Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

I cannot watch this. All the innocence getting decimated...

The demons doing this are pure evil.

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Taking your pet to the VET is becoming risky. They insist on vaccinations but informed consent is up to you because the cat or dog have no idea. Now they're sneaking mRNA shots as "required" vaxx and you may think it's the same old formula but it could be what killed the lion.

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But... this is not a house pet! How does a WILD lion get a vax? Someone could have shot it with a dart, maybe. Or there could be "vaxxes" being SPRAYED over the Earth from airplanes... Or... ???

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Bears, baboons, tigers are getting COVID vaccines at zoos across the U.S. - Here’s what you should know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccine rolling out to zoo animals—and why your pets aren’t getting it. - https://tinyurl.com/hx78swp3

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The lion in the video is a WILD lion, not in a zoo.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

It could be a park/nature reserve - they get vaxxes!

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The Kruger National Park looks just like that...

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I'm going to VOMIT...


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Bears, baboons, tigers are getting COVID vaccines at zoos across the U.S. - Here’s what you should know about the experimental COVID-19 vaccine rolling out to zoo animals—and why your pets aren’t getting it - https://archive.vn/ftihZ

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So, maybe it's not just humans that are being CULLED...

This truly is EVIL, if it's mass murder of animals, too!!!!

Have you seen these videos of animals just walking in a circle... eerie as hell.

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DIED SUDDENLY - YOUR PETS at RISK of mRNA Kill Shots - https://finance.yahoo.com/news/veterinary-vaccines-market-sees-innovation-163000492.html

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Thanks. I will spread the word, I guess, but most people I know GOT THE JAB, and so they'll almost surely jab their pets, too.


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I believe you. I hate seeing innocent killed. I love animals. I just want to

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...cry? Scream? ??

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Become the living embodiment of Vlad the impaler and line the streets of Davos with their safe and effective "members".

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Animals and children... Is there nothing beyond this horror?

Maybe there's something else going on... I'm not going to utterly freak out ... YET.

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Kick em in the balls for starters

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I just want to kick these peoples balls in for hurting animals esp big African animals.

I have transed to gorilla so it hurts double to see this.

My pronoun: Silverback

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I don't know how anyone would not "relate" to that urge... I do, anyway.

But here's what seems to be the best idea I've heard so far, which makes more sense than anything else, to me: What the Evil Ones want is for us to attack them, physically. That would give them the "right" to "defend themselves" in response, ie, mow us down with all their high tech death machine apparatus. But...

They're already mowing us down. And they have plans to mow us down some more... So, what will stop them? We simply don't ALLOW them to get any further. How? By NOT DOING the things they want us to do... In short, we MAKE THEM IRRELEVANT.

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I saw long time ago when I was being "nudged" as infamous professor stated. I did opposite.

I don't like manipulation. So, I'm on your page!

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Cheers. This shit took decades in the planning/nudging... It will take a bit of time for us to figure it all out... xo

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I'm so mean and ornery!

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That's why we like you! ;)

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

I can’t watch anymore of these videos. They are too distressing.

The idiocy of giving human corona virus jabs to other species is beyond logic.

But then they want us to believe all of a sudden there’s zoonotic emergence of viruses. Like bird flu in UK spreading to zoo penguins.

Do they want everything living dead? Why yes. For if we have zero CO2 everything living will be dead. It’s the gas of life.

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Indeed. :(

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Have you seen all the videos surfacing online of animals going round and round in circles? (All over the world)

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

freaky : (

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The spinning (and death) is only occurring with the Chinese Sinovac vaccine not the MRNA vaccines. So I have no clue about this lion? Vaccinated wild lion? Seems a little weird.

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Or spraying from above? Weird, for sure!! Poor lion.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

For the love of God, WHY???? Utterly heartbreaking.

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

NO BL00DY WAYS!!! If this isn't video trickery then I'm absolutely stunned, just what the died suddenly from Sinovac were doing. I don't believe demons come for animals, so this is something else going on... Looks like a seizure. Now we know that animals in game parks also get v@xxed and we do know that they want to use mRNA for all v@xes in future including for animals. Is this the end result?

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The animals have been maimed for a long time, right along with us (examples: the vaccinations of pets, the toxic flea medications and toxic "pet food", the "vaccinations" of zoo animals, the involuntary contamination of wild animals bodies via the chemicals sprayed on landscapes and the mystery toxic chemtrails substances and synthetic smart dust nanotech particles and contamination of the natural water bodies that they drink from). They are guileless victims before Covid operation and since Covid Operation, just like the children and the disabled and mentally disabled who have no defenders for their interests). It's all tragic and unfair.

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Chem trails, that's what I thought of, too... : (

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Hi JimyC,

I have heard of (or rather seen videos of) ant caught up in a pathological circle, but this is a natural phenomenon. The ants following the pheromones of the lead ant sometimes get caught in a circular path, and march in an 'ant-mill' until they drop from exhaustion.


And as an avid offshore fisherman, I know that some species of fish such as sardines, naturally form a schooling ball as herding behavior which minimizes the chances of any specific sardine from being picked up by a larger predator, and possibly confusing the predator with the group imitating a single, larger sized animal. The Disney-Pixar animation ''Finding Nemo'' did an hilarious take on that 2nd behavior pattern.

Sheep circling seems to be more of a puzzle. The theoretical explanation and the comments in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKK1vyWQcK8 are running the gamut from 'perfectly, if not occasionally, natural' to a 'sign from god'. https://www.sciencealert.com/eerie-video-of-bizarre-sheep-phenomenon-has-the-world-running-in-circles. I am not convinced by either explanatory extremes of the spectrum.

But the lion video is something more puzzling ... as is some examples in the longer video from the link you posted in a comment. Like humans, other animals do get sick and die, and die suddenly, but is rarely captured on video in the wild.

I started doing some searches through literature available in the public domain ... this one being fairly representative ... https://www.wildanimalinitiative.org/blog/cause-of-death-3

But then I refined the search with the following key words ''zoo wild animals pets sudden death correlation mRNA vaccines''. Some of the problematic variables with vaccinating wildlife and zoo animals can be seen here ... https://www.the-scientist.com/news-opinion/the-rise-of-covid-19-vaccines-for-animals-69503 ... but otherwise, not much information came up.

On the other hand, why would it? The corporate nation-states we live under are not even funding studies showing the correlation between mRNA treatments and human deaths.

This could be a thing ... intended or unintended consequences of mankind's hubris in tampering with nature. But this could also be a deliberately planted psy-ops of 'Wow Everyone, Look at This!' to have us running in circles — while the powers-that-be continue picking our pockets with each spin around the dial.

Cheers from Japan

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Dec 10, 2022·edited Dec 10, 2022

I'm pretty sure this lion has been bit by a poisonus snake, possible a black mamba.

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Lookit here:

The global veterinary vaccines market is expected to grow from $7 billion in 2020 to $7.73 billion in 2021 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.4%. The growth is mainly due to the companies rearranging their operations and recovering from the COVID-19 impact, which had earlier led to restrictive containment measures involving social distancing, remote working, and the closure of commercial activities that resulted in operational challenges. The market is expected to reach $10.18 billion in 2025 at a CAGR of 7.1%.

The global veterinary vaccines market is concentrated, with a few large players. The top ten competitors in the market made up to 63.45% of the total market in 2020. Major players in the market include Zoetis Inc., Boehringer Ingelheim GmbH, Merck & Co. Inc., Elanco Animal Health Incorporated, Ceva Santé Animale and others.

North America was the largest region in the veterinary vaccines market, accounting for 42.0% of the global market in 2020. It was followed by Asia Pacific, Western Europe and the other regions. Going forward, the fastest growing regions in the veterinary vaccines market will be Africa and South America, where growth will be at CAGRs of 25.4% and 22.3% respectively from 2020-2025.

Veterinary Vaccines Global Market Report 2021 – COVID-19 Impact And Recovery is one of a series of new reports from The Business Research Company that provide veterinary vaccines market overviews, veterinary vaccines market analyze and forecast market size and growth for the whole market, veterinary vaccines market segments and geographies, veterinary vaccines market trends, veterinary vaccines market drivers, veterinary vaccines market restraints, veterinary vaccines market leading competitors’ revenues, profiles and market shares in over 1,000 industry reports, covering over 2,500 market segments and 60 geographies.

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Following the money sounds as valid as following the science nowadays. After all, Albert Bourla is a licensed vet.

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Find their stash of what's killing those poor critters, and DESTROY THE STASH.


Take down all the 5G.

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I could not bear to watch it after your intro. I love God's creatures.

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Someone (on another substack) mentioned that this video is 9 years old. Is that so?

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Can you put a link to that substack pls. That way we can investigate and ensure we're only sharing or discussing truths.

Thanks in advance.

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