
The "safe and effective" narrative is falling apart. It's imperative to do your own due dilligence. https://stevekirsch.substack.com/

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YEP: 'Fully Vaccinated Healthcare Workers Carry 251

Times Viral Load, Pose Threat To Unvaccinated

Patients, Co-Workers’ - Lancet


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These figures are horrifying. The ONS data shows that between 1st Jan 21 and 31st March 22, double vaccinated children aged 10-14 were statistically up to 39 times more likely to die than unvaccinated children, and double vaccinated teenagers aged 15-19 were statistically up to 4 times more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers.

But it’s the triple vaccinated figures that are truly frightening when it comes to children.


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We're being lied to about Ukraine too BTW. Ukrainians agree. It's Ukraine that is shelling and shooting their own citizens. TV France concurrs (see video insert) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5vi9BCo1jNwhttps://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5vi9BCo1jNw

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Jun 9, 2022Liked by Jimychanga

Thank you for sharing this interview!

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Thank you!!

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i try to never miss Greg Hunter at usawatchdog.com... ty for sharing!

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PAY ATTENTION! If the FRA-OIS spikes another 10-15 points, the Fed will have no choice but to emerge from its paralysis and reassure markets that the financial system isn't about to experience another paralysis (oh, and unless the Ukraine war magically ends in the next few weeks, say goodbye to four or five more rate hikes this year). https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/one-markets-most-important-stress-indicators-flashing-red

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These folks are loving the tyranny.

Here's what's making them so cocky and confident. They are "in" on the Schwab plan:

MARTIN ARMSTRONG: "All the European pension funds are insolvent. Europe is fiscal mismanagement on a grand scale. There is no way it can sustain itself, and we are looking at Europe breaking apart.” https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrong-in-the-media/interview-banking-crisis-will-start-in-europe/

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The Numbers Are In: Trump’s Tax Cuts Paid Off.

Many leaders, including John F. Kennedy who called for 30 percent tax cuts, and Ronald Reagan, believed in the power of lower tax rates. Note what happened when PresidentTrump took a lesson from history and slashed taxes during his administration! According to a June, 2022 study, this propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income and payroll taxes, and government now expects to bring in more taxrevenue in the decade following the 2017 Trump tax uts than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform. However, many of the Trump tax cut provisions are now set to expire over the next few years. You can read the study at below:The government now expects to bring in more tax revenue in the decade following the 2017 “Trump tax cuts” than it had projected prior to the passage of tax reform.The corporate tax reform propelled higher income growth and therefore higher income taxes and payroll taxes.Unfortunately, many of the provisions of the Trump tax cuts are set to expire over the next few years https://www.heritage.org/taxes/commentary/the-numbers-are-trumps-tax-cuts-paid

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If anyone here hasn't seen the movie of Martin Armstrong's life (he posts at armstrongeconomics.com) you're missing a big piece of the puzzle. Martin was the highest paid investment advisor in the world, and was attacked after refusing to play with "our crowd" to help rape Russian assets Bill Browder style. He know everybody and all the secrets. They tried to kill him in jail by "mistakenly" putting a paid killer in his solitary cell. He was in coma with multiple broken ribs for a month, but SURVIVED! he served 7 years for "contempt of court" on trumped up charges of not producing assets he never had... and theres' proof the corrupt prosecutors knew he never had them) longest in US history. He was only released when his case hit the Supreme Court docket.

The Wall St crowd stopped all theater distribution in the USA although it played widely in Europe. There are reportedly plans to do an American "thriller" version. He has an annual World Economic Conference that Nigel Farage has called "The antidote to the WEF Davos conference". It is packed by a who's who every year, because they know he works from AI (Socrates is the longest running true AI predictive system in the world) historical cycles, and monetary flows and has no political agenda.

The Spooks gave him a blank check for his system once they realized it forecasted the fall of the ruble and former USSR to the DAY, and had political applications. He refused to sell and was raided, but had installed a kill switch so their loot was all wiped.

He's the real deal.


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The best thing about the last few years was finding out exactly what everybody was really made of. It turns out a bunch of people I thought were wonderful human beings would have turned in Anne Frank and then bragged about it on social media.

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#Socialism. Once in a While, Our representatives slip and the Truth comes out. Listen: https://vimeo.com/738303896

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MILITARY DOCTOR WHISTLEBLOWER: "Are our military leaders THIS COMPROMISED? What are her superiors telling her? Dr. Long says, “It’s always disheartening when people come to me and say privately, I completely agree with you. I completely agree with you that we should stop these vaccinations, but publicly I will disown you. That’s not being a leader. It’s just straight up cowardice when you know you are doing the wrong thing and you refuse to change.”

Dr. Long estimates there are “200,000 to 400,000 military members who are not vaccinated,” and the Pentagon and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin have threatened to kick them all out of the service. Are the military leaders this stupid, this compromised or simply committing treason? Join Greg Hunter as he goes One on One with Lt. Col Theresa Long, Medical Doctor and Flight Surgeon at Fort Rucker, Alabama, who is putting her career and life on the line to protect soldiers from the CV19 vax and is blowing the whistle on the deadly and dangerous problems surrounding the forced injections of our military.https://usawatchdog.com/hell-no-to-any-cv19-vax-lt-col-theresa-long-md/

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RECKLESS. Were you Aware of This?

Quietly, the FDA just decided that henceforth THEY will choose the variants for reformulated Covid-19 shots and NO clinical trials will be conducted to evaluate safety. Because $cience.

So the FDA is going to introduce reformulated shots into the population this autumn with no safety data and then try to spot adverse events in the population after the fact using a safety system no one has ever heard of — while ignoring the system that has existed for 32 years that is showing a massive safety signal right now. https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-end-of-covid-19-vaccine-safety

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Dr.Bhakdi's Newest Warning, Monkeypox Vax

'Shortage', New Potentially Fatal Virus In China,

Manufacturer's Evidence Of Shedding https://mediaarchives.gsradio.net/rense/special/rense_081022_hr3.mp3

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