was a virtually unknown coin.

Then on 28th Oct 2021, Fantom hit $3.46 - 692x higher than when James spoke about it.

As a result, many loyal fans got rather rich in the process!

In total, James has publicly recommended 26 coins on the channel - with a statement he would BUY. Had you put $100 into each coin when James said it would later be worth over $123,000.

(Coins he’s chosen are shown at the start of every video - and include XRP, Theta, Enjin, Chainlink, Vechain and Zilliqa. While household coins now, they weren’t when he first spoke about them!)

James shares every coin he’s holds on the Copy My Crypto website

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Apparently he's made a lot of folks rich just by following along with what he does.

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I'll add him to my list. I like Raoul Pals directive of "don't F this up". In other words, this is a giant trend you just need to make sure you stay in and not shoot yourself in the foot by overloading or getting too cute with alt coins. His top holdings are SOL followed by BTC and ETH with about 10% in shitcoins and altcoins for an occasional chance at 100x.

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