
The future is here, and if you enjoy being dominated by control freaks you are going to love it.

8 Signs That The Futuristic Control Freak Agenda Of The Globalists Is Rapidly Moving Forward


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The FBI also took orders from Ukraine. It turns out the Ukrainian secret security service sent lists of reporters and other U.S. citizens who were not supporting the Zelenskyy regime running the Ukrainian war effort.

The FBI was told to forward the list to Twitter, deactivate the anti-Ukraine accounts and hand over user data to the Ukrainian secret police. I’m active on Twitter and I’m opposed to the war, so for all I know my name was on the list. I don’t care. I’ve always written what I want, and I’m not intimidated by the FBI or the Ukrainian secret police.

Still, many accounts were censored on this basis. No one is surprised to learn Ukraine is a police state. Americans are still learning just how much of a police state the U.S. has become.

Now throw a social credit system into the mix. Just think of the ways the government can punish dissenters.

This is the Brave New World that we’re facing. And it’s all facilitated by central bank digital currencies, which enable the type of surveillance state that’s always been the dream of tyrants.

They’ll just say it’s being done in the name of democracy. Don’t fall for it. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/rickards-yes-it-can-happen-here

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Democracy! Pedo is more like it.

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Love John.

Wonder if the majority of the country will catch on before the next election. Before we “finish the job” that is.

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Why was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed’s defense so interested in WTC 7?

In this very informative episode of 9/11 Free Fall, Andy Steele is joined by Linda Forsythe of the news organization, C-VINE, which has been meticulously following the developments surrounding the military tribunals of alleged 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

During this interview, Linda documents the continuing saga out of Guantanamo as the proceedings remain lingering in the pre-trial phase… TWO DECADES after Mohammed was captured.


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The down and dirty truth is that as long as you subject yourself to ANY form of government, dictatorship, presumed authority or "all knowing guru ", you have surrendered your freedom to some degree or nearly completely.

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