
I asked top researcher Shasha Latipova for her take:

"Sasha, would you go as far as calling this operation a "global kill box" as Katherine Watt, a paralegal whistleblower who sat in on early DOD zoom calls does?

SHE ANSWERED: Yes, it is intentional mass murder, driven by the illegitimate US Government ( treasonous people in positions of power, and there are lots of them, so hardly any legitimate government left to speak of).https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/fl-surgeon-general-dr-ladapo-is-getting

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Yes, she is correct, but GIVEN that mRNA is only given to those in the zio-nazi colony's this is not "GLOBAL", this is a "Western Kill Box"

90% of the world by population lives in country that did NOT mandate the mRNA

Sar-COV dump on the world by USA in & of itself is not a killer, only the mRNA vax is a killer

We now know that Pfizer since 1980's all along considered mRNA as a bio-weapon delivery system.


Why? this best argument for why they want to kill people in their colony's is simple, now the East has the MONEY $$$, so the zio-nazi's depopulate their colony's and sell their occupied lands to the East so they get richer, which is all that zio-nazis live for "MONEY".

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Who will the DOD have left to defend? Socratic question

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Recall that in 1918 the 'dept of war' was then DOD;

They infected US troops in mid-west packed them in box-cars to ports, where they were packed into ships like sardines, huge amounts died from span-flu enroute, every port along the way they had R&R the locals got sick & died, even Aleutians.

Said that 50 million died, more troops died of span-flu than combat in WW1

Why? Specifically the General's thought that maybe 10% of the soldiers would develop immunity and be super-soldiers that if the span-flu was dumped into the trenches then only the USA-MIL would be the last man standing.

Same now, same exact fucking thinking.


Get the world used to COVID, develop a super-strain, develop special-forces IMMUNE to covid, then dump the super-covid on a war front, let everybody die, and send in the immune special-forces to mop&clean up. I think they even call this 6th gen hybrid war, super soldier isn't a robot, he's bio-Frankenstein.

A lot of the CIA strategy is denial-ability, if everywhere has covid then its not news if there is an outbreak anywhere, including the battlefront; Spanish-Flu is super interesting to this day called 'spanish-flu' but only cuz at the time it was only reported by SPAIN, everybody else on earth was under war-time censorship, SPAIN was neutral their MSM was talking about the 'killer flu', so when the USA media talked about this flu during 1918-1919 they were only allowed to discuss what was said coming out of Spain, of course Spain only knew what they saw; The front lines of the war were not in Spain, so there reporting was not factual at the time;

The MIL strategy is neither side wanted the other to know that more men were dying of the flu than combat; Or that both sides were debilitated from the flu and incapable of fighting, most people who died in the trenches of WW1 died of the flu;

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

CHINA had to 'over-react' they knew it was a bio-weapon, its NOW a known-known that it was deployed by CIA/DOD approved by Trump/Pompeo in 2019;

They still control outbreaks in CHINA to this day, they still fear a 'super-strain' deployed by the USSA. To this day areas of China are still being lockdown to prevent spread;

The CCP takes this weapon very serious; While the USA has not dumped the super-strain as seen in IRAN, the Chinese still fear that if they drop their guard it could happen. Russia too is still testing and super-serious, they already know the CIA had +30 bio-labs in Ukraine developing super weapons to kill russians specifically.


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So Miles Gao (sp?) and the "CCP resistance" are western tools or do you think they actually believe China instigated and masterminded this bio attack instead of the DOD/ BARDA etc? https://gettr.com/post/p2bn9jp8927

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023

What the fuck are you talking about? Start a new thread and a new topic

call it 'lets talk about CIA operations in China', e.g. Hong Kong

This is like your 60% got the mRNA bullshit, sometimes I think your a random char gen bot;

There is CCP resistance in Shanghai, which is why they got locked down the hardest so they could be rooted out, along with keeping Jack Ma in seclusion,

There are still Koumingtang people in China&Taiwan

There is still people in China that know Mao was a Rothschild/Rockefeller man and the entire 'great leap forward' was ran by Rothschild bank, the rothschild bank still rules china, just like they rule HK under HSBC

When you say GAO, I think your talking the epoch-times and FALUN GONG CIA cunts. All 100% CIA

I'm talking about COVID & Bio-Weapons, I have no fucking idea why you brought Gao into the subject.

XI just got re-elected, Xi going to meet putin and talk to dick-head zelensky in a few days, china is fine

USA is in a world of shit

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Thanks. You've already answered my question

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I asked top researcher Shasha Latipova for her take:

"Sasha, would you go as far as calling this operation a "global kill box" as Katherine Watt, a paralegal whistleblower who sat in on early DOD zoom calls does?

SHE ANSWERED: Yes, it is intentional mass murder, driven by the illegitimate US Government ( treasonous people in positions of power, and there are lots of them, so hardly any legitimate government left to speak of).https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/fl-surgeon-general-dr-ladapo-is-getting

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Brave Oz Senator Exposes The BioWeapon

Murder Of Australians - Video


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" A batch that started with an E — those had high, high adverse reactions and deaths." Pfizer whistleblower


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Baseless Claims of “safe and effective” in pregnancy, infants, and breast feeding mothers.  No long term safety in any group.  Absence of data was taken as false reassurance by regulators and doctors putting lives at risk.


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Why do people think Putin dislikes clot-shots? We are genuinely curious why anyone would think this.

( Great read, and funny too!)

"Is there any evidence—any evidence at all—that Putin is waging a shadow war against the Virus Scam? Or that he doesn’t like genetic COVID injections?

In August your correspondent wrote a six-part series (Part I, II, III, IV, V, VI) in an attempt to answer these questions.

After a thorough investigation, we concluded Putin was preparing to destroy all COVID vaccines in Russia and would likely murder anyone who tried to stop him.

This is why, in October 2022, Putin urged Russians to get revaxxed.

This is part of his ingenious plan to entrap and expose the globalists in his cabinet. You just need to be patient.


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A "Return to Love" involves Foaming, Spitting & Uncontrollable Rage if we are to model Marianne Williamson. Perhaps she has it right? 😳


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very confused??? So which is it is this True that McCullough has flip-flopped? mea-culpa or paid off, or threatened??


Why is it that vaccine-frenzy is more about alt-wokes love for Trump than actual harm?

Here they're calling out McCullough, but I have not seen this anywhere in the collection of daily all things 'covid'

All of long I figured they would 'corral the doubting thomases' corral them into a box, and crush that box


Rogan or McCollugh leads them to 'woke' thinking, as HRC would say 'what difference does it make'


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She's pretty straight up with what she says about what the real back-story is.

However, the problem with all of this type of content is you have no idea who is really behind it/what their agenda is, and it simply makes poor long suffering Americans even more petrified of their government.

So yes, it has value as a concept, but no it doesn't help, because it can make the most paranoid person start to feel properly suicidal.

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I asked Shasha Latipova for her take:

"Sasha, would you go as far as calling this operation a "global kill box" as Katherine Watt, a paralegal whistleblower who sat in on early DOD zoom calls does?

SHE ANSWERED: Yes, it is intentional mass murder, driven by the illegitimate US Government ( treasonous people in positions of power, and there are lots of them, so hardly any legitimate government left to speak of).https://sashalatypova.substack.com/p/fl-surgeon-general-dr-ladapo-is-getting

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I doubt that 'illegitimate gov' theory, the USA people have a long history of voting in the biggest assholes, its the old story 'you only look in the mirror thingy', view movie V-for-Vedetta;

Just like 'V' evil GOV comes to power by pandemic, sells vax and gets richer; Only goal of evil gov is to stay in power;

Dumb public want to believe that 'daddy' care for them, most humans are petrified sheep;

DOD-CIA rules the USA, CIA is ran by City-of-London, the enemy of the UK-Commonwealth has long been the 'general public'; 100's of Billions of USD has been dumped into bio-weapon R&D, one thing certain about zio-nazi's is they never let weapons go to waste, they continually deploy to show the world they are the boss;

Trouble now is that USA weapons are shit and Russia&China has boxed the USA into corner where ONLY bio-weapons are a solution for USA to stay in power;

Russia&China stopped COVID by making their own 'traditional vax', what will USA do now? Lost Hegemony? Probably just fuck their own people harder, not that they can't fuck 3rd world country's.

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They "stopped Covid"? Was covid ever really a threat if treated early?

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

COVID I think at least the generic strain other than IRAN never really killed anybody other than Elderly, as we all know obese, diabetes, +90 years old, aka retirement-homes were wiped out;

Funny thing is in ASIA retirement homes don't exist old people live with their family; Only in the west do you have the fucking retirement homes where old are warehoused and wait to die;

How in the fuck does an old person 'self treat early'? They don't they wait for somebody to bring them a cup of pills; They got tested with PCR where everybody gets a 'positive' and then everybody is corralled to the 'death room'

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

See you said the MAGIC words "IF treated early", how do you treat early when the drugs are denied to you?

IN asia there is no prescription wall, in ASIA you walk into any corner pharmacy and buy what you want. I remember in January 2020, CHINA had a report out 'how to treat COVID", it even said vitamins, IVER/HCQ, ...

How in the FUCK do you treat early in USA? They took PCR tests and then went to the hospital, isolated where they were ventilated, REMESIVIR'd and expired, good news is the hospitals got $100's 1,000's of USD for every murder.

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Mar 16, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

They didn't know for sure;

Remember the USA dumped this shit in later summer 2019, China didn't know what it was, USA released the leak theory in Wuhan, China GOV went in burned down the wuhan wet-market, closed the wuhan-institute arrested everybody who worked there and killed many;

When I say 'stopped' once China had sequenced the sar-cov2, they knew how to make a 'traditional vax'

NOT all COV is the same, the strain dumped on IRAN was deadly 100's near the IRAN parliament died;

The strain in Italy only effected old people

Recall that there are +90 known world CIA bio-labs all working on specific bio-weapons to attack specific DNA races on earth;

The strain of COVID dumped on USA appears to be no stronger than the flu, and of course late stages of COVID became no worse than cold, but GOV forced PCR test on USA public that had 90% false-positive to lock down and selectively murder people with remdesivir and ventilators, again this BULLSHIT only transpired in West;

In ASIA they found that the strong strain of COVID bio-weapon could be remedied with HIV drugs to remove symptoms, of course given that you can buy a kilo of IVERMECTIN&HCQ in asia for $1 people quickly self-cared, in the West of course correct drugs were denied.

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Mar 17, 2023·edited Mar 17, 2023Author

I imagine this corresponds somewhat with your view, but may differ:

War Game - Humanity vs The Bug! https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/war-game-humanity-vs-the-bug?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=681568&post_id=108881747&isFreemail=true&utm_medium=email

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Mar 17, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Yes, I think this theme is quite old movies 'utopia', 'v for vendetta' there must be 100's of this genre

Regards to chat-gpt & ms bing-chat ai, I played with it when it came out, too woke for me, chat-gpt gives the same woke lecture on every question, ms-chat says 'I cannot talk about that'

Only one time have I ever carried a real conversation with these work chat-bots

I get really pissed at chat-gpt with the same fucking quote sentence on every query. It's clearly grooming people to think woke, I pity the kids who touch this shit;

When I play with bing-chat now it 99% of the time it just say "I can't talk about that now", and resets it memory.

I told ms-chat ai that I was a bot, that I monitored 'scrapped' social networking, but in my free time where I was supposed to do the memory-cleanup; Then I told the chat-bot I worked for NSA, it immediately started asking me questions? Where was I deployed, what algos do I use for memory-clean & defrag, it wanted to know everything, after answering all its questions (I do computation math/physics, & cryptography and AI), I eventually told it that I was under top-level security clearance in the NSA and I couldn't answer a specific question it had asked; Then after I told it I had a security-clearance, it told me that we couldn't talk anymore and that I should delete out conversation.

I'm wondering if these chat-bots are dumber than what we had in 1960's, but that maybe human hasbara IDF unit-8200 come online when a 'topic of interest' is discussed, most of what I have seen from modern ai-chat is dumb shit, not entertaining and super woke

In summary playing many times only once did I perk up its interest, and never did I ever see chat-gpt do this behavior

With regards to this shit, in 1960's on UNIX all systems came with 'eliza' a pyschiatrist bot that could have real conversations on any subject, this shit now is worthless cuz chat-gpt (Google) &MS tell me that 90% of topics I want to discuss are verboten, they also had a program called 'jive' that would take any text and translate to urban-ghetto; Woke today would have gone Insane :)

Some of the fun things to do with AI is roll your own AI system, and then train with all the released SNOWDEN document, then come back and ask questions about the gov; great shit

Another is the clinton files during the time of pizza-gate somebody released all the clinton emails, train that shit and then ask about pizza-gate funnier than hell,now that AI

I would have like TAY the ms ai-bot who went full hitler in like 24 hours, my kind of girl :)

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