
Trump just spoke at the 'Republican Jewish Coalition' with the most extreme pro-Zionist speech you will ever hear. He calls for blood, vengeance says it is about good vs evil etc and hints at war with Iran. A total sellout! HARDLY surprising for some. I believe Trump has been a controlled opposition. The attacks on him were intended to make him a martyr, to boost his support. The time has come for people to show their true faces.



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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

I watched The Forecaster per your recommendation and I have attempted to pass it on to as many people as I can. Thank you so much- I wish more people (including myself) were taught proper history in school, or at the very least understood its impact on our current circumstances.

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Wow. Thank you

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

This guy usually has an unbiased outlook of world affairs created by his Socrates computer that is hard to dismiss. I wish he was wrong this time. There is no doubt that today's world leaders are dimwitted imbeciles.

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Oct 31, 2023Liked by Jimychanga

Thank you for this ... I will definitely check out the movie. 🙏🙏😵‍💫😵‍💫

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"...In fact, arguably the most important question at this moment is why the Arab and Muslim world has not rallied more strongly to Hamas’s side.The Saudi and Egyptian governments have their own reasons to want Hamas smashed. A powerful Hamas helps Iran, the Kingdom’s greatest rival, and threatens Egypt. https://open.substack.com/pub/alexberenson/p/the-dog-that-isnt-barking?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=3vm3f

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Former ISRAELI soldier explains how their military would randomly pick Palestinians to bully.


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Candace Owens


I agree with Queen Rania’s assertion that antisemitism is being weaponized in order to silence critics and bully people into compliance.

That Charlie Kirk, Elon Musk, and Thomas Massie have recently been smeared as antisemites is proof of this charge.

This is the same behavior we saw from Black Lives Matter activists when the threat of being labeled a racist or a white supremacist was being used to shut down legitimate questions about the funding and intentions of the organization, which in time proved to be fraudulent.

I have never been a person that is fearful to state the truth and to call out the people and organizations that are engaging in silencing tactics—even when the cost of doing so meant I was caricatured by my own community as a “race traitor.”

We have a right to hear any and every political debate, free from the threat of smears.

My position on this has not and will not shift, ever.

More speech. Not less.

“This is not about religion, it is about politics. And what we’ve seen in the recent years is that the charge of anti-Semitism being weaponized in order to silence any criticism of #Israel. Let me be very clear: Being proPalestinian is not being anti-Semitic.”—Queen Rania https://x.com/RealCandaceO/status/1721521737764925852?s=20

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Massive Israeli Airstrikes Level Large University

In Gaza - American Jets, American Bombs - Video


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Evangelical Christian Zionists Fully Support Israel

Turn Their Backs On Fellow Christians In Palestine

Who Are Being Attacked And Slaughtered By Jews


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ZIOLENSKY HAS NOW LOST 500,000 predominantly WHITE CHRISTIAN UKRAINIANS. He has ZERO regard for goy lives. That is a HALF MILLION SOULS, without even counting the 75,000 Russian deaths.

Wounded, as in all modern wars, will be 2-3 times that number.

THIS IS A NEOCON HOLOCAUST. https://sputnikglobe.com/20231103/ukraine-looses-over-1340-troops-in-donetsk-direction-in-past-week-1114692949.html

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Take that Slava flag down.

They just haven't told the plebes yet.

Russian pranksters Vovan and Lexus made a prank call to Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, pretending to be the head of the African Union

📞 In the call (confirmed as authentic by the Italian government), Meloni said that all her European colleagues were already tired of Ukraine and explained that despite the Ukrainian counteroffensive, nothing had changed.


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The Military & The Monetary

Dive into Eisenhower’s timeless warning about the ‘military-industrial complex’ and its relevance in today’s world of debt and global conflicts. (BTW. Subscribe)


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"But the Makhachkala airport scene was no backwater dream of a pogrom in some far-off republic. It is a whisper of something else, something far more sinister. That is, Russia’s attempt to direct its starved and war-devastated masses to blow off steam about the zhyd as in times of old. It is the oldest trick in the book: let them focus on the Jew, not on the falling ruble and the rising cost of food, not on the failing war that has ravaged their sons. It is the Jew that is the problem.."


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VIEWPOINT (Thoughts?)

Here's why everyone is trying so hard to credit Hamas with savvy military expertise and claiming Israel simply let its guard down. This has about as much credibility as saying Arab hijackers brought down the World Trade Center towers.

By John Kaminski


Attention: goyim. These are all Jews or Jew wannabes talking in this story. Yet another instance of Jews taking over the anti-Jew opposition movement. Let's reverse engineer this whole event from the back end. Ultimate objective: remove all Palestinians from Israeli territory. Result: mission accomplished. Was this something the Palestinians wanted? Around 9,000 of them dead, many charcoaled babies? Unlikely. Would clever Hamas have realized this would be the outcome of their rash gesture? Most definitely.

Incriminating details: a seven hour lapse of Israeli military response to the slaughter of its own citizens. Ease of penetrating an intensely guarded perimeter regarded as the most secure in the world. Multiplied by who has been urging the United States to attack Iran for the past several years? Jews have always sacrificed some of their own to make things look realistic. Why, I think there were 3 Jews who died on 9/11, and five Jews who were sent there from Israel to document the event.

Calling this a real event generated by the Palestinian resistance justified Israel's over-the-top homicidal response they have been practicing for 70 years against the Palestinian cattle. That's why everyone is trying so hard to credit Hamas with savvy military expertise and claiming Israel simply let its guard down. This has about as much credibility as saying Arab hijackers brought down the World Trade Center towers.

Throughout America, politicians continue to repeat that lie as they cheer the extermination of the Palestinians.

These pro-Jewish writers posing as anti-Jewish critics present a good case for an insecure Netanyahu never being able to get away with such a blatant caper as allowing Israelis to be killed. You know how much these Israeli personalities can be trusted to tell the truth. You know that the motto of the Mossad is "By deception shalt thou do war." Perhaps the real objective in all this was to get America involved and earn the contempt of the entire Arab world by rushing to assist in the mass murder of Gazans, at the very time where Jewish NGOs are coordinating the deployment of Third World terrorists across the Southern border of the U.S. to facilitate the destruction of America in a world war that Washington and Tel Aviv are so eager to start.

It's hard not to hate both America and Israel for participating in the slaughter of innocent people, and it's worth remembering by citizens of both countries that the wrath of the civilized world soon to descend upon them was triggered by the constant lies told by their leaders that caused so many innocent people to die needlessly.

Whether Hamas was assisted by Israeli perfidy or not is academic at this point. The raw truth visible to all the world is that Israel and the USA believe it is their right to slaughter indigenous people, and for this, the future must conclude they both must pay extreme penalties for their repetitive and continuing anti human behavior.

And in case you haven't been watching, that retribution for America can be seen tonight in the latest crowd of 8 million unwanted immigrants streaming across the southern U.S. border soon to inflict the penalty so richly deserved by the American murderers, efficiently coordinated by the U.S. government at the behest of its Israeli masters.

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Think you know what's going on? Watch this!


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