Fascinating that the lingua franca of that day was ACADIAN. Whether you were Greek, Egyptian, Hittite, anyone successful in trade or educated used Acadian as a common global tongue.

Job interview: "fuggedaboudit. Your Acadian's too rusty. Come back when you can say " lingua franca" in Acadian" :)

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Burisma Accountant killed

She claims she had bank accounts and that the Biden’s got a lot more money under the table than already.”

“We had $8 million on the table that we could prove, which they could prove tomorrow if they wanted to they could have proved it three years ago, Rita, he added. “They could have indicted him (Biden) before he ran for president and obviated this problem. We could have found out if he was innocent or guilty in January of 2020.


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Only Millions of Calls to Legislators will Save Trump:

They are not playing games. They are desperately staging this to put him in prison. They use conspiracy so they do not have to prove everything beyond a reasonable doubt. It will be a case arguing what they “think” was in his mind at the time. Even this is selective prosecution after Biden had classified documents thrown in his car.They are already trying to recuse the judge, They want a hanging judge and that is how the government works. 


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Were you aware that a sitting president can declassified ANY document at any time, and that Trump charges are not even for classified information but for docs with "classified markings"?

Listen to this coup!


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The misnomer about hyperinflation is that it is caused by printing money. It is a RESPONSE to the collapse in the confidence of the government.Germany was saddled with reparation payments demanded by France. First, you had a communist revolution and people with capital began to flee to other places in Europe or certainly move their money out of German banks. It was this drain of wealth that forced the Weimar Republic to print money to try to make their reparation payments. Then in December 1922, they seized 10% of everyone’s assets and handed them a bond.Here you can see that after that December 1922 confiscation, hyperinflation simply took over. It was NOT the printing of money that caused the hyperinflation it was the collapse of confidence FIRST which then compels the government to expand the money supply lacking taxation revenues etc. Isuspect the spark this time may be the Digital Currency and the proposed cancellation of paper currency. This is why people are moving to anything tangible from real estate, gold, silver, ancient coins, and even equities. With DIGITAL CURRENCY they will have capital controls and prevent you from even moving money outside of your country.The precise day of the ECM was the announcement of the IMF Digital Currency which they intend to replace the US dollar as the reserve currency. This may be timed with the turning point in 2024. It is unlikely that they would cancel paper currencies before the 2024 election. This is all being coordinated.


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Thanks Australia for doing the American news that the American media refuses to do https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rc2i2ln6I1I

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Govt Arsonists…Started 100s Of Canadian Forest

Fires - Stunning Photos And Videos

Folks, it really doesn’t get any bigger than the painstakingly and fraudulently geoengineered CLIMATEGEDDON scenario that’s now rapidly unfolding across planet Earth.

In point of fact, the entire fake CO2-driven narrative, which has been spewed by the New World Order globalist cabal over decades, was rolled out for this very moment in time.

The Trudeau Psyop https://stateofthenation.co/?p=170676

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I will listen to his presentation--thank you. The pride and hubris of this American nation vows that it is smarter, more advanced than former empires, and basically immune to failure. "It can't happen here." "I am science." etc. This is the fruit of Progressivism and the elite all brought to us because they are leaders without a foundation of God. Its a sad thing to be witnessing and living through our demise. Apart from the merciful and supernatural touch of Jesus Christ on the people of this nation, demise and likely enslavement is going to be our lot—and it could come really quick, just like 911 was a bolt out of the blue.

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Have you cross checked that date with Phoenix reset dates? That number is niggling at my brain for some reason. PR would certainly coincide with the simultaneous multifocal event.🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️😊

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Jun 11, 2023
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Yes! I've been rereading Gibbons, the Fourth Turning and other books lately. The only point I contest here is that Cline infers that the global storm that caused Bronze Age collapse which included "Climate change" means that this time we should perhaps attempt to control the climate change. Maybe so, but so far weather modification tech is either being weaponised geopolitically or being deployed under the questionable idea that it is human caused which was clearly not the case 3200 years back. I'll bet our "response" this time around causes the exact collapse they are trying to prevent. Maybe that's the real plan anyways.

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